Walking into the shop, there is a dazzling array of items placed on the counter.

Large stores almost all follow a rule. The items on the first floor are always the inferior ones. If you want to buy good equipment, you must go upstairs.

This store is no exception. The first floor sells all Low Level Black Iron equipment and some low-value items.

There are no shopping guides in this store. There are only dedicated people selling items at the counter.

He took a casual look and realized that he really didn't like these things, so he walked directly to the second floor.

The second floor sells bronze and silver quality equipment, and some slightly better items will also be sold on this floor.

If the price of equipment in Canglan Continent is used as a criterion, the price of equipment in this world is half as expensive as that in Canglan World.

Equipment that was only worth a thousand spirit coins in Canglan Continent was sold here for around 1,500 spirit coins.

With only half the profit, it is impossible for him to do such a small profit business.

He has no interest in any business that does not have a price difference of several times.

He didn't see building-type items for sale. According to Xiaowei, those two S-quality buildings were put up for auction, and he wanted to go to the third floor to have a look.

But when I wanted to go upstairs, I was stopped by two heavily armed staff members and said, "Please show your VIP card. We only serve VIPs on the third floor."

Zhou Yan asked: "How can I become a VIP?"

"It's very simple. If you spend over 5 million spirit coins in our store, you can get a bronze VIP card. If you spend 10 million spirit coins, you can get a silver VIP card. If you spend 100 million spirit coins, you can get a gold VIP card. If the card spends more than 1 billion, you will directly get the Platinum VIP Card.”

The two replied.

Zhou Yan nodded and asked, "Do you have an auction here?"

"Of course there is. Do you want to attend the auction?" the other party asked.

"I wonder if your store is willing to help auction these items of mine."

Zhou Yan casually took out a few pieces of dark gold quality jewelry, and also handed over two A-quality skill books and an A-quality job transfer scroll.

These things may not be that good in Canglan Continent, but here, the higher the quality of the equipment, the rarer it is and the higher the price.

These things are enough for them to pay attention to.

After the two saw these things, they were surprised and said: "It turns out to be dark gold quality jewelry!"

"There are also skill books!"

"There's even a job-changing scroll, and it's of A quality!"

Jewelry-type equipment is much rarer than weapons and armor.

Every item in Zhou Yan's hands is very good, plus there are A-quality skill books and job transfer scrolls.

The value of these things is easily tens of millions.

They looked at each other and took out these things casually, guessing that there were better things on them.

One of them quickly said to Zhou Yan: "Dear distinguished guest, please come with me."

Zhou Yan followed someone to the third floor.

Tai Tai, who was following Zhou Yan, naturally saw the things Zhou Yan took out and was very shocked.

He quickly sent a message to other partners: "This is a big fish. I saw him on the third floor of [Longyao Store]. He must be quite capable. Should we vote for him?"

"Do it, why don't you do it! We are all licking blood from the edge of the knife. Gather more brothers and do what they want!"

"This one job is worth several of ours, so we definitely can't let it go."

"I agree!"

"I'm going to summon the brothers!"


Zhou Yan met a steward from [Longyao Store] and was taken into a VIP room with two other people inside.

One of the men, about forty years old, stretched out his hands, shook hands with Zhou Yan and said, "Hello, my name is Luo Jiahao, and I am one of the appraisers in charge of the auction. Do you want to auction items?"

He came here mainly for those S-quality buildings, so he nodded and said, "That's it."

He placed the items he had taken out before on the table and gave them to the other party for appraisal.

They mainly looked at the Low Grade quality, attributes, and durability. After checking, they nodded and said: "These items can be auctioned. The final transaction price will be based on the auction price. If there are no problems, , we can sign an agreement.”

This agreement is signed according to the rules of the entire trading market. If you violate it, you will not only be severely punished, but you will not even be able to enter the trading market. No one will easily violate the signed agreement.

The other party handed him the agreement, took out a silver VIP card, and said, "As long as you sign this agreement, this silver VIP card will be given to you."

He looked at the agreement, found no problems, and chose to sign it.

It's just a few pieces of dark gold equipment. If he wants it, he can buy it in other worlds at any time.

"I don't know when the auction will be held. This time I mainly want to see the auction." Zhou Yan asked.

"Our auction has been going on for an hour. If you are in a hurry, we can also auction your things in advance. What do you think?"

Locke asked.

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "This is best, my time is also more precious."

"How about I arrange for you to be sent to the auction house to watch the auction?" Locke asked.

"Thank you very much." Zhou Yan replied.

Not long after, a girl in her twenties brought Zhou Yan to the auction house on the fifth floor.

The auction was in full swing inside, and it was spacious enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

He found an empty seat and sat down. Next to the seat was a sign indicating that he was participating in the auction. As long as he spoke the number, the amount he quoted would be displayed on it.

What is being auctioned this time is a piece of crystal with a six-star quality.

The price of this thing also depends on the function of each place.

In Canglan Continent, this kind of crystal is worth up to 100,000 spirit coins.

But now, the price of this thing has reached 300,000 spirit coins.

He wouldn't come here to sell this thing just for this kind of thing. After all, he could do a lot of business, so why should he come here to do this kind of business?

The auction items were coming one after another, but none of them caught his eye right now.

At the auction, something that interested him soon appeared.

That's a thousand units of six-star wood.

These high-quality woods are very scarce in Canglan Continent.

The current unit price of six-star lumber in Canglan Continent has risen to more than 50,000 per unit.

It’s also very hard to buy and is sold out every time it appears.

Mainly developing territory and upgrading buildings requires too much High Level wood.

But the price here was only one million, which surprised him. The price was five times cheaper than the Elf Forest!

And he found that no one wanted it at this price. It seemed that people here didn't need these materials at all.

This gave him an advantage.

He immediately quoted a price of one million, causing many people to look at him specially.

Obviously I don't understand why he bought these broken pieces of wood.

Without any surprise, he successfully bought these 1,000 units of six-star wood for one million.

If these one thousand units of wood were placed on Canglan Continent, they could immediately become 50 million.

But he needs it himself, so it is impossible to sell it.

The late stage in the territory requires a huge amount of funds.

Mainly, his buildings are all high-quality buildings, and the funds required are astronomical.

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