Zhou Yan's face was full of shock, and his heart was in turmoil.

Three meters high, what a huge tree, even the waist of an ordinary person is just as thick.

Looking around, the ancient trees are towering, with dense crowns and lush branches and leaves, blocking out the sky and the sun.


Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.


Zhou Yan's expression changed, he turned around sharply and followed the sound.

I saw a huge wild boar slowly walking out of the canyon.

The wild boar is jet black, shaped like a calf, with sharp tusks and red eyes, like a piece of steel cast, emitting a frightening cold light.

"Coming to deliver food again!"

Zhou Yan grinned and licked his lips.


The wild boar roared, spitting fire from its nostrils, and a layer of black mist emerged from its body, surrounding it.

In an instant, the dead leaves and soil on the ground were invaded and quickly corroded away, revealing dark caves.


Zhou Yan's clothes were corroded and plumes of black smoke came out.


Zhou Yan frowned and felt a sharp pain coming over him.

"This wild boar is quite powerful!"

"Fortunately, I didn't fight it head-on just now, otherwise it would have been a disaster."

Zhou Yan sighed secretly, a look of fear flashed across his eyes.

Just now, the bloodthirsty python was strong enough, and it also had a trace of Monster blood, giving it strong physical defense.

However, it still couldn't withstand the wild boar's tusks.

As for him, his body was weak. Even if he took the Blood Dragon Pill and his physical quality skyrocketed, he was still no match for the wild boar. His skin was burning and the pain was bone-piercing.

"This wild boar should be a Rank Two ferocious beast, equivalent to the strength of Body Tempering Seventh Layer."

Zhou Yan looked around and observed carefully.

Suddenly, I found a purple-red fruit growing beside the canyon cliff, exuding an alluring fragrance.

Purple blood fruit!

This is a healing Holy Medicine that heals trauma.

"Haha, I'm so lucky to encounter this purple blood fruit!"

"After I swallow it, the injury will definitely heal..."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan was overjoyed and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"As long as I recover from my injuries and use my secret technique, it won't be a problem to get out..."

"After I get out of trouble, I will make Longteng Palace pay a heavy price..."

Zhou Yan's eyes were filled with hatred and he said fiercely.

His parents, and even everyone in the family, were slaughtered, leaving him alone to survive.

For Zhou Yan, how could he be willing to die without avenging his family's revenge?

"Boy, take your life..."

At this time, in the canyon, the wild boar roared, its huge body suddenly jumped up, and its sharp fangs bit Zhou Yan's neck.


There was a muffled sound, and blood suddenly appeared.

The wild boar's fangs landed on Zhou Yan's neck, leaving a hideous wound that almost cut him in half.


Zhou Yan covered his neck, his eyes widened and his pupils turned white.

"This wild boar is so fierce!"

Zhou Yan turned pale and ran away with panic on his face.

call out! call out! call out…….

The wild boar roared, its body like lightning, chasing after Zhou Yan, its fangs spread, and it pounced again and again, trying to tear Zhou Yan apart.


Finally, Zhou Yan was unable to dodge and was stabbed in the shoulder by a fang, dripping with blood.

"Damn it, am I going to die here today?"

Zhou Yan's face turned pale, and a feeling of despair arose in his heart.

"I can't sit still and wait for death, I must find a way out..."


Zhou Yan looked up and saw a stone staircase winding up on the edge of the cliff.

"Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope!"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up, he immediately stepped onto the stone ladder and climbed hard.

Soon, at the end of the stone staircase, the outline of a mountain peak could be vaguely seen.

"There is hope..."

In an instant, Zhou Yan looked ecstatic, quickened his pace, and climbed up the stone stairs.


Suddenly, the soles of his feet were in the air, the stone stairs shattered, and the hot lava surged, submerging Zhou Yan's legs. Severe burning pain came, making him wail continuously.


Zhou Yan fell down, was submerged in the magma, and turned into ashes.

At the same time, hundreds of wolves and horses were galloping in the distant mountains and forests, driving the dust and arrogance towards the position where Zhou Yan fell.


The leading wolf rider is silver-white all over, with wings on his back, and is mighty and domineering.

It looked up to the sky and roared with great momentum.

"This is a Rank Six silver-horned wolf!"

Zhou Yan woke up with a start and looked embarrassed.

The silver-horned wolf is a Rank Six ferocious beast with extraordinary combat power, comparable to the Body Tempering Seventh Layer of a cultivator.

More importantly, the Silver-horned Barbarian Wolf's physical strength is so powerful that it can be called Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers!

This is also the most terrifying thing about the Silver-horned Barbarian Wolf!


The silver-horned wolf looked down at Zhou Yan, full of banter. Then he lowered his head, opened his bloody mouth, and bit down hard.


Zhou Yan wailed miserably, with infinite fear and despair in his eyes.

He never expected that he would be buried here.

"Could it be that my majestic Lord Longteng is going to die here?"

Various pictures appeared in Zhou Yan's mind, filled with sadness and anger.


Suddenly, his eyes were firm, and a cold light shot out: "No matter who kills my relatives, friends, or members of my clan, I will pay for it with your blood!"

"I must live..."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes, his plan was mature.

"Silver-horned Barbarian Wolf, I want to see if you can block my swordsmanship..."

Zhou Yan pulled out his long sword, the blade of the sword was clanging, and he jumped up, his arm muscles tensed, and he filled with vitality, and he swung the long sword.


Zhou Yan shouted softly and slashed the silver-horned wolf's neck with his long sword.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of gold and iron echoed through the void, shaking people's eardrums.

The silver-horned wolf was unharmed, but instead roared, opened its fangs, and bit Zhou Yan's chest fiercely.


A mouthful of smelly blood was spat out, and Zhou Yan was bitten and flew several feet away. He hit the rock wall, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and fell into a coma.

"Boy, you forced me to do this..."

Zhou Yan's eyes were scarlet, and with a thought, he activated his blood essence and merged it into the blood jade pendant.


Suddenly, blood-colored runes flowed on the surface of the blood jade pendant, blooming with dazzling light, and a bloody light shot into the sky, straight into the sky.


A wolf howl sounded, and the wolves retreated, full of surprise, and looked at the blood jade pendant in fear.


After a while, the wolves retreated and disappeared completely.

The mountain breeze blew, and Zhou Yan slowly opened his eyes.

"It turns out, I'm not dead..."

Zhou Yan looked dull and muttered to himself.

He is not dead!

This series of unexpected circumstances completely exceeded Zhou Yan's expectations.

Not only that, Zhou Yan found that he was full of strength, as if he had returned to his childhood and possessed divine power!

"This is...the power of blood, activated!"

Zhou Yan understood instantly.

His bloodline, called "dragon blood", possesses magical power.

Just a drop of blood can activate the power of blood.

"The power of blood can increase my cultivation speed..."

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, his eyes burning.

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