Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 349, Besieged By Three People

"Then there's nothing you can do. Just be tough. I won't give in." Zhou Yan answered simply.

The three of them were surprised when they heard this. It was the first time they heard such an answer, as if they wished they could take action.

The three of them looked at each other, and the fierce light in their eyes burst out. Even if Zhou Yan handed over the things obediently, they would not be able to let each other go. They were indeed a group of qualified robbers. After robbing the other party, they would definitely Will choose to kill.

If you don't kill, there will be endless troubles. They are not that stupid.

The three released the spiritual power in their bodies, and the boss roared: "Kill!"

The boss took the lead and held the big ax in his hand, bursting out with a dazzling green light. The entire ax was filled with terrifying energy, and then attacked Zhou Yan fiercely.

The terrifying ax carried powerful green light and turned into a huge ax shadow, falling fiercely towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan held the thunder spear in his hand, his wings shook, and the yin and yang energy in his body quickly burst out. His whole body turned into a starlight, and the thunder spear was also surrounded by a layer of strange energy.


Zhou Yan holds the thundering spear in his hand, and cooperates with the overbearing and overbearing spear skills. The opponent is also a powerful person. Although the realm is stronger than him, in terms of strength, the opponent is far behind Zhou Yan, and he is directly defeated by Zhou Yan. The force knocked him back.

The boss was repulsed by the powerful force and looked at Zhou Yan with a horrified face. His hands holding the ax were still shaking.

"Be careful, this guy is very powerful!" Although the boss retreated a distance, it was not so easy to kill him right away.

For people like them who have been walking on the edge of the knife all year round, their combat experience has been honed from life and death. It is absolutely impossible for Zhou Yan to take advantage of this moment to chase him, beat him hard, or even kill him. .

Together with the other two people, their strength is also strong in the Seventieth Layer. The acceleration runes on their bodies have not disappeared in time, and they are very fast.

The moment the two heard the boss's reminder, their faces were surprised, and then they no longer had the slightest intention to be contemptuous, and increased their strength to attack Zhou Yan.

A beam of gun light rushed towards Zhou Yan very fast. Zhou Yan grabbed Jing Lei with one hand, and then blocked it back. Then there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him. Zhou Yan shrank towards the ground, and a sword energy came from behind. flew over his head.

The three of them have rich combat experience and advanced levels, but compared to Teacher Lengyue, their combat skills are not as tricky, and their moves are all very direct killing moves.

Zhou Yan had a big life-saving trump card, and he didn't care that there were many people behind them. He started to rush towards the opponent, domineeringly and powerfully, and combined with his powerful strength to attack the boss of the three.

"How brave!"

Even the boss of the thieves group had to admire Zhou Yan's courage. When ordinary people faced the three of them, the first thing they thought of was how to escape instead of taking the initiative to attack.

Zhou Yan's approach was different from others. On the one hand, he admired the other party's courage, but on the other hand, he mocked Zhou Yan for being an idiot.

But when this idiot is powerful enough to threaten his life, that's another matter.

The boss of the thieves group knew that Zhou Yan was very powerful. Even he did not want to have a head-on confrontation with Zhou Yan. He had strong combat experience and began to dodge Zhou Yan's attacks, and then used weapons to fight back against Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's marksmanship was domineering and his strength was extraordinary. After the leader of the thieves group resisted a few moves, his hands became increasingly numb.

Fortunately, there were two brothers who shared Zhou Yan's attack, allowing him to recover his trembling hands and find a way to defeat Zhou Yan.

"Damn, why is this guy so powerful?" The other party's level was obviously much worse than his, but his attack power was much stronger than his own. When he faced Zhou Yan, he felt like he was the inferior one. Realm person.

This kind of battle is very frustrating, but since they have chosen to take action, they will not let go easily. The three of them have cooperated for many years, and the tacit understanding between them is very strong.

Zhou Yan had only been fighting in the air for just a few days. His lack of experience in air combat allowed the three of them to see an opportunity.

But Zhou Yan's Ba Tian marksmanship was very domineering and powerful, and his own power attack was very terrifying. The three of them had no choice but to join forces, and then they fought to a close with Zhou Yan.

The three of them were very shocked by Zhou Yan's strength. They knew that this was a Prodigy figure. If they could not kill him, there would be endless troubles.

The three of them continued to attack Zhou Yan intensively, hoping to take the opportunity to kill the opponent. However, Zhou Yan's marksmanship was indeed very strong, and every time he attacked, the opponent would feel deeply fearful.

In the distant sky, some people also saw the fighting here. They did not interfere in the fighting here, based on the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

After all, they didn't know why they were fighting, but they just watched the battle between the two sides with interest.

"Those three people look very old, but the opponents they fight look very young."

"That kid is definitely no more than twenty years old. It's really impressive to have such fighting power at such a young age."

"He can't be a student of Ziwei Academy. Do you want to inform the Ziwei patrol team?"

"Are you a student of Ziwei Academy?" In the distance, a woman wearing orange clothes was riding in a flower basket. After seeing the battle in the distance, she also came to check.

As soon as they came over, they heard them saying that one of them might be a student of Ziwei Academy, so he looked here.

After seeing the battle between the two sides, it was a battle between three older strong men and a young boy with amazing strength. I was also very surprised.

"Why does the marksmanship used by this guy look so much like Zhou Yan's?" Leng Yue looked at the battlefield, the pretty face under the mask, and began to be confused, because the more she looked at Zhou Yan, the more she felt that this fighting method was Zhou Yan's. Yan.

She had fought with Zhou Yan and was very impressed. However, she did not see Zhou Yan use flying skills last time, so she only doubted Zhou Yan's identity.

Leng Yue quickly sent a message to Zhou Yan: "Where are you now and what are you doing?"

While watching the battle, she waited for Zhou Yan's reply, but she never waited for the other party's response, which deepened her speculation.

But she was not sure whether Zhou Yan fell asleep or entered a state of cultivation.

But she still decided to take action. Regardless of whether this person was from Ziwei Academy or not, looking at the postures of the three of them, it was obvious that they were going to kill the other party. This was the territory of Ziwei Academy. If the other party did this, it was totally unacceptable. Put Ziwei Academy in your eyes.

However, seeing that the other party was able to fight equally with the three of them, although he lacked combat experience, he was indeed very powerful and there was no danger at all, so he stopped taking action for the time being.

The three members of the thieves group did not expect that the battle would reach such a stalemate.

They originally thought that this battle would end soon, but how did they know that this guy was so difficult and powerful in combat? Facing three of them, Seventieth Layer masters who were above the sky, he could still be on par with them. It was their dream. Something I didn't even think of.

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