Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1387, Vermilion Bird Fruit

Zhou Yan laughed, full of joy.

But soon, his expression became stiff.

Within Zhou Yan's field of vision, the silver light gradually spread and enveloped the entire place.

Originally, Zhou Yan wanted to take the opportunity to snatch the treasure.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he got close, silver light flew towards him.


In an instant, Zhou Yan was knocked back three steps.

"Huh? How could this happen..."

Zhou Yan's face was gloomy and unbelievable.

This ball of silver light is not offensive.

On the contrary, it actually chose to protect Zhou Yan from intrusion!

"Hey, this is..."

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly and fell into the depths of the silver light.

Behind the silver light, there was a pill the size of a fist hidden.

This elixir is red all over, with fine blood streaks appearing on its surface, filled with rich life essence.

"Is this... Vermilion Bird?"

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Zhou Yan lost his voice in horror.

Vermilion Bird is the legendary Saint Grade. It contains great vitality and can make the dead, flesh and bones white!

According to records, people who have taken the holy fruit of Vermilion Bird can recover instantly even if their hands and feet are broken.

More importantly, the Vermilion Bird holy fruit can improve the cultivation of Martial Artist.

"As expected of Saint Grade elixir!"

Zhou Yan took a deep breath and looked enthusiastic: "If I swallow this Vermilion Bird, I will definitely be able to enter the realm of Martial Apprentice!"

Martial Apprentice!

As long as you successfully break through Martial Apprentice, the road to Martial Dao will truly begin.

Moreover, becoming a Martial Apprentice also means that the Martial Artist has power and his life span is greatly increased.

He can even master all kinds of mysterious and magical spells.

For example - Wind Control, Flying Heaven and Earth Escape Talisman, Five Thunder Curse, etc.

Of course, as an Immortal Venerable in his previous life, what good things has Zhou Yan not seen?

How could he take it seriously if he is only at the Martial Apprentice level?

"Hahaha, today, I am destined to rise here and be famous in history!"

Zhou Yan couldn't help but laugh wildly and was extremely excited.

Although he does not know the specific function of the Vermilion Bird, it must be extraordinary since it allows him to embark on the path of Martial Apprentice.


The next moment, Zhou Yan raised his hand to collect the Vermilion Bird without hesitation.

At this moment, the change suddenly increased!

There was a "click" sound, and the blood on the surface of the Vermilion Bird Holy Fruit burst.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying pressure broke out.

Zhou Yan couldn't bear it at all and vomited out a few mouthfuls of blood on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan's knees softened and he fell to the ground.

At the same time, a huge fireball appeared in the void.

The raging flames burned the entire sky.

These flames seemed to be able to burn the sky, and their aura was extremely powerful.

This scorching heat also made Zhou Yan tremble all over and his skin burned.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and sweat dripped from his forehead.

At this moment, Zhou Yan felt like he was trapped in purgatory.

The wave of scorching fire swept over him, seeming to burn him to ashes.


Subconsciously, Zhou Yan urged his soul to resist this burning.

However, this burning power is too strong.

In just a few seconds, Zhou Yan's soul was almost completely destroyed.


Zhou Yan screamed again and again, unable to hold on any longer and fainted.


When Zhou Yan fainted, the huge fireball in the sky dissipated.

Everything returns to calm.

But above the ground, there were many more corpses.

There are human ones, Monster ones, Demon Race ones...

Every corpse is lifelike.

As if he had just died!


Suddenly, a dragon roar exploded, piercing the cracked gold and stone, irritating the eardrums.

Everyone turned to look around, only to see a ten-meter-long black dragon not far away, entrenched there.


Seeing this scene, everyone changed their expressions and did not dare to approach.

The black dragon's body is huge, like a mountain, covered with scales, glowing with a cold light, and extremely fierce.

It looks up to the sky and roars, shocking all directions.

"That is……"

Zhou Yan woke up in a daze, saw the black dragon clearly, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"This is the legendary... black dragon!"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself.

According to rumors, the black dragon is the form of Flood Dragon and is extremely fierce.

"No, if this continues, it will definitely kill you."

Zhou Yan sighed secretly and prepared to leave.


However, at this moment, the black dragon seemed to sense Zhou Yan and immediately turned around and rushed over.

The speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was already approaching Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan wailed in his heart.


However, the next moment, the black dragon stopped, its huge body trembled violently, then lowered its huge head and rubbed Zhou Yan intimately.


This scene made Zhou Yan's eyes widen.

"Could it be..."

Zhou Yan's mind raced and he quickly guessed a possibility.

"Could it be...this is the gatekeeper beast of the black dragon!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered with surprise.

According to ancient books, Black Dragon has a violent and moody personality.

Ordinary people who provoke black dragons will be poisoned.

Therefore, the story of the black dragon guarding the gate has been passed down for thousands of years and has been widely circulated.

Everyone knows that the black dragon hates foreigners the most and will not allow humans to set foot there easily.

"No wonder those mercenaries don't want to get close to this patch of grass. I'm afraid they already know that there is a black dragon guarding here."

Zhou Yan's mind was spinning and he suddenly understood.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Zhou Yan touched the black dragon's head and asked curiously.

After all, the black dragon was transformed into a Flood Dragon and was extremely powerful.

Even if there is only a trace of the remnant soul left, it still has power beyond ordinary Martial Apprentice.

Zhou Yan suspected that this black dragon might be comparable to the Innate Grandmaster!


The black dragon raised his head and roared, as if to tell Zhou Yan that he was not afraid of any humans!

"This black dragon seems to be destined to me."

Zhou Yan curled his lips.

Then, with a strong heart, he took out a Vermilion Bird from the storage ring and gave it to the black dragon.

This is a Vermilion Bird fruit, containing surging vitality and energy.

For humans, this is a rare resource.

However, for existences like Black Dragon, there is a fatal temptation!

The black dragon was stunned for a moment, then opened its ferocious mouth and swallowed the Vermilion Bird in one gulp.


After eating the Vermilion Bird holy fruit, the black dragon felt full of energy and let out a happy cry.

It flicked its tail and swam directly into the distance.

"The black dragon has left!"

"It's not going to kill the boy?"

Everyone was shocked.

Obviously this was not expected.

But in this way, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Zhou Yan's identity is not simple. If he dies like this, he will be in big trouble!

On the other side, Zhou Yan didn't know what everyone was thinking. At this time, he felt heavy.

"You haven't woken up yet? Could it be..."

Zhou Yan frowned.

According to his speculation, the medicinal effect of the Vermilion Bird Holy Fruit should be enough to awaken Zhou Hongyun.

"Huh? Something's wrong!"

At this moment, Zhou Yan's face changed slightly, and he felt a heat rising in his body.

"Oops, the energy in the Vermilion Bird is too overbearing."

Zhou Yan was shocked.

He quickly closed his six meridians and acupoints, trying to stop the invasion of the Vermilion Bird Holy Fruit.


However, this heat is terrible.

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