Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 302, Appointment Of Official Positions

As soon as the group heard this, they left immediately.

The two sisters were left sulking there.

"You guys should go too. This matter is indeed a misunderstanding caused by an accident. An accident did occur in our Land of Fire." Zhang Dali replied.

At this moment, there was a "bang" explosion sound outside.

Everyone was curious about what happened and came outside. They found an explosion somewhere in the distance. They even saw two naked people being blown away.

Those outside who came to testify happened to see this scene and were immediately speechless.

It turns out that this is how Zhou Yan was blown away.

Zhang Dali said quickly: "Let someone see what's going on?"

One of the members of the law enforcement team immediately flew there, and then flew back and said: "There was another explosion in the place of fire, and two people were blown away again."

When Zhang Dali heard this, he immediately said: "Get the person back quickly, but be sure not to cause any trouble again."

"Yes!" The man nodded and said to the law enforcement team on the side: "Brothers, keep up."

After watching the two law enforcement teams leave, and then looking at the explosion site in the Law Enforcement Hall, the people around them believed that Zhou Yan was indeed blown out from here.

This was indeed an accident.

After Zhou Yan saw all this, he was shocked.

These guys have done a great job.

For the sake of acting, he actually made it so realistic that he actually blew up a criminal law court to prove his innocence.

He was curious about the identity of the old man.

How could Zhang Dali work so hard to throw him away completely.

The key point is that Zhang Dali is really smart, arranging this scene in such a short time.

He doesn't even obey the wall, but my uncle obeys him.

Zhang Dali saw that the play was almost finished and said: "Look, we can't do anything about this matter. Accidents are often unexpected. Anyway, you have no losses. We, the Law Enforcement Hall, are also responsible. This time Can the matter just be over like this?"

"Sister, let's go."

The two sisters must be unconvinced. They always feel that this incident is too coincidental, but the Law Enforcement Hall will not spend so much effort on this just for Zhou Yan.

I could only leave angrily.

They really had nothing to say, but they still felt aggrieved.

Seeing everyone leaving, Zhang Dali finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around, he found that Zhou Yan was still here and looking at him with strange eyes.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Zhang Dali quickly corrected himself and once again showed a fair and strict look.

"See you then." Zhou Yan smiled. Since he understood the matter in this way, he didn't want to cause more trouble.


It took Zhou Yan two hours to return to where his disciples were.

He never thought that he would be transported to such a far place.

He immediately told Yang Junming: "I have returned to the villa."

Upon hearing this, Yang Junming quickly replied: "The teacher is finally relieved to be able to hear your alive voice."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he felt something was wrong, but he had nothing to say.

"I'll take a few days off," Zhou Yan said.

"You haven't rested enough." Yang Junming was speechless. It had been half a month since Zhou Yan asked for leave and went to the trial site, and he still asked for leave.

Zhou Yan was speechless. Can he be considered a rest this week?

He almost lost his life.

"There are things to deal with in the territory." Zhou Yan didn't lie. He hadn't returned to the territory in seven days and there were a lot of things going on in the territory.

"Okay, I'm just worried that you will fall behind in your classes. If you don't understand, you can come to the teacher." Yang Junming said.

"Okay, thank you, teacher." Zhou Yan thanked him.

Speaking of which, Yang Junming was also the culprit of all this. If he hadn't told him anything and just let him come out as bait, nothing would have happened later.

The situation he is facing now is not very good.

On the way back, he heard that someone was seeking revenge on him for the twins.

This kind of thing, at first glance, looks like the kind of supporting character who lacks IQ.

They are not their women, they all like to be biting dogs.

He looked at the formations he had arranged in the villa, and for his own safety, he began to strengthen these formations again, but he could not let others mess with him.

He found that there were a lot of new and novel things in the territory recently, and many of them were very good. He began to put these things outside his villa.

After another two hours, he finished all this and teleported back to the territory.

The sky is good and the land is good, but it is still not as good as your own territory.

He turned on the communicator and asked the girls to gather. They happened to be at the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

After seeing Zhou Yan, they quickly asked: "Lord, why are you out for so long this time, and you can't even send communications."

"Nothing, nothing happened recently." Zhou Yan asked.

"It's nothing. It's just that Xiao He and the others have been looking for you to discuss something. But seeing that you're not around, we sisters will make the decision on our own." Diao Chan and the others replied.

"You did a great job. No one can predict the future of unexpected incidents like this. No matter what you did was right or wrong, I won't blame you."

Later, they told themselves the general situation of the territory and that all the ores had been dug.

The soldiers who went out to kill monsters have also come back one after another. They have been downloading dungeons for the past two days, and because he is not here, they have arranged for Bai Qi, Chen Qingzhi, Li Guang, Meng Tian and other more than a dozen heroes to go to the [Falling Battlefield] Secret Realm and [Sword Burning Land] were explored.

There were many other things. After he understood them clearly, he had dinner with everyone.

Finally, Xiao He, Fang Xuanling, Zhang Liang, Xun Yu, and Zhang Zhao were summoned.

"Lord, you are finally back." Fang Xuanling stepped forward quickly.

"The territory has been very grateful to you all recently." Zhou Yan asked everyone to sit down and then started the meeting.

When Xiao He saw Zhou Yan coming back, he quickly reported many things and began to explain various policies of the territory.

Others had already discussed countermeasures. Zhou Yan put forward his own opinions on the basis of theirs, and then introduced his views to them, and they all agreed.

Then it was a matter of arranging positions for them. This matter required the lord to accept his fate.

Zhou Yan also began to determine their positions.

So, he started to announce in the main hall of [Heavenly Emperor's Palace].

Xiao He was appointed as the Minister of Household Affairs to take charge of all finances in the territory.

Fang Xuanling was appointed as the Minister of Rites, in charge of all ceremonial banquets and other related matters in the territory.

Zhang Zhao was appointed Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, responsible for the appointment arrangements of various officials.

Xun Yu was appointed as the Minister of Industry, and he was first in charge of all agriculture, logistics and other related matters in the territory.

As for Zhang Liang, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of War and was in charge of all military appointments.

Because the generals have all gone to the trial grounds, military appointments can only be made after they come out.

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