Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 177, Precision Attack (2Nd Update)

"Chan'er, where are you?" Zhou Yan asked.

"We have already gone up the mountain and will meet you soon." Diao Chan said.

"very good."

Zhou Yan asked the soldiers to get ready, and then looked at the intelligent reconnaissance aircraft. This time he was very careful. Whenever he saw those black mountain spirits, he would stay away to avoid being discovered.

From the intelligent reconnaissance equipment, he saw that these large armies of mountain spirits were all stationed in the same place, which was a good target for him.

So, he communicated with his territorial heart and then took the initiative to control the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower].

The attack range of this defense tower is 10,000 kilometers. As long as it can accurately reach the range, it can attack.

This place is not more than 10,000 kilometers away from the territory where he descended, so it can be attacked.

In addition, the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] is a technological defense tower. When the map explored by the intelligent reconnaissance aircraft is connected to the defense tower, specific map data will appear in the defense tower.

When he communicated with the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] in his territory, a huge illusory map appeared in front of him. It was the map detected by the intelligent reconnaissance plane. A point was marked where he was, and then the territory was marked again. A point.

Between the two positions, there was indeed no area beyond the attack range of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower]. Then he aimed at the mountain elf tribe and where the mountain elf troops were stationed, and began to launch the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] attack.

In the territory, the barrel of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] turned around and adjusted, and then exploded one after another, soaring into the sky and accurately attacking distant targets.

This is Zhou Yan's first time to attack such a distant target, and he is still looking forward to it.

The speed of the shells was very fast. After a while, he saw ten smoke-emitting missiles flying from the sky, roaring down towards the mountain elf tribe.

He quickly looked at the screen of the intelligent reconnaissance aircraft, fearing that he would miss something.

The sound of falling cannonballs and the sound of metal friction came from the sky. A group of mountain elves looked at the sky curiously, not knowing what this iron lump was.

When the cannonball landed accurately among the troops stationed by the mountain spirits.

"Boom boom boom!!!!!!"

Ten violent explosions rang out from the ground, shaking the entire mountain elf army stationed like a landslide.

Smoke and dust from ten explosions billowed from the ground. The warriors in the mountain elf tribe were killed and injured numerous times. They fled for their lives without knowing what was happening.

Many mountain elves even think that this is God's punishment for them. Otherwise, everything is going well, how could such a change happen?


Zhou Yan laughed. It was indeed a high-tech defense tower. Its attack range was far enough.

As for his other defense towers, they have been upgraded with improved quality and do not have such a far attack range. This defense tower is indeed very powerful.

With such a defensive tower, you only need to get the exact target of the enemy to attack, and it is really cool to destroy the enemy when they are confused.

After the ten cannonballs fell, the entire mountain elves in the mountain elf tribe looked curiously towards the place where the explosion occurred and gathered around, not knowing what was going on.

This caused the entire place where the mountain elf soldiers were stationed to be once again surrounded by mountain elves. Many mountain elves were even still treating their companions and calling for more mountain elves to come for support.

At this moment, ten more cannonballs roared from the territory. After a short period of thinking, these mountain elves began to escape at an extremely fast speed.

But their speed was still too slow. As ten terrifying explosions sounded, a large area of ​​these mountain elves were wiped out.

The remaining mountain elves began to run away like crazy and started to stay away from here.

They think this place must be cursed by God and they cannot stay here at all.

Unfortunately, they never know that no matter where they escape, it will be useless. There are intelligent flying reconnaissance aircraft that transmit the direction of their escape to the defense tower. Then the defense tower performs slight debugging and launches again. attack.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ten more cannonballs fell, blowing the gathered mountain spirits to pieces and making them cry for their fathers and mothers.

The entire mountain elf tribe was beaten down by such shells. They didn't even see the shadow of the enemy. They didn't know where to start if they wanted to fight back.


The top management of the Mountain Spirit began to gather the soldiers who had fled in all directions.

After Zhou Yan heard this voice, he laughed, are you planning to start gathering again?

In the picture, a mountain spirit soon appeared playing a horn.

The other mountain elves who had escaped gathered there after hearing the sound of the horn.

He didn't attack this place right away. He had to give people time to gather before attacking.

The cannonballs still did not stop and continued to attack the mountain elves in other places. The mountain elves did not care about anything else and gathered towards the place where the horn sounded.

They were all frightened and had no idea what it was or what enemy was attacking them.

Diao Chan quickly came to him and asked in surprise: "Is this attack initiated by the territory?"

Zhou Yan smiled and replied: "Yes, it is the attack of the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower]."

"It can attack from such a distance. This defensive tower is too strong!"

Diao Chan was really surprised. She didn't expect that the defense tower's attack range was so far. It was really powerful.

"Chan'er, come and take a look at this."

He gave the picture in his hand to Diao Chan and asked her to watch it together.

Diao Chan looked at the mountain spirits in the picture, which were gathering together. She thought of something and said in surprise: "You plan to wait until they gather before bombing!"

"Yes, they are gathering on their own, so I can't blame them."

Zhou Yan smiled.

Diao Chan was speechless when she thought about the scene of these mountain spirits being bombed after they gathered together.

She didn't expect that defense tower to be so strong. It was definitely a weapon against Heaven Level.

This is good for the territory.

It didn't take long for a large number of mountain spirits to gather there.

Zhou Yan then ordered the bombing there.

In the picture, a group of black mountain elves are standing on a high platform, their expressions are unremarkable.

Because they are always dark, no matter how dark their faces become, nothing can be seen.

Just when they were about to say some chicken soup for the soul.

They heard a familiar voice again.

They ignored it because the attacks of these shells never stopped.

However, those black mountain spirits felt something, and they all looked above their heads in surprise, their eyes were horrified, and their mouths were dumbfounded.

Finally, he said: Fuck me


(Author: Today I want to challenge my limits.)

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