There is a fruit on the top of this tree.

Zhou Yan's heart was beating uncontrollably.

This fruit is green all over, with a delicate and tender skin, as if it were carved from jade, crystal clear, and exuding the slightest hint of fragrance.

It's the Jade Spirit Fruit!

"Such a big Jade Spirit Fruit is enough for me to ascend to a small realm!"

Zhou Yan was elated.

He couldn't wait to pick off the jade spirit fruit and stuff it into his mouth.


In an instant, the Jade Spirit Fruit melts in the mouth, and a warm current like spring water slides down the throat and merges into the Qi Sea in the Dantian.

In just the blink of an eye, the Dantian Qi Sea was boiling.

The endless True Qi surges and rolls, filling every limb and body.

Zhou Yan's cultivation level skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, I broke through the shackles and stepped onto the Qi Refining Late Stage.

At the same time, his physical fitness and defensive power have also been greatly improved.

Some wounds that ordinary people dare not touch are no longer so painful now.

In Zhou Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, that drop of blood became more condensed and became dazzling.

Faintly, the aura escaping seemed to have strengthened a lot.

At this moment, a huge claw came out and suddenly slapped Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was caught off guard, flew out and hit a tree trunk.

With a crisp sound, the huge tree suddenly broke in half.

Zhou Yan coughed and struggled to get up.

At this moment, the mask on his face was in pieces.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan's face was gloomy.

All this is because he covets dragon veins and wants to gain benefits.

As a result, unexpectedly, it caused a big trouble.

If he hadn't been strong-willed, he might not have been able to hold on long ago.

At this moment, before his eyes, the puppets were roaring and ferocious.

The strength of each puppet is equivalent to the strength of a Qi Refining fifth-level or even sixth-level immortal cultivator.

If Zhou Yan hadn't practiced the "Beast Control Technique", he might not even be able to deal with a puppet based on his current strength.

"This world is really dangerous!"

Zhou Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Although, before practicing, he had already predicted that this operation would definitely be dangerous.

However, I never expected that I would encounter so many terrifying alien puppets.

It's absolutely heart-rending and terrifying.


At this moment, Zhou Yan frowned slightly and looked aside.

There, a stone tablet stood, densely covered with runes, exuding a strange aura.

There are many talismans engraved on this stone tablet, which are obscure and difficult, and contain some kind of mysterious power.

"Could this be the rumored 'Beast Control Technique'?"

"It is said that this beast control technique is the most core treasure among the ancient sect's ruins."

"Be able to drive the alien monsters in the world to fight and kill!"

Zhou Yan murmured.

Suddenly, a blazing golden light glowed in his eyes.

He jumped up and put his hand on the stone tablet.

In an instant, a strange force surged out from the stone tablet.

Zhou Yan's body shook violently, as if he was in a furnace, burning endlessly.

He gasped and sweated profusely.

Suddenly, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhou Yan groaned and fell to the ground, his face turned pale.

His fingers were even more charred.

Just now, he forcibly ran the "Beast Control Technique" in an attempt to activate the stone tablet.

However, the mysterious power contained in the stone tablet was too vast and could easily backfire on him.

This was just a little bit of power leaked out, and it almost wiped him out.

If it weren't for the ancestral memory in his body, which made him immune to this mysterious power, he would have died long ago.

"The runes on this stone tablet contain a hint of Dragon Qi, which is by no means simple."

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged and silently nursed back his health.

the other side.

Those alien puppets roared crazily one by one.

Their eyes are scarlet, full of bloodlust and violence.

He took one step forward and rushed toward Zhou Yan.

In an instant, Zhou Yan's figure was surrounded and fell into a desperate situation.

Another alien puppet fell with one punch and hit Zhou Yan hard on the chest.

Suddenly, blood splattered, Zhou Yan's chest collapsed, his body was shot out, and he fell heavily to the ground.

One leg bone was completely shattered.

"Why are these puppets so powerful?"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Even his physical fitness will be difficult to recover in a short period of time.

"It looks like we have to fight hard."

Zhou Yan knew very well that if he continued to waste his money, he would be defeated sooner or later.

And once it fails, there is really nothing.

Therefore, the only way is to fight to the death.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Zhou Yan panted, and his whole body was steaming with heat.

At this moment, veins popped up all over his body, his clothes exploded, and golden lines appeared under his skin.

And among these golden patterns, one can vaguely see a hint of darkness.

That is……

Inside Zhou Yan's body, there was actually a wild beast dormant.

It was a ferocious dragon snake.

At this time, the dragon snake opened its eyes, and a ray of cold murderous intent bloomed.

It looked up to the sky and roared, and the dragon's roar shocked the world.

In an instant, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, with lightning and thunder.

The void trembled and the sky cracked.

This is the awakening of the sealed Flood Dragon soul in Zhou Yan's body!

"hold head high!"

The Flood Dragon soul roared with a destructive aura.

And this scene inspired the ferocity of the other alien puppets.

One by one, they roared and attacked Zhou Yan fearlessly.

Zhou Yan raised his hand to block and repel them one after another.

However, his face became increasingly ugly.

Because the Flood Dragon soul in his body did not explode with unparalleled power like before.

There are simply too many of these alien puppets.

Moreover, each head is more powerful than ordinary puppets.

"No, if I continue to delay like this, I will definitely be tortured to death."

"We have no choice but to make a desperate move!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with determination.

Immediately, he waved his right hand and took out a storage bag.

The storage bag is the Law Weapon used by Martial Artist to store things.


Zhou Yan grabbed the storage bag and pulled hard.

Suddenly, a bunch of bottles and cans poured out.

The contents of these bottles and jars are all precious resources such as elixirs and spiritual herbs.

Moreover, all of them are Supreme Grade.

One of the jade bottles is crystal clear and shines with light blue brilliance.

What was inside was a pill that was completely snow-white and looked like amber glass.

"This is?"

Zhou Yan's heart was pounding and he stared at the jade bottle closely.

This pill is called Essence Gathering Pill.

It can instantly improve physical fitness and increase longevity. It is Holy Medicine for healing.

On weekdays, I simply can’t bear to take it.

After all, such elixirs are extremely valuable, and even the Zhou royal family does not have much in stock.

But now, in order to save his life, Zhou Yan could only give up.


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