I saw a huge mansion sitting in front of it, surrounded by tight guards and a stream of people.

Moreover, there are many flags hanging around the mansion with the word 'Prince's Palace' written on them.

"Apparently, this is the headquarters of the Wang Family Army!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed.

"It seems that the Wang Family Army is determined to kill me. I must leave here as soon as possible, go to other cities, and change my identity."

Zhou Yan secretly said.

His name in the city was too loud, and the Wang Jiajun must have been eyeing him.

Therefore, Zhou Yan decided to find a hidden spot to hide himself, and then slowly planned.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan noticed that there was a shop not far away, and a group of people gathered inside, seemingly arguing about something.

"Could it be that they are spies of the Wang Family Army?"

Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes and lurked over quietly.

He observed carefully for a while and found that there were many people gathered around. These people were all dressed in black costumes and had sinister faces. At first glance, they were not good friends.

"The Wang family army is so rampant. Is this bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?"

Zhou Yan secretly said.

"These spies are here specifically to get information."

"It seems that there is nothing special about this Wang Family Army headquarters."

"I'll go take a look first before talking."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed and he quietly approached.

He quietly opened his ears, preparing to eavesdrop on these people's conversation.

"We have found out that Zhou Yan lives in the most remote suburb of Wang Jiajun."

"It's a wilderness there. Unless someone leads the way, no one can find him."

"We only need to lure Zhou Yan to the outskirts and catch them all in one fell swoop. No one will suspect us!"

A Wang Jiajun snorted coldly, his eyes filled with cold light.

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

Another Wang Jiajun also spoke.

"However, Zhou Yan is a ruthless character and we must proceed with caution."

"I suggest that we send two elders of the Wang family who are in the early stages of the Divine King realm to follow us!"

"In this case, Zhou Yan can't resist even if he wants to!"

Wang Jiajun said, took out a letter and handed it over, "Zhou Yan, please wish yourself well!"

"let's go!"

The man snorted coldly and walked into the mansion first.

Seeing this, other people also left one after another.

After a while, there was only one middle-aged man left in this luxurious mansion.

This middle-aged man is Wang Tianhai, the deputy commander of the Wang Jiajun.

Wang Tianhai glanced around with cold eyes, and then waved his hand to put Zhou Yan's treasures into the ring.

"This loser actually picked up some treasures!"

"However, the total of these things is only two million gold coins. It can't even compare to one of my toes!"

Wang Tianhai sneered.

"Hmph, this time, the Wang Family Army's intimidation was enough to suppress that loser and make him obey orders!"

A cruel look appeared on the corner of Wang Tianhai's mouth, "In this way, the prestige of the Wang Jiajun will rise again, and the status of my Wang Jiajun will also rise to a higher level!"

"And I, Wang Tianhai, will also receive a huge reward and become the next city lord, hahaha!"

The more Wang Tianhai thought about it, the more excited he became.


Zhou Yan ran and thought about how to escape.

Just then, a carriage passed by him.

"Huh? Why does this carriage look so familiar?"

Zhou Yan was suddenly stunned, "Is it the Wang family's carriage?"

"But why does the Wang family's carriage appear in a place like this?"

"Moreover, there are three characters 'Wang Family Army' stuck on the carriage. Could it be that this carriage belongs to the Wang Family Army?"

Zhou Yan frowned.

The Wang family is indeed a behemoth.

Not only are they huge in power, they are also powerful.

As far as he knew, the worst person in the Divine King realm among the Wang family's army was also a Divine King realm elder of the Wang family.

"Whatever, let's hide for a while and then talk!"

"Wang Tianhai can't catch up with me anyway!"

Zhou Yan was heartbroken and went straight into the alley next to him and hid.

As soon as he hid, the carriage drove slowly into the distance.

Here, it is far away from the city, and Wang Jiajun does not dare to patrol the streets blatantly.

Moreover, the Wang Family Army has many spies, and once he is caught, he will be in danger.

"It looks like we can escape."

Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking forward.

Unconsciously, he had walked to the south of the city and entered a dense forest.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan stopped, his eyes flickered, and he looked around solemnly.

"Who is spying on me?"

Zhou Yan looked around cautiously.

As a soul refiner, he naturally has excellent perception and quickly caught a faint breath.

"where is this place?"

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed.

He discovered that here was actually an abyss valley!

Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched sharply, his heart pounded, and an uneasy premonition filled his heart.

He knew that something terrible must have happened.

"No, I want to leave immediately!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, quickly rushed out of the dense forest, and fled into the distance.



Zhou Yan's speed was extremely fast. In just the blink of an eye, he jumped thousands of meters and reached the mountains in the distance.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air came from behind.

Zhou Yan's expression changed greatly, and he turned around hurriedly, only to see arrows whizzing towards him like a violent storm.

"Pfft! Pfft!"


"Help! Help!"

Each of these arrows contains strong spiritual energy fluctuations.

Although Zhou Yan practiced fire-based martial arts, he had not mastered the divine art after all and could not use the fire-based true energy to resist these arrows.

He only felt that his body was instantly punctured with bloody holes, dripping with blood.

"Bang bang!"

Finally, the arrows hit him and exploded.


Zhou Yan spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell into a canyon.

The canyon was filled with rich fire elements, and the temperature was so high that even his clothes were baked.

"This is where?"

Zhou Yan was horrified.

He didn't expect that he would fall into such a desperate situation just by taking a slightly wrong step.

"This should not be the territory of the Wang Family Army, and it is impossible for the Wang Family Army to know my whereabouts!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were darting around, and his mind was racing: "Am I going to die?"

Soon after, the shadow of Wang Qingqing appeared in his mind.

"Qingqing, you must not blame me, it is Wang Tianhai who wants to kill me."

Zhou Yan murmured to himself, his face full of pain and regret.

"If I had known that it would end like this, I shouldn't have provoked you in the first place!"

There was a look of spite in his eyes.

He was unwilling and hated himself very much.

"It's a pity, I still have a lot of things to do."

Zhou Yan was unwilling and full of regrets.

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