Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1376, Spirit Gathering Formation

"By the way, I can try to refine the Spirit Gathering array!"

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed, and a glimmer of hope emerged in his heart.

The Spirit Gathering Array, as the name suggests, can refine spiritual energy and provide it to the Martial Artist for practice.

This is an extremely powerful formation.

Zhou Yan's thoughts moved slightly, and a formation disk flew out and floated in front of him.

He flipped his wrist, and a drop of blood fell on the formation disk. Suddenly, the formation disk bloomed with bright red light, burning like a flame. Red light burst out from the formation disk and blended into all directions. Disappear.

This formation disk contains extremely huge formation patterns. These formation patterns were decomposed from that formation. Zhou Yan integrated them into the formation, and the formation began to operate naturally.

Soon, a ball of spiritual energy surged out from the formation, forming a vortex in the void. It kept spinning like a funnel, wildly devouring the surrounding spiritual energy.

After a moment, Zhou Yan felt that this formation turned out to be a Spirit Gathering formation.

This Spirit Gathering Formation can swallow up all the spiritual energy in the world. It not only helps Martial Artists practice, but also allows them to cultivate pure spiritual energy.

However, Zhou Yan's current cultivation level cannot fully control it.

However, as long as his cultivation level can be restored to the Nascent Soul realm, he will be able to completely control this formation and make the formation produce huge power.

Zhou Yan hopes in his heart.

What he lacks most now is time.

He wants to regain his strength as soon as possible.

"I can now refine Third Grade elixirs. If I can refine Fourth Grade elixirs, will I be able to advance to the Great Principal Golden Immortal realm?"

Zhou Yan thought about it and started refining alchemy again.

Time is passing slowly.

Zhou Yan's cultivation level continued to make breakthroughs.

Soon, he reached the early stage of the Great Principal Golden Immortal realm from the peak of the Great Principal Golden Immortal realm.

The early stage of the Great Principal Golden Immortal state is his weakest state.

However, Zhou Yan didn't care. With such a level of cultivation, any ordinary guard he could pull out from the palace of the Great Xia Kingdom would be thousands of times stronger than him.

"No, there is still a long way to go before I plan!"

Zhou Yan thought to himself.

Now, his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Great Principal Golden Immortal realm, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the middle stage of the Great Principal Golden Immortal realm.

However, this final step will take a long time.

Moreover, even if he breaks through to the middle stage of the Great Principal Golden Immortal, he still cannot leave this place.

"It would be great if I could get a Fifth Grade elixir."

Zhou Yan thought in his heart.

Although the elixir is precious, it is not priceless. As long as he has enough savings, he can buy the elixir.

Zhou Yan pondered for a while, then decided to go out to find medicinal materials, and then go to the Pill Cauldron Sect to ask the leader for advice.

Pill Cauldron Sect is a large sect of Cloud Prefecture, with extremely rich heritage, and there are countless Alchemists in it. He believes that Pill Cauldron Sect will definitely have a large number of Fifth Grade elixirs.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan planned to leave the mountains and search.

After all, the rarer the elixir is, the more precious it is.


A fireball exploded in the forest.

In the mountain forest, birds fled in panic.

The corpse of a Rank Three Monster was thrown to the ground.

"Rank Three Monster's Monster Core, this should be able to be exchanged for a Sixth Grade elixir!"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself: "If I can find a Rank Two Monster, maybe I can exchange it for a Fifth Grade elixir!"

There was a hint of desire in Zhou Yan's eyes.


His figure, like a sharp arrow, left the place in an instant and rushed towards a mountain forest.

Zhou Yan traveled through the mountain forest for a long time and finally found a Rank Two Monster.


This Rank Two Monster is catching prey.

He heard Zhou Yan's voice, turned around, his eyes suddenly turned red, and glared at Zhou Yan.


This Rank Two Monster roared, sound waves vibrated, and set off a storm that filled the sky.

Zhou Yan's expression changed and his body fell back a hundred feet away.

This Rank Two Monster is so powerful that he can't even match it!

"If this mission fails, I'm afraid I will be expelled, or even killed directly. No matter what, I will work hard to get the Fifth Grade elixir!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth.

In his heart, he persisted.


Rank Two Monster attacked again and rushed towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was shocked: "This guy is indeed a Rank Two Monster. He has such strength! I can't resist it at all!"

Zhou Yan turned around and ran away.

This time, he didn't run away, but dodged to the side.

The Rank Two Monster chased Zhou Yan and kept biting him.

Zhou Yan was chased and kept retreating, and dangers abounded.

There were blood marks on his body, and blood was flowing down.

This Rank Two Monster is so fierce. It is very fast and its attacks are very fierce. One claw can break a stone.

Zhou Yan secretly hated it in his heart. He kept waving his fists and hitting the Rank Two Monster.

Bang bang bang!

The fists and claws collided, making a deafening sound, causing Zhou Yan's body to take several steps back.

His face turned pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

His injuries were already very serious.

"This Rank Two Monster is so strong that I am no match for it. But, I still have a chance!"

Zhou Yan took a deep breath.

His eyes were cold.

With a thought in his mind, he took out a black round bead from the storage ring.

This black bead exudes a strong and dangerous aura, which makes people's hearts palpitate.

Zhou Yan squeezed the seal with his hand and pressed it suddenly.

Suddenly, a jet-black rune appeared in an instant and fell into the black ball.

The black ball suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

A terrifying pressure suddenly came down and enveloped the entire valley.


The Rank Two Monster felt a strong threat, and its body suddenly froze in place.

The next moment, there was deep fear in its eyes.

It was actually afraid of this pressure!


This Rank Two Monster did not dare to continue chasing Zhou Yan. It shook its body, turned around and fled away.


When Zhou Yan saw the Monster running away, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and with a sway of his body, he also fled to one side.

There are so many Rank Two Monsters hidden in this mountain range.

He has to stay safe before he can hunt Monster.

Once he encounters those Rank Two Monsters, Zhou Yan has no power to resist and will definitely die!



Zhou Yan suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and murmured: "I can actually sense the position of that black bead?"

He stretched out his right arm and looked at the palm of his hand.

In the palm of his hand, there was a jet black ball, which exuded a terrifying aura.

"Could it be...that it's the legendary Black Evil Pearl?"

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