Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 383, Merging Skills Again

In [Sutra Pavilion], a lot of skills have been drawn, and racks of cabinets are filled with various skill books.

There are many types of these skills, and they are available in various professions. However, these skills do not cover all the professional skills possessed by Canglan Continent.

There are only more than a thousand skill books here. There are more than a thousand professions in the entire Canglan Continent. It will take a lot of time to have skill books for all professions.

Zhou Yan simply started from the first skill and started learning one by one. There were so many skills and it took him an hour or two to learn all the skills.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan came to the fourth floor of [Sutra Pavilion] and began to draw Talent.

He reached into the mirror, took out a ball, and opened it.

[B·Strength Strengthening]

For so long, he has not been able to draw a better Talent. This Talent draw is completely different from the Skill draw.

Talents are very precious, and if you draw one, it can only be used by one person.

[D·Physique Strengthening]



[S·Danger Perception]

Suddenly, Zhou Yan drew a good Talent, S-quality danger perception.

This Talent is very good. It can enhance the perception of danger and increase the ability to save life. It is very good. Zhou Yan used it directly.

A new Talent ability has been added to Zhou Yan's Talent.

[Sutra Pavilion] The current level is Level 50, and only four levels have been opened. The first level is the skill lottery, the second level is the skill lottery, the third level is the movement lottery, and the fourth level is the Talent lottery.

The current level is still too low, and the probability of drawing Advanced Talent is too low. I looked at what is needed to upgrade, and it is the Awakening Stone.

This material is also difficult to find. You can see people selling it at Low Level, but there is not even a single Awakening Stone at High Level.

Most of the materials required for Apex Level buildings are rare materials and difficult to collect.

After leaving [Sutra Pavilion], Zhou Yan came to [Lingxiao Palace] for retreat.

After meditating, Zhou Yan entered the picture in his mind and began to integrate all these skills.

There are many types of these skills and they take a long time. With the fusion of skills, the power of Zhou Yan's previously fused skills has been enhanced again. In one skill, he has a variety of attack moves.

The quality of "Tai Chi Thunderstorm Palm" quickly improved from RR quality to RRR quality.

In addition, the quality of "Batian Fantasy Wind Gun" has also been upgraded to RR quality.

These are not the point. The point is that "Ice Fire Explosion" has integrated hundreds of spells and skills, including magic skills, warlock skills, shadow skills, conjuration skills and other long-range skills. The quality has been directly upgraded to RRR quality, and it has many kinds of skills. means of attack.

This name was no longer suitable, so Zhou Yan changed it to "Almighty Spell".

Although the name seems very tacky, this skill contains more than a dozen elements, and can be combined into a variety of attack skills, or a single skill can be used alone.

After all, these skills are all dismantled in his brain, from the most basic single element to a skill that can be attacked, and then adding other elements to make a skill stronger.

These skills are like the process of how a cell grows into a complete person in his brain, so he knows very well how to use these skills.

This skill integrates hundreds of skills, including not only the five elements, but also wind, thunder, light, darkness, time and space elements.

Therefore, it is most suitable to call this skill "Almighty Spell", and this skill is very unique. When combined with each other, it can form many powerful skills.

To put it simply, if he combines the elements of wind and fire, he can form more than a dozen attack skills, each of which is very powerful.

He can combine and use more than a dozen elements at will, and each element will form a different attack method.

And this is just one of the abilities in "Almighty Spell".

This skill can be integrated with the elemental skills of many professions. Whether it is a mage, warlock, shadow system, or other professions' elemental skills, it can be integrated to make this skill more powerful.

This skill should be his biggest gain from this skill fusion.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan learned a new sword technique, which was also very powerful. Zhou Yan specially named it "The Sky-Breaking Sword Technique".

This skill is only of R quality, and it only has one move now. But as long as this sword skill is combined with other skills, it can also increase the number of sword skills, which is very good.

In addition to swordsmanship, there is also boxing. This boxing has strong destructive power and is full of supreme secrets. The quality has only reached R level, but the growth potential of this skill is still very powerful. Zhou Yan named it "Ancient Divine Fist" .

There is also a kicking skill, such as Wind and Thunder Shadowless, which can kick mountains and crack the ground. Zhou Yan named it "Wind and Thunder Kick", but the quality is only SS, and the kicking skills are too few. As long as you get more in the future, you can improve the skills. quality.

These are attack skills, and he also has defensive skills.

Although he possesses powerful skills such as "Fighting Turns the World", Zhou Yan still incorporates another very good defensive skill, similar to the golden bell, which can defend his entire body.

This skill is quite good. It can not only defend against physical attacks, spell attacks, but also sonic and soul attacks. It has strong growth potential. The quality is only SSS. Zhou Yan named it "Yin Yang Shield".

It is a pity that he did not draw the soul attack skill in Sutra Pavilion. That kind of skill is very precious and rare. Starting from tomorrow, he plans to put half of the fifty lottery opportunities into the skill lottery. .

Zhou Yan looked at the list of skills he had learned:

["RRR·Floating Ripple Microsteps", "RRR·Tai Chi Seven Star Sword Controlling Technique", "RRR·Tai Chi Thunder Explosive Palm", "RRR·Almighty Spell", "RR·Wind and Thunder Wings", "RR·Fighting Turns the World", " RR·Batian Phantom Wind Spear", "R·Primitive Divine Fist", "R·Sky-Breaking Sword Technique", "SSS·Yin Yang Shield", "SS·Wind and Thunder Legs", "S·Collection Technique". ]

He currently has only twelve skills in total, but there are definitely more than twelve attack methods, because these skills are integrated with more than a thousand skills, and the method of using each skill is in his mind. .

He can completely rely on his mastery of these skills to use different skills according to different enemies.

This is the core of this fusion of these skills, and it is also the most important factor.

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