But now, he was punched away by the young man in front of him and suffered heavy injuries.

It's incredible.

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky, I missed something."

Zhou Yan glanced around, grabbed the black dragon's inner elixir in his palm, and immediately burst into laughter.

The half-step Grandmaster level Monster Core contains pure vitality and is extremely valuable.

Moreover, this is not only an inner elixir, but also has strong Monster Qi, which can help people increase their cultivation speed.

If it is used to arrange formations, the effect will be even better.

However, these are of no use to Zhou Yan.

His target is the essence of Monster Core.

"Boy, if you dare to rob me of my things, I will definitely take revenge."

The black dragon was lying on the ground, dying, but still cursing.


Zhou Yan frowned and flicked out a flicker of flame.

The black dragon's body was blazing with flames.

"Ah... have mercy on me."

After a while, the black dragon screamed, his whole body was scorched, and bursts of white smoke were rising.

This flame, called Lihuo, is so hot that it can even melt rocks.

It had not yet broken through in its heyday, so it naturally could not withstand this scorching heat.

"Humph, I said I will make you pay the price." Zhou Yan looked cold.

"No! Don't kill me, please, don't kill me."

The black dragon howled in agony.

"Hmph, it's not impossible to ask me to spare you."

Zhou Yan looked arrogant, changed his tone, and said deceitfully: "As long as you are willing to surrender to me and become my slave, I will spare your life."

"Of course, you must swear that you will never resist me."

"What, you want me, a Grandmaster Monster, to be your slave?" Black Dragon was furious.


Zhou Yan sneered: "Don't tell me any rules. You have only three choices, either die or surrender. Maybe you can keep a whole body."

"This..." The black dragon hesitated and struggled.

How proud is it, how can it be reduced to someone else's pet?

"In this case, I can only send you back to the west."

Zhou Yan's face was cold and merciless. With a flick of his wrist, Lihuo surged out.

"No, I am willing to be your slave!"

Black Dragon spoke hurriedly and gave in.

"You're smart."

Zhou Yan grinned, raised his arms lightly, and canceled the flames.

The next moment, the black dragon got up and lay down in front of Zhou Yan, lowering his head in utmost respect.


There was deep fear in its voice.

"very good."

Zhou Yan nodded.

Although this black dragon is a Grandmaster Monster, it doesn't have much intelligence after all, so it can't deceive him at all.

This guy is just bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

"Master, I still have a few inner elixirs here."

Immediately, the black dragon took out a piece of green inner elixir, eyes darting around, and handed it to Zhou Yan as if to please.

"You know what's going on."

Zhou Yan nodded slightly and then took a few inner elixirs.

These inner elixirs are all Fifth Grade and Sixth Grade, which are of great help to Martial Artists.

Even Martial Artists in the Innate Great Accomplishment realm can increase their cultivation after devouring the inner elixir.

Although Zhou Yan is a Body Tempering Ninth Layer, he is still far away from the Innate Realm world.

So, he took it away without ceremony.


Then, Zhou Yan waved his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and headed deep into the jungle.

The black dragon followed closely behind, following suit.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan stopped, a strange color flashed across his eyes, and he looked to the right.

He heard thin gasps.

It was a girl, her clothes were messy, and there was a hint of shame, anger and despair on her pretty face.

She was covered in scars, the clothes on her chest were broken, and she had a happy ending.

"Save me, I am a soldier of the Royal City Guards. Please, save me."

When she saw Zhou Yan, the girl's beautiful eyes flashed and she immediately shouted.

"It turns out he's from the Royal City Guards."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan suddenly realized.

With a thought in his mind, he raised his hand and shot out several strong winds.

Puff puff!

When the strong wind struck, a silhouette of Daoist appeared and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Thank you, sir."

The girl's pretty face was pale and she thanked her repeatedly.

"You're welcome." Zhou Yan waved his hand and asked lightly: "Girl, why are you here alone?"

"In this experience, we offended the Iron Sword Gate and were hunted for two days."

The girl looked sad: "They should be nearby now. If it's a little later, I'm afraid they will encounter poisonous hands."

"Iron Sword Gate?"

Hearing this word, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

Iron Sword Gate is the top force in the royal city. There are many Grandmaster Martial Artists and they are powerful.

In Nanyang County, only a strong Rank Eight Grandmaster can stabilize the Iron Sword Gate.

"Let's do this. I'll give you some healing medicine, and you can find a quiet place to recuperate."

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Yan took out a bottle of healing elixir and handed it to the girl.

"Thank you, sir."

The girl's face was filled with joy and tears of gratitude.

"Well, farewell!"

Zhou Yan nodded and walked away.


The next moment, the black dragon soared into the sky, carrying Zhou Yan, and disappeared at the end of the jungle in an instant.

"My storage ring was lost."

Zhou Yan shook his head and sighed secretly.

He entered the Aoki Forbidden Land and had a special status, so it was naturally impossible for him to carry the storage ring.

There are too many treasures in the storage ring, and even he needs to treat them with caution.

Therefore, when he set foot in the valley, he put the storage ring aside, waiting for an opportunity to take it out again.

Who would have thought that the boat would capsize in the sewer, and this black dragon would take advantage of it.

If it weren't for Zhou Yan's strength, Transcendent, I'm afraid he would have fallen here today.

"It seems that we need to pay more attention in the future."

Zhou Yan was wary.

"These elixirs are enough to heal your injuries. I hope you will not disappoint my expectations."

"In addition, your strength is too weak. If you continue to stay here, you will be preyed upon by other ferocious beasts sooner or later. I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

After finishing his words, Zhou Yan jumped into the depths of the tree canopy.

"This young master's life-saving grace will never be forgotten."

Seeing this, the girl was filled with gratitude and solemnly promised.

Night falls.

Deep in the jungle, a bonfire burns.

Zhou Yan was sitting next to the fire, roasting hare meat, and the aroma was wafting.

"Haha, it smells so good."

Zhou Yan stretched out his hand to grab it, tore off a large piece of rabbit leg, and ate it happily.

Unknowingly, Zhou Yan finished the whole roasted hare.

"Yes, much better than that stupid dragon."

Zhou Yan patted his belly, feeling relieved.


At this moment, Zhou Yan's ears twitched.

The next moment, he stood up suddenly, took a quick step, ran a hundred meters away, and hid.

Not long after, a group of figures came running from a distance.

"Captain, are you sure that beast escaped here?"

"There are weeds everywhere here. Where is the Spirit Beast?"

"Captain, you must have remembered the wrong way."

The group was chattering and making a lot of noise.

"It can't be wrong."

The man at the head of the team looked determined.

His name is Zhao Hu, Innate First Layer Martial Artist.

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