They just saw with their own eyes how powerful that group of ghosts was.

In the end, he couldn't stop Zhou Yan's move?

How could this not surprise them?

"No wonder this boy is so arrogant!"

"It's not easy to mess with, it's too hard to mess with!"

"Thankfully I gave in early!"

After a brief silence, everyone avoided Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's attention was completely attracted by the mausoleum.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan was so excited that he could hardly control himself and wanted to rush in and take a closer look.

"Sir, please stop!"

At this moment, the guards guarding the tomb appeared.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed.

"The owner of this mausoleum was once a prince of my kingdom."

"Now, his tomb has been dug up and treasures stolen. Please leave young master as soon as possible."

The tombkeeper said in a deep voice.

His eyes were sharp and locked firmly on Zhou Yan, as if he would take action boldly if Zhou Yan made any move.

"Stealing treasure?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with doubt.

Apart from the funerary objects, there is nothing valuable in this mausoleum.

"Sir, you don't know something."

Seeing Zhou Yan's appearance, the tomb guard shook his head.

"Master, since you are here to hunt for treasure, you should understand that there are many weird things here."

“What you gained may have been taken from someone else.”

"But this mausoleum was left by that prince."

The tombkeeper explained patiently.


Zhou Yan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"What's the secret here?"

Zhou Yan asked.

"I don't know this. The only thing I know is that there are many treasures hidden inside, which are of infinite value."

The tombkeeper sighed, as if he remembered something, and a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"I see, then I'll take my leave."

Zhou Yan thought for a moment and planned to leave.

After all, although he was an Immortal Emperor in his previous life, he knew nothing about historical books.

Now, a lot of time has been wasted, and it is time to find traces of my parents as soon as possible.


However, just when Zhou Yan turned around to leave.

Suddenly, the copper coin sword spirit in his body trembled violently.

"what happened?"

The abnormality of the Copper Coin Sword Spirit immediately alerted Zhou Yan.

"Sir, please come with me."

At this time, the tomb guard spoke up again.


Zhou Yan frowned slightly, hesitated for a second, and finally followed the tomb guard.

Soon, the two came to a remote courtyard.

The courtyard here is overgrown with grass and looks extremely miserable.

Even the walls of the house are dilapidated and mottled.

"Sir, this is where the tomb is."

The guardian of the mausoleum pointed to the dilapidated building and said to Zhou Yan: "Not only that, the owner of this mausoleum also left a legacy for himself."

"Whoever can get that inheritance will become the master of this mausoleum!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and he was suddenly a little surprised.

"Where's the legacy?"

Zhou Yan looked around and asked.

"Master, don't be anxious."

"You come with me first."

After saying that, the guardian of the tomb made a gesture of invitation to Zhou Yan, and led Zhou Yan around the abandoned courtyard and into a deep and dark corridor.

Both sides of the corridor are lined with bluestone bricks and tiles, full of traces of time.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan paused.

Because he noticed that there was actually a layer of forbidden protection in this courtyard!

"Young Master has such a keen sense of observation."

The tomb guard's eyes lit up and he looked at Zhou Yan with admiration: "This restriction is called the Three Jue Formation."

"As long as you step into it, you can trigger the formation and be attacked."

"This formation was set up by the owner of that mausoleum."

"It is said that the master of this formation is a strong monk with extraordinary strength. He can move across the battlefield and kill countless enemies."

"After his death, he specially set up this formation to prevent tomb robbers from breaking into the mausoleum."

After listening to the tomb guard's story, Zhou Yan suddenly realized.

This restriction is somewhat mysterious.

If Zhou Yan didn't have the copper coin sword spirit, it would be difficult to see through the truth.

However, how can this level of restriction trap him?

Thoughts are fleeting.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan stepped out and headed straight towards the center of the formation.

"Haha, newborn calves are really not afraid of tigers!"

"It's just a Low Level formation, but you want to stop my master?"

Seeing Zhou Yan's behavior, the tomb guard next to him smiled contemptuously.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's right hand was raised suddenly and pressed down towards the void in front of him.


In an instant, a golden light bloomed.


The tomb guard's eyes were sharp, with a look of shock on his face.

Because, behind Zhou Yan, a huge body suddenly appeared.

This figure was nine feet tall, covered with golden scales, and exuded a ferocious aura.

It’s a golden elephant!

This golden elephant was re-refined after Zhou Yan reshaped his body.

At this moment, as soon as the golden elephant appeared, it raised its head and roared, guarding Zhou Yan at the core.


The next moment, a roar sounded.

On the back of the golden elephant, Zhou Yan stood with his hands behind his back.

His eyes opened, and a cold light shot out.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene in front of him, a terrifying guess suddenly appeared in the mind of the tomb keeper.

"Yes, it's the Golden Elephant!"

Zhou Yan raised the corners of his mouth and said lightly.


The expression on the tomb guard's face changed drastically, and his figure flew back, away from Zhou Yan.

"Sir, you...who are you?"

He stared at Zhou Yan with an extremely serious expression.

That golden elephant was so powerful that it made him feel suffocated.

There is no doubt that this is a spiritual weapon!

Moreover, they are not just ordinary goods, they are at least Rank Five spiritual soldiers!


Zhou Yan snorted coldly, ignored the tomb guard, and continued walking forward.

"Sir, you can't go in!"

The tombkeeper's heart was beating wildly and he shouted quickly.

"Get away!"

However, Zhou Yan kept moving forward.


The tombkeepers couldn't stop him at all.

When he came within 100 meters of Zhou Yan, the golden elephant roared angrily and spit out heat waves from its nose.


In an instant, a majestic force came and knocked the tomb guard to the ground.

Kick, kick, kick!

Even with the level of a mausoleum guard, he still couldn't resist. He fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.


After a while, the tomb guard regained consciousness, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and stood up.

There was a hint of shock and fear on his face.

"Who are you exactly?"

There was a turmoil in his heart.

You know, with his strength, he is comparable to the average Martial Master.

Moreover, he also holds a Semi-Saint device in his hand, which is even more terrifying.

However, even so, it could not stop the collision of the golden holy elephant.

The other party is too scary!

"Master, you'd better leave quickly!"

"If you kill the disciples of the Iron Fist Sect, they will definitely not let it go."

"If they find out, you might be killed if you sneak into the mausoleum."

"You are still young, don't act rashly."

The guardian of the mausoleum persuaded him earnestly.

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