Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 306, The Killing God Leads The Army

Afterwards, Zhou Yan communicated about the territory, and then took out a coordinate stone. He asked Jin Sanyi to buy this thing. No matter how much it cost, it didn't matter to him.

As a ray of light flashed, the entire territory turned into a ray of light and was teleported to a certain place. After more than ten seconds, they arrived at their destination. The sky above the entire territory became bright, and they came to a new place again.


As the territory landed on the ground, the soldiers who had been prepared long ago were waiting for the order to attack.

Zhou Yan looked around and found no signs of a monster attack, so he said to Bai Qi: "Our goal is to find crystal veins to collect crystals. As for fighting, that is secondary. If we encounter other People, if the other party shows no signs of attack, we don’t have to attack. Of course, if they attack, you will kill them all."

After hearing this, Bai Qi nodded and said: "General, I understand. Please feel free to leave it to me, lord. I will definitely live up to the lord's duty."

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "Go."

Bai Qi began to give orders to various armies. As each army left the territory, he also led the army towards the outside.

Also leaving with the army were thousands of intelligent reconnaissance aircraft and prospecting machines.

Moreover, the territory also has a base for command. These people are all trained. Anyway, the operation is very simple. Just discover the situation and tell the generals at the rear.

Zhou Yan felt relieved when he saw that they were all proficient in operation, and came to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace], and then took Diao Chan and Zhen Mi to the [Lingxiao Palace] for training in the name of a walk.

Outside the territory, the crystal mines, and the army in the entire territory were divided into dozens of teams.

Coupled with high-tech assistance such as intelligent reconnaissance aircraft, they can accurately obtain information ahead.

Bai Qi soon learned that there was a large crystal mine dozens of kilometers away from them, and judging from the crystals mined by the other party, the quality of this crystal mine was not low.

Bai Qi immediately ordered someone to investigate how many enemies there were and their strength. He then contacted Zhang Liang and asked him to move his territory there. They wanted to rob it there.

When Zhang Liang heard this, he wondered: "The general wants to take the initiative to attack others. This doesn't seem to be what the lord wants, right?"

Bai Qi replied: "The purpose of our coming here is to obtain enough crystal stones. Now that we have seen a large crystal mine, we can mine the crystal stones as soon as possible. This is much faster than mining a new mine." ”

"Of course I know what the general means, but do you want to tell the lord?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Isn't the lord there?" Bai Qi asked.

"The lord has gone to practice," Zhang Liang said.

"The lord has left everything to me. There is no need to tell the lord about this little matter." Bai Qi replied.

"Okay." Zhang Liang agreed.

They make the final decision on all matters related to going out to fight. Bai Qi is responsible for the external affairs and Zhang Liang is responsible for the internal affairs.

As a result, the entire territory began to move quickly towards the large mineral vein.

But Bai Qi had already begun to build an encirclement in advance, completely surrounding the place.

He had no intention of letting these people go.

Since we are enemies, we should just annihilate them all.

The territory was traveling very fast, and they soon approached the mine.

"General Bai Qi, all defense towers are ready." Zhang Liang sent a message.

"Don't blow up everything there." Bai Qi said.

Zhang Liang smiled and said: "Don't worry, I only activated the poison gas tower and the ice tower. How dare I activate all the defense towers."

After everything was ready, Zhang Liang started to attack the defense tower.


Attack after attack flew out from the territory and landed in the mine, followed by countless screams.

"Damn it! There was an enemy attack, and you didn't know how the enemy came near us. How did you defend it?"

"In this damn attack, did a territory happen to fall near us?"

"Quickly report to the lord to send reinforcements!"

"Hold on for an hour, and the lord will send someone!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The defense tower had been attacking for less than ten minutes, and the smart reconnaissance plane saw that all the people in the mine had fallen.

"Advance the entire army and kill everyone inside, leaving no one behind!" Bai Qi ordered.


A group of people rushed into the mine with murderous intent, killing all those hiding in the mine. According to Bai Qi's order, they killed all of them without taking any prisoners.

This is a waste of time.

The mine was very large and the resistance inside was very strong, but facing groups of soldiers who had fought hundreds of battles, they were ultimately defeated and all fell down.

"General Bai Qi, a group of tens of thousands of troops is coming from the northeast. They are expected to arrive in half an hour."

Zhang Liang reported to Bai Qi.

When Bai Qi heard this, he became excited and said, "I know."

Now that he is here, he must train the soldiers' combat effectiveness. He cannot let these people come here, otherwise they will be killed by the defense tower. By then, he will not be able to kill anyone, which would be boring.

"Gather!" Bai Qi began to assemble the troops.

These Da Qin black-armored troops were the most elite. They gathered in the shortest time and set off outside.

According to the direction from which the enemy came, Bai Qi had already begun to use his powerful military talents to make arrangements, intending to annihilate all these ten thousand people.

These ten thousand people moved quickly towards the mine, not noticing that they had fallen into a trap, nor did they realize that they had already become Bai Qi's prey.

As ten thousand people fell into the encirclement and trap, Bai Qi began to launch an attack. Qin crossbows fired thousands of arrows, and the battlefield was filled with screams.

The group of provocative people were stunned. They didn't expect that there would be someone ambushing here.

Before they could think, another crossbow attack came, and thousands more people were shot dead.

"rush out!"

"Follow me!"

A general led other soldiers to rush out, but several more waves of arrows flew in.

Before the ten thousand people could rush out, they were easily wiped out by Bai Qi.

Bai Qi looked at the battlefield casually and said, "Clean up the battlefield!"

The soldiers quickly stepped forward, collected all the equipment from the enemy, and then left the battlefield.

Bai Qi said to Zhang Liang: "Master Shangshu, check the direction of this group of people. Their territory must be nearby."

Zhang Liang was startled and said, "You don't even want to spare other people's territory? Isn't that bad?"

"Since we are enemies, then we must eradicate the roots. If the lord blames me, I will bear the responsibility alone." Bai Qi replied.

Zhang Liang was speechless, but he still started to search the area, and soon discovered a territory.

Bai Qi laughed and said, "We are going to attack the city next. Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" The Qin army's morale was high and their fighting spirit was boundless.

Attacking a city is more than ten times more difficult than defending it. It requires not only a large number of troops, but also countless siege equipment.

But Bai Qi had a better way. He saw so many one-time powerful props in the territory, and these props had to be used at critical moments.

He took out a lot, and then gave it to a few soldiers who had learned the invisibility Talent, and asked them to destroy the opponent's city wall later.

(Author: I can only code with one hand, the speed is slow, a lot of information has not been checked, and there are many typos. The doctor said that I must stay at least a week, and today is only the second day.)

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