In an instant, they changed direction and chased Zhou Yan.

"Oops, exposed!" Zhou Yan's expression changed.

This group of soldiers was obviously here to hunt down the murderer.

"It seems that it is not advisable to stay for a long time. We must run away immediately, otherwise we will be caught and we will be in trouble." Zhou Yan gritted his teeth.

He is now seriously injured and has lost his storage ring, so he cannot resist for long.


Immediately, Zhou Yan turned into a phantom and ran towards the jungle.

"Hurry up and get him back to me. He is a murderer and stole the ambergris. If he escapes, we will all be doomed!" Several soldiers roared repeatedly.

Although they were army soldiers, they were just ordinary soldiers after all and could not track Zhou Yan at all.

This area is very vast, the terrain is high, and the dense jungle blocks the view, like a maze.

Once you get caught up in it, it's easy to lose sight of your goals.

"There is a road here!" Zhou Yan found a path after going around a few corners.

Along the way, he found a lot of dead branches and leaves, which should be traces of people walking before.

"It seems that that person also wanted the ambergris, but since he has left, why is he still leaving traces?" Zhou Yan felt that things were getting weirder.

Soon, Zhou Yan crossed the path.

Ahead, it suddenly became clear that there was a wide canyon, surrounded by towering ancient trees, lush and full of vitality.

"There is an ancient formation here that seems to have been arranged by someone. Could it be that this is a relic?" A trace of doubt flashed in Zhou Yan's eyes.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have been here before, and he also obtained many treasures here.

However, he knew that he only stayed here for five minutes before he was enveloped by a strong sense of crisis and retreated hastily.

Now when he came here again, he found that there was a hidden ancient formation in the canyon, making it impossible for his divine sense to penetrate it.

"This ancient formation is not simple." Zhou Yan's eyes flickered, showing a dignified look.

He has practiced the "Nine Netherworld King's Technique" and is quite good at formations. Naturally, it can be seen that this ancient formation is very powerful. Even among the Profound Rank formations, it is estimated that it can be ranked at the forefront.

"Buzz buzz~"

Suddenly, a series of harsh buzzing sounds echoed through the sky.

Immediately, in the sky above the canyon, red lotuses emerged, carrying a blazing temperature, overwhelming them.

"Not good!" Zhou Yan's expression suddenly changed.

The flying speed of Honglian was so fast that he had no time to dodge.

"Chichichi~" In an instant, flames spurted out, engulfing Zhou Yan in an instant, wrapping him up and burning his skin.


"It hurts me to death." Zhou Yan howled miserably and struggled desperately.

However, these flames contained terrifying power, leaving him powerless to resist. His skin and flesh were scorched, causing severe pain.

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist the erosion of the flames.


After a while, his clothes were burned away, smoke was rising from his skin, and his whole body was like a piece of charcoal.

"It's so painful, I don't want to live anymore."

"If you continue like this, you will die sooner or later."

Zhou Yan's face was distorted, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and he was in agony.

"I'm not willing to give in, I don't want to die..."

"I, Zhou Yan, am still young and have a bright future."

"I'm not willing to give in. I don't want to die."

"Oh, mom, I want to go home..."

Zhou Yan had a strong will, but at this moment, he still couldn't bear the pain of being burned by the flames. His eyes were moist and tears came out of his eyes.

This is his soul, which has suffered greatly.

His willpower has almost reached the point of collapse.

"What's going on? Could it be that the ancestor deliberately left a test? Wanted to temper me?" Zhou Yan's eyes were confused, and various strange thoughts kept popping up in his mind.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes trembled slightly.

He discovered that the attack methods of these flames were exactly the same as those described in the martial arts secret book "Nine Netherworld King's Technique".

"The "Nine Netherworld King Technique" is an extremely evil technique. It is said that those who practice it need to constantly absorb Baleful Yin Qi."

"These flames should be formed by the gathering of those Baleful Yin Qi."

Zhou Yan guessed in his mind, but he quickly shook his head: "In my current state, I can't practice at all."

Zhou Yan knew full well that if he really continued to practice, he would definitely explode and die.

"Forget it, let's heal the injury first, and then make plans after the injury is healed."

Zhou Yan sighed, sat cross-legged on the spot, and ran the "Nine Netherworld King's Technique", frantically absorbing the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth.

"Buzz buzz!"

Immediately, the vitality of heaven and earth that was scattered all around surged towards Zhou Yan's body like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

These heaven and earth vitality contain strong spirituality, and penetrate into Zhou Yan's body bit by bit, nourishing his body.

Under the nourishment of this vitality of heaven and earth, Zhou Yan's injury recovery speed accelerated and he gradually recovered.

The night passed in the blink of an eye. When the dawn broke, Zhou Yan slowly opened his eyes. The skin all over his body was crystal clear and exuded a light luster.

“It feels so comfortable!”

Zhou Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air. He was full of energy and energetic, feeling that his body was filled with powerful power.

""Nine Netherworld King's Technique" is indeed a heaven-defying technique!"

"In just one night, my cultivation has deepened, and my combat power has at least doubled!" Zhou Yan was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Eh? What is this?" Suddenly, Zhou Yan noticed a blood-red plant growing beside the cliff. Its branches were translucent, as if they were made of rocks, and the whole body was flowing with bright red. of juice.

This plant exudes a strong medicinal fragrance that fills the air and makes people salivate.

"Is this some kind of spiritual grass?" Zhou Yan stretched out his right hand and picked off a red fruit.

As soon as he took it, Zhou Yan felt a warm air flow throughout his body, which restored and improved his tired body.

"What a magical medicine!" Zhou Yan was shocked.

This plant can actually cure diseases and save people?

"Hiss~" At this moment, Zhou Yan took a breath and saw a blood-red palm print actually appeared on his chest.

This palm print was very ferocious, occupying the entire chest and even spreading to the waist and abdomen.

"What is this?" Zhou Yan was shocked. He felt like a needle pricking his chest, which was very painful.

He endured the pain, raised his fist, and hit the palm print hard.

There was a boom.

Zhou Yan felt a vast force sweeping over him, almost knocking him over.

Thanks to his strong strength, he could barely stabilize his body.

"Hiss, what the hell is this?" Zhou Yan frowned.

This time, he did not choose to fight head-on, but directly sacrificed the black cauldron and threw it into the air.

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