Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 336, Battle With Teacher Lengyue

Watching more battle videos will really help them in actual combat.

The premise is a serious battle video.

Leng Yue first asked two students to fight on the stage, and turned on the illusion function of the arena. Just like they did in the freshman battle, as long as they entered the arena, they would randomly appear in a battle scene.

The two of them couldn't see anyone in the ring. It was as if they were transported to a different space. Only when they killed their opponents would the ring be revealed.

This also allows students to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the battle without being disturbed by external factors.

The competition stages in Ziwei Academy all have such functions, which are also used to allow students to have better friendly exchanges and exchanges.

However, after those competition stages have developed to the present, they have directly become a competition stage for college disciples to deal with conflicts.

The original intention of the college is good, but times are changing, and with more students, there are naturally more conflicts.

The teachers in the college can't control that much. For them, fighting with other people more is not a bad thing. Anyway, no one will die, and they can also deal with conflicts between students, which can be considered as making the best use of their resources.

The core disciples who came to trouble Zhou Yan today originally wanted Zhou Yan to go to the competition stage.

However, Zhou Yan did not give them a good look and insulted each other. This angered the two core disciples, causing them to be taken away by the law enforcement team.

The two began to fight. Leng Yue explained while watching the ring. He also told them that when their strength is inferior to their opponents, they should consider using the geographical environment to deal with their opponents and not rush up all the time.

"Fighting often means victory or defeat, injury, or even death. At this time, you must try your best to defeat your opponent."

"Although the teacher does not recommend that you learn some heretical things, when life and death are at stake, no matter what means you have, being able to save your life is the most important..."

What Leng Yue said surprised them.

They were even dumbfounded, no one could have imagined that these were actually words spoken by Teacher Lengyue.

They originally thought that the teacher would never say such a thing, but they found that they were very wrong.

The teacher is just teaching them to protect themselves. If those who face powerful enemies don't even use those insidious methods, they are idiots.

Nothing is more important than survival.

This made him directly change the rules of survival in this world, because their enemies would not give them a way to survive.

Only by trying your best to teach students how to survive can you be a qualified student.

Ziwei College is such a college that allows them to recognize the truth. In this world, the winner will always be respected. No one will celebrate the dead, because after death, they will return to dust and return to dust. Over time, will be forgotten.

Only those who survive to the end are the kings.

At the same time, this also makes them understand that they should not underestimate any opponent or underestimate the enemy easily. Maybe the enemy will give you a fatal blow the moment you relax.

The world of lords is such a cruel world. When you encounter real enemies, they will not reason with you and will only try their best to kill you.

Winner and loser, only victory is the right way.

Leng Yue used the two students this time as teaching materials and told them many shortcomings in the battle, which really inspired them a lot.

This class has brought them great benefits. Everyone has benefited a lot and is thinking carefully about what Leng Yue said.

After explaining the battles of several students, Leng Yue said: "You must remember what the teacher said. Next, you will see for yourself how the teacher fights."

The students didn’t understand what Leng Yue’s words meant.

Until Leng Yue said to Zhou Yan: "Zhou Yan, come up to the ring and fight with the teacher."

Zhou Yan was stunned and asked, "Why me?"

"You are the strongest student in this class. Even the two core disciples are no match for you. If I don't look for anyone else, you are the only one here who can let me have fun."

Leng Yue smiled, with a charming and beautiful smile that made countless classmates look crazy.

"Teacher, you are really well-informed. You knew it so quickly. I can't beat those two core disciples. They asked me to do it."

Zhou Yan was being modest. He couldn't let anyone know that they paid too much attention to him.

It is really difficult for him to remain excellent and not want people to pay attention to him.

"Stop talking nonsense and let the teacher see your true strength. If you dare not be serious, see how I deal with you."

Leng Yue naturally wanted to know Zhou Yan's strength, and took this opportunity to take a closer look at how strong his level of strength was. Unexpectedly, the two core disciples couldn't do anything to him.

"Okay." Zhou Yan had no choice but to stand up.

“Bah bang bang!!!”

The students all clapped happily and said, "Come on Zhou Yan, let us see your strength."

"It's up to you to defeat Teacher Lengyue."

"Come on, we are optimistic about you."

No one thought that Zhou Yan could beat Teacher Lengyue, after all, the age gap was there.

None of them knew the realm of Teacher Lengyue, but they could guess that the realm of Teacher Lengyue would definitely not be lower than Seventieth Layer Heaven.

After all, the strength of the core disciples is above the Sixtieth Layer level. Naturally, the strength of Teacher Lengyue cannot be worse than that of the core disciples.

Zhou Yan is in trouble. He can never win this battle, but he can't lose too obviously.

This is obviously a technical job.

He secretly took off all his equipment, then walked into the ring and said, "Teacher, please be merciful, I am no match for you."

"Stop pretending to me, your level will definitely not be below the level of Fiftieth Layer. I want to see what kind of strength you have and what methods you have, so just use it. Teacher wants to see your true ability. "

Leng Yue was in high spirits. Such a good opportunity could not be missed.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he realized that he had many tricks, especially with women. He had taken care of so many women in the territory.

But this kind of real ability is not easy to use in the arena.

So, Zhou Yan smiled strangely: "There will be a day."

Leng Yue: "???"

"The battle begins!"

After the two entered the ring, they were transported to an environment. This was a picturesque world with mountains, water, pavilions and lofts, as well as rockeries and waterfalls.

"Quick, quick, quick, I brought the Shadow Orb and I can record the scene. I'm really curious about what kind of battle there will be between Zhou Yan and Teacher Lengyue."

"You are so brave, you dare to record it. Aren't you afraid that Teacher Lengyue will cause trouble for you?"

"What are you afraid of? Just don't let the teacher know."

"I don't mean anything else. I just want to send a copy to me later."

"no problem."


Leng Yue was not around, and a group of students were like unruly children. They started to make all kinds of comments and took out the recording orb without the teacher's permission. This has the same function as a camera, but this thing does not require electricity. , as long as there is a crystal core, it can be saved and copied to others, which is very convenient.

They were also very curious about how strong Zhou Yan was. They did not see the battle between Zhou Yan and the two core disciples, and they regretted not being present for that battle.

Now that Teacher Lengyue can test Zhou Yan's strength, they are all very happy.

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