Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 377, Enemy Reinforcements Arrive

The enemy commander wanted to delay time and wait for the lord's rescue, otherwise it would be difficult for him to win this battle with his 20,000 troops.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief said to a general: "You step forward to call for formation and see the opponent's strength!"

"Yes, general!" The general rode his mount towards Bai Qi's direction, and then shouted, "You dare to fight me."

Facing the opponent's general calling for formation, Bai Qi said directly: "Fire the arrow!"

All of a sudden, bows and arrows all over the sky were attacking the opponent directly, and three of the generals also bent their bows and nocked arrows to attack the enemy.

The enemy general never expected that Bai Qi not only ignored him, but directly ordered an attack.

Poor general, he dodged the bows and arrows dropped by the soldiers, but failed to dodge the bows and arrows shot by the three fierce generals. He was directly hit by three bows and arrows, one on his forehead, one on his neck, and one on his neck. , shooting his brother directly.

Then the general was pierced through the heart by thousands of arrows and died. The enemy was speechless for a while and had no idea. Bai Qi did not follow their routine.

"The enemy's commander is not simple. It seems that there is no way to delay time." After seeing this situation, the enemy's commander sighed helplessly. If Bai Qi doesn't follow his routine, what can he do?


Bai Qi will not tell the enemy any tricks. He will only attack according to his own routine. Taking advantage of his own bows and arrows, he walks a certain distance towards the enemy, then stops and starts firing his bows and arrows.

There is absolutely no doubt about the power of Qin Nu. Qin Nu was thrown into the sky and attacked the enemy, one after another, continuously.

Not only that, Bai Qi also dispatched a large Han cavalry, began to rush towards the opponent, and then launched a mounted fire at the enemy.

The enemy immediately began to form a defensive formation and began to fight back. However, they found that in terms of bow and arrow distance, they were actually much shorter than the opponent.

The enemy commander discovered that the opponent's bows and arrows were not only powerful and long-range, but also very powerful in penetrating power. Shields below gold could not stop these Qin crossbows at all.

Bai Qi took advantage of this distance and wanted to eliminate the opponent.

But the enemy commander naturally would not let Bai Qi's plan succeed. He began to take the initiative, looked around carefully, and said: "Assault towards the rear."

Their cavalry took the lead in attacking towards the rear and did not confront Bai Qi's frontal army. Seeing this, Bai Qi smiled coldly, as if he had already foreseen such a situation.

Sure enough, when the enemy launched an assault towards the rear, the soldiers over there suddenly began to mount their mounts, and the number of these cavalry was very large, at least 10,000.

The enemy commander, after seeing this situation, did not dare to let the soldiers stop, otherwise when the enemy's cavalry attacked the rear infantry, they would suffer unimaginable casualties.

But what the other party never expected was that the weapons held in the hands of this cavalry were very terrifying. Each weapon was almost four meters long.

When the four-meter-long sword was held in the hands of these cavalry, the scene was so terrifying. That was not all. When they were about to approach the enemy, Bai Qi's mounts burst out with a terrifying roar at the same time. sound.

“┗`O′┛ Ouch~~!”


Each of these mounts is a High Level elite monster, and many of them are even High Level BOSS. When they burst into monster roars and monster pressure at this time, the consequences will be quite tragic.

When the enemy's war horses heard this sound, they suddenly stopped, and then looked in fear at the ferocious mounts in front of them.

This result was completely unexpected by the enemy commander. The result was that the cavalry on horseback were trapped by their own mounts and fell to the ground one after another due to inertia.

Then, as Bai Qi's cavalry charged, large swords up to four meters long were slashed towards them.

"Puff puff!!!"

Heads flew up one after another. Not only did the enemy's cavalry have no effect at all, but it also caused a terrible obstacle to the infantry in the rear, causing the infantry in the rear to collide with the cavalry in front.

Not only was the general formation destroyed, but because of this, their speed was reduced and they were all squeezed together.

The enemy commander was stunned after seeing this scene, and then said helplessly: "It's over."

But he quickly arranged his soldiers to form a defensive formation and wait for the enemy's arrival.

With the charge of 10,000 cavalry, the enemy cavalry was completely wiped out, and attacks from other directions also began. The enemy's defeat was a matter of time.

This commander wanted to make the final resistance, but unfortunately the opponent he encountered was the Apex Level commander Bai Qi. Even the abilities of many of his generals were only slightly worse than him.

At many critical moments, these generals were able to organize their armies well and attack the enemy's weakest points. It was precisely because of the perfect cooperation between these generals and soldiers that these armies burst out with very powerful combat effectiveness.

The number of enemies is constantly decreasing, but the opponent's combat power is indeed very strong. They have no fear, no fear, and charge without fear of death, trying to open a way out.

But Bai Qi's soldiers did not retreat at all. If they dared to take a step forward, they would dare to make the enemy take a step back.

The two powerful armies began the most primitive battle. Unfortunately, the number of enemies was too small, and there was no cavalry. Waves of enemies were quickly taken away by our own cavalry.

The enemy's generals are also very strong and have killed many soldiers, but Bai Qi's generals are more powerful. Although they are not in the same level as the enemy, there are many of them. If one cannot defeat them, then two will attack together, or even three will deal with one. .

On the battlefield, killing the enemy is the kingly way. It is nonsense to bully the few by bullying the few, which is not the behavior of a gentleman.

War is always cruel, and any means can be used as long as the enemy can be eliminated.

Even so, it took Bai Qi and the others an hour to besiege the enemy's last commander here. Then as the commander fell, 20,000 people were completely annihilated by Bai Qi.

"Report! Marshal, the enemy's reinforcements are coming." A soldier quickly reported to Bai Qi.

Bai Qi Encounter anticipated this and asked: "How many people, what distance, how many cavalry and infantry."

"There are at least 30,000 enemies here, of which 20,000 cavalry are at the front. The infantry is far behind. They are still about 30 kilometers away from us." The soldier replied.

Bai Dian nodded, checked the picture transmitted by the reconnaissance plane, and then said to the ambushing General Meng Tian: "Twenty thousand cavalry have arrived. Our battle here is over. They will come as soon as possible. Hold the opponent back and don't let them. The opponent ran away, but be careful of the opponent’s strength, their fighting power is not weak.”

"Marshal, don't worry, I have already made arrangements and will definitely hold him back."

The person who ambushed the opponent this time was none other than Meng Tian. Bai Qi believed in his commanding ability. He was not very far away from him and even in some aspects, he felt that he was inferior to the opponent.

Everyone has something they are good at. Bai Qi is absolutely invincible in a battle of annihilation. But when it comes to ambush others, Bai Qi also feels that Meng Tian is stronger than him, so this time he lets Meng Tian ambush the opponent.

Bai Qi's generals are full of talents, and Meng Ao is also very capable. However, Meng Ao is the most suitable as an offensive general.

Bai Qi began to quickly lead the soldiers and rushed towards Meng Tian.

Their number was only 10,000, and facing the enemy's 20,000 cavalry, the pressure was still great.

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