"what happened?"

Zhou Yan was confused.

At this time, people rushed out of the other three caves one after another.

They all saw this scene.

"Who is it? Hand over the spiritual grass to me!"

"No matter who you are, since you dare to break into the forbidden area privately, you deserve to die!"

In an instant, everyone stared at Zhou Yan.

"Misunderstanding, this was definitely not done by me!"

Zhou Yan looked panicked and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the spiritual grass!"

Someone's eyes were red and they were roaring crazily.

"It's you, hand over the spiritual grass!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came.

Follow the sound.

But he saw a tall and muscular body standing in front of the cave.

It was an iron-clad bull!

"This...this is the iron-clad bull, it actually woke up!"

Zhou Yan was so frightened that he hurriedly hid behind Commander Wang.

"Iron-armored bull?"

Hearing this, Commander Wang frowned.

This iron-clad bull is in the realm of Martial Artist.

It has rough skin and thick flesh, and its defense power is Transcendent.

Even he could do nothing.

"Commander Wang, all the spiritual herbs here have been taken advantage of."

"Besides, as you just saw, that guy is not a first-class knight at all, not even a first-class knight!"

"If I hadn't reacted in time, I would have been buried in the belly of the beast."

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes and suddenly pointed at the black cat in the distance.

As soon as these words came out, everyone took advantage of the situation and looked around.

"This little beast is so brave, how dare he lie to us?"

"Commander King, if these scum remain in the world, they will become a disaster!"

"You don't need to do anything, I will kill him myself!"

Everyone shouted angrily.

Obviously, these people had long suspected Zhou Yan, but they were just afraid of Commander Wang, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Now, Zhou Yan revealed his secret, causing public outrage and immediately giving them an excuse.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, seven or eight attacks roared, fierce and cunning, and shot straight at Zhou Yan.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan cursed loudly.

Then, without hesitation, he used the "Nine Nether Ghost Emperor Technique", pouring all the Yin Evil Qi left in his dantian into the blade, and suddenly swung it out.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the two bronze guards suffered a disaster, their entire arms were cut off, and they were dripping with blood.

"Hmph, boy, how dare you hurt the people in my cavalry camp?"

A flash of anger flashed in Commander Wang's eyes, and he immediately raised his fist and smashed it into Zhou Yan's chest.


Zhou Yan looked impatient and struck down with his sword.


The sound of gold and iron colliding sounded. Zhou Yan's arms went numb and his body couldn't help but retreat.


Commander Wang was startled.

This young man is not weak!

"You little bastard, you're looking for death!"

Commander Wang snorted coldly, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

He stepped heavily on the ground with the soles of his feet, like a cheetah, approaching in an instant, and landed a punch, like a mountain bearing down on the top, extremely fierce.


Zhou Yan's face changed wildly.

This commander-in-chief has unfathomable martial arts skills and is definitely a Second Grade alchemist.

Moreover, it seems to be a Martial Master level existence.

"Destroy the army and kill!"

At the moment, Zhou Yan did not dare to neglect, his true energy surged all over his body, condensed on the long sword, and faced him bravely.


Amid the dull and loud noise, Commander Wang took a few steps back, his eyes serious.

"Boy, who are you?"

Commander Wang's face was full of shock.

You know, the punch he just punched was extremely powerful.

For an ordinary person, even a Third Grade Martial Apprentice would be severely injured and vomit blood.

And Zhou Yan, who is only the Sixth Layer of God III, actually blocked it?

"Commander Wang, do you know me?"

Zhou Yan looked surprised.


Commander Wang nodded slightly and then shook his head.

"It seems that you are also a Martial Apprentice. No wonder you were able to take away the spiritual grass from under my nose!"

"Boy, hand over the spiritual grass and spare your life! Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

Commander Wang shouted coldly.

"Huh, don't even think about it!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and did not let go.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol!"

Commander Wang's eyes were filled with murderous intent.


The next moment, his whole body's aura changed and he transformed into a giant two feet tall.

This giant has dark skin and protruding muscles and bones, like a horned dragon entrenched, exuding a violent and arrogant aura.

"You little bastard, take your life!"

Commander Wang roared, suddenly took a step forward, and kicked out his leg, fierce and domineering, like whipping the void.


Cracks spread on the ground, and strong winds swept in, making Zhou Yan's clothes rustle.

"What a powerful attack!"

Zhou Yan's pupils shrank, feeling the danger, and he drew his sword to resist without hesitation.


There was a crisp cry, and Zhou Yan's tiger's mouth cracked. He almost lost his grip on the sword, and staggered back in a panic.

"Is this the Iron-Armored Bull?"

Zhou Yan looked pale.

This wild bull has terrifying strength. Once it goes crazy, it will be like a giant beast from the wild, with fierce flames raging into the sky.

"Little bastard, I advise you to hand over your things obediently, maybe you can save your life!"

Commander Wang sneered again and again.

"I will not give up!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with determination.

As a Martial Apprentice, he also practices the "Nine Nether Ghost Emperor Techniques", has a strong physical body, and has the qualifications to fight against the enemy. How could he give up?


"Then go to hell!"

Commander Wang was furious and activated his true energy again.


There was a violent sound, smoke and dust were flying all around, and rocks collapsed.

A five-foot-tall iron tower slowly appeared in front of Zhou Yan.


Commander Wang roared angrily, and the iron tower crashed down, like a huge fall.


The surrounding rock walls could not withstand this force, cracking every inch, collapsing and shattering.

"What a terrifying power!"

Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically, but instead of running away, he raised his sword to resist.


The sword edge collided with the iron pillar, and sparks flew everywhere.


The next moment, the long sword was released, Zhou Yan vomited blood, and his body flew out like a cannonball.


Finally, it hit the cave wall.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Zhou Yan's face was pale and he was seriously injured.


Seeing this scene, the other Martial Apprentice were all shocked and gasped.

This is the God III Sixth Layer!

Unable to withstand Commander Wang's attack?

"Commander Wang, this person is too strong and we can't stop him. Please report to the Palace Master quickly and let the Palace Master make a decision!"

A Martial Apprentice said tremblingly.

"What? The master of the palace is in retreat, I can't wait to disturb him!"

When Commander Wang heard this, his expression changed slightly.

But after all, he has a special status and extremely powerful authority. Even the master of the palace will sell him a piece of noodles.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, he spoke:

"Immediately pass the order, all guards listen to the order, catch the ones alive for me!"

"As you command!"

Many guards clasped their fists together.

"Haha, boy, you can't fly this time!"

At this moment, the armored bull beside him said with a ferocious smile.

"Haha, I'm lucky, I happened to meet a group of bulls!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan stood up, with a curve in the corner of his mouth, and looked at the group of wild bulls in front of him indifferently.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Commander Wang frowned, feeling vaguely uneasy.

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