Hearing this, Zhou Yan suddenly realized.

It turns out that the reason why these Spirit Beasts invaded Longhu Mountain was because of a Spirit Medicine.

However, the Spirit Medicine was stolen, Longhu Mountain suffered drastic changes, and its vitality was greatly damaged, leading to the decline of the monks and their gradual demise.

"Who else do you know?" Zhou Yan asked after thinking.

"My master, there are five powerful people in the Divine King realm."

Qing Yan replied: "The first ones to follow the master were the three Divine King First Grade elders. In addition to them, there are four Divine King Second Grade fire pythons, salamanders, fire oxen, etc..."

"In addition, there is a mysterious woman. Her identity is very special and unfathomable. I don't know her specific origins."

"Mysterious woman?" Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and thought to himself: Could this be Qingluan's mother?

"Is the Azure Lotus sword song spread from Longhu Mountain?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan asked suddenly.

"Well, my master once read in an ancient book that the Azure Lotus sword song was created by the ancestor of Longhu Mountain." Qing Yan said.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's eyes sparkled, and a look of excitement and joy appeared on his face.

Finally, there is a clue!

"Master, your father Zhou Yuanshan..."

Suddenly, Qing Yan said.

After hearing this, Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, with a slightly disappointed expression.

"Master, please forgive me for talking too much." Qing Yan said: "Your father Zhou Yuanshan has disappeared for hundreds of years and should have died..."

Zhou Yan was furious and slammed the stone platform.

In an instant, there was a loud roar, gravel splashed, dust flew, and the ground shook.

"Master, please calm down, I don't mean to be sarcastic..." Qing Yan hurriedly explained.

"I see."

Zhou Yan waved his hand, calmed down, and said calmly: "Anyway, I finally know where my father is."

"Did you just mention Azure Lotus Sword Song?"

"Who created that unique skill?" Zhou Yan asked.

"That secret skill was created by our ancestor 'Fairy Azure Lotus'..."

When Qing Yan mentioned his ancestors, he became solemn and began to talk eloquently.

Fairy Azure Lotus is a strange woman of the Nanling generation.

Rumor has it that Fairy Azure Lotus has a free and easy nature, is extremely talented, and has Spirit Ascension qualifications.

Therefore, she was alone, acting chivalrously and rescuing innocent people.

In the life of Fairy Azure Lotus, she slayed demons, eradicated evil and established prestige, and was called a heroine of her generation.

However, the Azure Lotus fairy suddenly disappeared one night and never appeared again.

Over time, everyone thought that she left Nanling and returned to the sect to cultivate in hiding...

For hundreds of years, the Azure Lotus fairy has completely disappeared from the world's sight like a flash in the pan.

Because of Fairy Azure Lotus, countless Martial Dao Sect sects were born on the land of Nanling, with huge power.

Moreover, these forces have occupied Longhu Mountain all year round and have become the local emperors of Nanling.

Therefore, the Spirit Beast in Longhu Mountain was kept captive by these forces.

"Is Fairy Azure Lotus really dead?"

Zhou Yan is looking forward to finding the traces of Fairy Azure Lotus.

"Master, it is impossible to determine whether Fairy Azure Lotus has died."

Qing Yan shook his head and said, "It is said that Fairy Azure Lotus practices the Azure Lotus Sword Technique and has a long lifespan, at least two to three hundred years."

"If it can evolve into a Spirit Beast, its strength will be even more terrifying."

"Two or three hundred years..." Zhou Yan sighed, feeling quite regretful.

For ordinary people, the longest lifespan in this life is no more than a hundred years, but Fairy Azure Lotus has lived for two to three hundred years.

What has she experienced during these long years?

"Master, when Fairy Azure Lotus disappeared, she left behind a broken sword."

"This broken sword is called [Azure Lotus Sword], and it contains a trace of sword soul. As long as you find the owner's brother, you can use [Azure Lotus Sword]!" Qing Yan pondered for a while, and said slowly but firmly.

Zhou Yan was silent, filled with emotion.

The Azure Lotus Sword is a sword crafted by Fairy Azure Lotus with decades of hard work. It is sharp and lethal.

Nowadays, the Azure Lotus sword is lost, and trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Qing Yan, I'll give you a chance to help me collect the remains of the Azure Lotus sword..."

Zhou Yan was silent for a long time before slowly speaking.

"I will obey my master's will!" Qing Yan was extremely excited and kowtowed quickly to show his gratitude.

"Okay, please step back." Zhou Yan waved his hand.

After Qing Yan left, Zhou Yan took out a pill and swallowed it.

In an instant, Zhou Yan's whole body was boiling, his muscles were bulging, his bones were cracking, and his muscles and bones were ringing together, exuding terrifying power.

"The effect of this elixir is extraordinary. It actually made my physical strength reach the peak of Divine King Sixth Layer." Zhou Yan murmured.

During this period of time, after Zhou Yan's injuries recovered, he had been practicing hard in seclusion, raising his physical strength to the Divine King Seventh Layer.

"Since the Azure Lotus Sword is in Longhu Mountain, why don't I go there?"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, and he made up his mind to go to Longhu Mountain.

After all, his biggest goal when he came to this world was to recover the Zhou family bloodline.

As for the rest, it's secondary.

Longhu Mountain is located in Nanling, thousands of miles away from the border of Nanling.

Even at Martial Artist's speed, it would take two days to travel.

However, Zhou Yan was not worried because... there was a puppet of Shifting Shadows beside him.


Zhou Yan greeted.

Immediately, after a few breaths, several figures in black flew through the air and appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"See Master!"

The leader was clearly the armored warrior commander.

"Iron Guards, obey orders!"

Zhou Yan shouted in a deep voice: "From now on, you will lead a small team and be responsible for protecting my safety."

"I will obey my master's orders." All the members of the Iron Guards bowed their heads and agreed.

"Remember, this time when we go to Longhu Mountain, we don't want to cause any problems. Do you understand?" Zhou Yan ordered.

"Master, don't worry, I promise to complete the mission." The members of the Iron Guard Corps nodded in agreement.


Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction, and immediately made another explanation before taking a few people and dashing towards Longhu Mountain.

Longhu Mountain is a forbidden place in Nanling, extremely dangerous.

Not only are there many powerful Monsters, but they are also surrounded by powerful magic circles, making it difficult to move even an inch.

It is for this reason that all major sects have set up their bases in remote and hidden places, not daring to be exposed in Longhu Mountain.

Zhou Yan and others took a flying boat, flew thousands of feet into the sky, transmigrated all obstacles, and arrived near Longhu Mountain.

"Longhu Mountain, I finally came to Longhu Mountain." Zhou Yan looked at it with excitement.

"Master, please wait a moment, I will go investigate..."

Immediately afterwards, the members of the Iron Guard Corps took action one after another and entered Longhu Mountain.

Longhu Mountain stretches for eight thousand miles.

Inside, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, and countless birds and animals.

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