"How much of your five-star or higher soul crystals can you trade to me?"

Zhou Yan is quite interested in soul crystals. This material can improve a person's soul power and spiritual power. It is very rare. In the entire Lord Continent, it is only found in the Soul Continent and not in other places at all. This is also the characteristic of this place. one.

This is also the reason why some people want to rob this continent. Everyone knows the huge profits of the monopoly industry. This is the only place in the entire Lord Continent that has these materials. Can the power here be prevented from becoming stronger?

Luo Keqi pondered for a moment and replied: "You must also know that our alliance has regulations for materials above five stars, and we cannot trade too many materials to individual lords."

"But our alliance also has special requirements for the materials we need. As long as you can provide us with enough, you can have as many of these materials as you want, provided we also have the quantity you need."

Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Yan was relieved. The space stones he took out were all Low Level, five-star or above, and not a single one was taken out. He would not take out these High Level materials at will, and he would not take them out at will. For the materials you have.

"I only need soul crystals. As for soul crystals and soul stones, I don't really need them." Zhou Yan stated his request.

"Of course there is no problem with this, because we need your materials, so we can provide up to eight-star soul crystals. Of course, you also need to come up with enough materials to conduct an equal transaction."

Luo Keqi thought for a moment and revealed his trading chips.

"Eight stars." When Zhou Yan heard this, he was still very satisfied. The other party was able to come up with eight stars, so he couldn't come up with anything too bad.

Things that are too Low Level have a relatively low value and require a large amount to maintain an equivalent transaction with the High Level materials provided by the other party.

The eight-star soul crystal is also very powerful for people in high-level magic professions. Zhou Yan naturally wants to trade more with the other party.

So, Zhou Yan looked at the materials that had been stored in the territory for a long time.

Zhou Yan didn't know it by looking at it, but he was shocked when he saw that there were many materials in his territory. Until now, not even one unit had used them, and the total amount had reached a very terrifying level.

The quantity of some materials has exceeded 100 million units, and some are as few as several million units. Zhou Yan guessed that these materials were bought by Jin Sanyi in who knows which world.

Because it is not needed for the time being, it has been piling up until now.

Zhou Yan took out the materials that were too much in stock and asked, "I don't know if you need this kind of material."

"Falling Ice Stone!" When the other party saw this material, he was immediately surprised: "I didn't expect you to have this kind of material for training. This is a very rare material. We have been looking for it for a long time and couldn't find it. You must be useless too. It took a lot of effort to get it.”

When Zhou Yan heard this, he was stunned and lost a lot of energy?

Goose... Zhou Yan really wanted to say that I didn't put any effort into it at all. I don't even know when I bought these things.

However, in front of Luo Keqi, Zhou Yan naturally had to act like this, and then said nonsense: "Actually, it was all good luck. When we went to Lord Continent, we encountered a group of very powerful monsters. We fought with those monsters After several days, we discovered a mineral vein, which is exactly this falling ice stone. You don’t even know that we lost tens of thousands of soldiers for this mineral, hey~”

Hearing their lord's nonsense, Cai Yan and others looked at Zhou Yan speechlessly.

How many days did the battle last?

How many tens of thousands of people were lost?

Seeing the distressed look on her lord's face, a girl like Cai Yan, a teacher, felt embarrassed to stay here.

Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao, on the other hand, were holding back their expressions of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh out loud. It was too uncomfortable.

It's really funny to see your lord fooling others.

"Brother, don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory trading condition. Now that you have found the vein of falling ice stone, I don't know how many stars you can dig up. Don't worry, we will definitely not allow you to suffer losses due to transaction issues."

After Luo Keqi saw this kind of material, he would definitely need to make a deal with Zhou Yan. Once he missed this thing, who knows when he would be able to meet Dao.

Zhou Yan smiled secretly in his heart and said: "The quantity is not a big problem. I have dug quite a few. The highest one has seven stars, but the quantity is not large."

It's really not much, the total is just a few hundred million.

"Sure! We are willing to trade the eight-star soul crystal with you for the seven-star falling ice stone. We only hope that you can trade those materials to us." Luo Keqi said very politely.

The other party was very generous and the deal offered was so favorable that Zhou Yan was extremely happy.

Seven stars can be exchanged for eight-star materials. What a bargain.

Zhou Yan naturally wouldn't mind getting more materials and exchanging things he doesn't need for things that are useful to him. This is very cost-effective.

The key is that he didn't expect that the other party would make such a deal for this falling ice stone. This was something Zhou Yan never expected.

If the other party hadn't said it himself, Zhou Yan wouldn't even know that the tens of millions of materials in hand here were so rare.

"Of course, let's start trading the High Level materials." Zhou Yan said impatiently.


Luo Keqi was very happy to be able to trade such rare materials with Zhou Yan.

I don’t know, Zhou Yan is even happier!

They both laughed and started trading.


After the two people traded, Luo Keqi was a little surprised when he saw Zhou Yan take out 10,000 units of Seven-Star Falling Ice Stones. He didn't expect there to be so many.

Luo Keqi also traded 10,000 units of soul crystals to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan knew how to give up when he was ready. If he took out too much, the other party would definitely become suspicious, and he would not be that stupid.

Next, the two began to discuss the transaction of materials ranging from one to six stars. The other party's condition was that for materials of the same quality, Zhou Yan could trade with him for 20% less.

Although Zhou Yan was satisfied, he still reduced the amount by another ten percent, which was within the other party's tolerance.

Both parties needed each other's materials, so a happy deal was struck.

Then, it was time to trade other materials. The other party was also very generous and once again traded a large amount of materials with Zhou Yan.

From one-star to six-star soul crystals, the number of transactions for each type was at least 100,000 units.

The other party also gave Zhou Yan a token and said: "You are our friend. I hope to conduct more transactions with you in the future. With this token in the future, you can enter the city directly and avoid any problems that may occur in the city." If you have any questions, you can contact us and I will definitely help you.”

Zhou Yan naturally wouldn't mind if he could become friends with the other party, and nodded quickly.

After the transaction between the two parties was completed, Zhou Yan received a summons from Bai Qi, asking him to go to Xicheng. Someone on the other side wanted to trade materials with them, and the other party was also the person in charge of Xicheng Materials.

"That's good, actually, the material managers from two areas are looking for me." Zhou Yan quickly led Cai Yan and the others to Xicheng.

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