Everyone drew their weapons and prepared to fight this monster. Even Bai Qi took out a bloody long sword, which looked like it was made of human blood. In fact, it was Apex made of blood crystal ore. Level diamond quality weapons.


A black shadow appeared in front of everyone, and everyone went up to deal with it, but when Bai Qi saw this thing, he quickly said: "Wait!"

Everyone also looked at this monster that was only the size of a dog with curiosity, and they were even more surprised that the aura from before was actually coming from it.

"What kind of monster is this? It looks a bit strange. It can emit such a strong aura at such a small age. I almost thought it was a huge monster."

"This shouldn't be an ordinary monster!"

"He looks very fierce."

"It still has wings and can fly."

"Looks very small."

Bai Qi was a little surprised and was about to step forward, but Meng Tian quickly stood in front of Bai Qi and said: "The general is the commander-in-chief of the entire army. You should not take risks easily. Let the last general go."

Bai Qi shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate it. It is a strange beast in the wild. Don't worry, it can't hurt me."

Seeing Bai Qi say this, the others stopped talking.

But when they heard that this little thing turned out to be the ferocious beast Qiongqi circulated in the prehistoric era, they were all shocked.

What a wonder!

The fighting power is very terrifying, no worse than the mythical beast. They will encounter such a monster unexpectedly.

I saw Bai Qi walking in front of Qiongqi, and then a terrifying murderous aura erupted. The bloody atmosphere enveloped the world, and the entire sky fell into boundless darkness in an instant.

All the soldiers looked at Bai Qi in shock. They had never thought that their general could burst out with such terrifying murderous intent. This murderous intent was not directed at them, but it already made them feel a dangerous aura.

If it were targeted at them, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have the courage to take action.

As this murderous aura enveloped Qiongqi, it seemed to calm down, like an obedient little baby. Then Bai Qi said to Qiongqi: "Follow me, general, from now on!"

"Roar!" The little guy flapped its wings and nodded. It was actually impressed by Bai Qi.

All the soldiers admired Bai Qi very much. Even Meng Tian and others were shocked. Bai Qi could subdue such a ferocious beast so easily. This was definitely a blessing for the territory.

A ferocious beast is worthy of a murderous god.

This is definitely the enemy's nightmare!

Bai Qi stood on a boulder, his eyes were deep, looking into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

The little guy has been following him, sniffing Bai Qi's scent with his nose, as if he has found his father.

Bai Qi thought about it, took out a contract talisman, and signed an equality contract. The contract talisman flew into Qiongqi's mind. After Qiongqi agreed, he and Bai Qi had a telepathic connection.

"You're still young and can't help me much. Go into the pet space and grow." Bai Qi sent Qiongqi into the pet space, and brought a lot of natural treasures from the territory for Qiongqi to use.

Qiongqi is very happy in the pet space. He also feels that this place is of great benefit to his growth. With a lot of natural resources and treasures, he likes it here even more.

A few hours later, Zhang Liang sent a team of troops to escort hundreds of miners over. After Bai Qi left some of the troops behind, he left again towards other places.

Zhou Yan, who was in the Lingxiao Palace, heard the message from Zhang Liang. He said that there were not enough miners in the territory, and he should let the soldiers also participate in mining.

Zhou Yan immediately rejected this suggestion. There is a huge difference between people without mining skills and those with mining skills.

He asked the two women to have a good rest and came to the [Hall of Heroes].

After this building is upgraded to Level 60, it can summon miner talents.

One thousand soul coins can summon a miner with S quality, which is definitely a good thing for him.

He summoned five thousand miners, of which he also summoned an Apex Level RRR miner, plus one hundred SS quality miners, and fifty SSS quality miners to serve as the entire mining industry. Division managers.

Their level does not need to be too high, Level 20 is enough. After the summoning, Zhou Yan asked Zhang Liang to come to him.

Zhang Liang was very pleased after seeing so many miners and said: "In this way, we can mine a lot of crystal veins. We found that there are many veins around here, and now we can send them out to mine."

"If there are not enough people, just tell me. It is still possible to summon another five thousand people." Zhou Yan said.

"That's enough for now. We can't spread the ore too widely now. There are still many people in this place, so we need to be on guard at all times." Zhang Liang said.

Later, Zhang Liang said: "There is something that the lord may want to know."

"What's going on?" Zhou Yan asked.

Zhang Liang told Bai Qi that he had wiped out a territory and massacred 50,000 people.

Zhou Yan was stunned and speechless. Bai Qi gave him such a surprise for the first time he commanded a battle.

"Zhang Liang, what do you think?" Zhou Yan looked at Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang thought for a while and replied: "I think General Bai Qi's behavior is a bit too radical. Our purpose is just for the crystal mineral veins, and the lords don't want to take the initiative to destroy other people's territories."

"Of course, even if General Bai Qi doesn't destroy that person's territory, if he knows that his mineral veins have fallen into our hands, he will definitely continue to send people here. General Bai Qi is a once and for all solution, but it shouldn't be Massacre the 50,000 people who surrendered."

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "If we are mistaken for the kind of war lords who specialize in attacking other lords, it will not be a good thing. We will be wanted by the entire lord continent."

"Since you have robbed someone else's mineral vein, then ignore him. If that territory is destroyed, it will be destroyed. I will discuss this issue with Bai Qi in the future."

He also felt that Bai Qi should not massacre those 50,000 people. Sometimes it was okay to massacre the enemy. But they themselves are the ones attacking others, so this is a bit cruel.

However, if Bai Qi didn't do this, it wouldn't be Bai Qi.

He was originally a ruthless person.

A ruthless person who never shows mercy to his enemies.

He asked Bai Qi not to take the initiative to attack others, unless the other party attacks them first, then he can let go and attack the other party.

Bai Qi answered naturally.

Seeing that the lord did not blame him for the previous incident, he smiled, knowing that the lord did not blame him for what he had done before.

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