After listening to Zhou Yan's words, Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu both looked at Zhou Yan. They were not very clear about the territory, but they still admired the courage to lead the entire territory Ascension.

Especially Zhao Xuansu, this person has long been looking forward to his eternal dream of becoming an immortal. Before, it was because he had no chance, but now that the opportunity is in front of him, he will naturally support Zhou Yan without hesitation.

"Don't worry, if you have any orders, I, Zhao Xuansu, will definitely help you. They are just monsters. I will catch as many as you want." Zhao Xuansu


Li Chungang really admired Zhou Yan, and laughed and said: "Don't worry, I, Li Chungang, am not the kind of person who is ungrateful. I will also help you protect this territory."

This world is full of infinite possibilities, and it is of great benefit to him to understand Sword Dao. The more he stays in this world, the more he can feel that his sword Dao Child is improving.

"Thank you. The goals I set in the early stage are not many. I only need to capture a total of 500,000 mounts." Zhou Yan said.

When the two heard this, they stopped smiling: "~(´ー`~) ~(´ー`~) "

With the help of Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu, the speed of capturing the lightning dragons was greatly increased. It only took seven days to capture all the surrounding lightning dragons.

If it weren't for the great distance and the fact that these lightning dragons were too scattered, they wouldn't have lasted so long.

This made Zhou Yan very satisfied. He was worthy of being a strong man in the realm of land gods. Hundreds of thousands of lightning dragons were captured alive by them.

Of course, tens of thousands of them have not yet grown up, and they still need time to be fed before they reach adulthood.

The territory has a lot of food, elixirs, and treasures that can increase the mounts. In just a few months, they can become an adult flying dragon.

After that, Zhou Yan set his sights on pterosaurs. The number of these pterosaurs was more than ten times greater than that of lightning spirit dragons. However, Zhou Yan did not need so many lightning spirit dragons in the early stage, only about 100,000.

There are really too many mounts, and the territory really does not have so much meat to provide for these mounts to consume. We can only wait until the number of soldiers in the territory increases before capturing them.

As for the rest, he can just capture them later. Anyway, he has already purchased a prop that can mark the coordinates here. He can come back here to capture these flying mounts whenever he wants.

A few days later, one hundred thousand pterosaurs were successfully captured, and each one was an adult pterosaur. These pterosaurs were large in number and relatively concentrated. As long as they were lured together using means, they could still be captured. Captured in batches.

After capturing the flying dragon, Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu returned to their territory.

Zhou Yan also assured them that as long as it was not a very important matter, he would not trouble the two of them and if there was any need. The territory will try its best to satisfy them.

Their requirements are not many. They only need a quiet and comfortable environment and three meals a day. They have just come here and have a lot to understand. Whether this kind of enlightenment takes a long time or a short time depends on themselves. How is your understanding of Martial Dao?

Both of them are the trump cards of the territory. With them, Zhou Yan will have full confidence even if he offends others in the future.

For ordinary people, it would be good to have one person in the realm of land gods, but Zhou Yan now has two people, and they are both Apex Level qualified people.

After the flying mounts are completed, the next step is to officially start forming the flying dragon army.

The people in the territory are still catching other mounts, but they have already learned about the formation of the Flying Dragon Legion, and everyone is looking forward to becoming a member of the Flying Dragon Legion.

Zhou Yan also determined the official start time of the Flying Dragon Legion, which is in mid-December. Zhou Yan wants to complete the formation of the Flying Dragon Legion before the year, and then start formal training after the year.

The number of people recruited in the early stage is 150,000. As for the next 50,000, we will wait until those lightning dragons grow up.

Zhou Yan's territory now basically has one mount per person, but [Guanghan Fairy] does not need these mounts because these mounts are not suitable for them.

Zhou Yan did not leave this place so quickly. There would be many soldiers to follow, and there were still about 50,000 mounts left before he could reach 500,000.

Zhou Yan planned to stay for a while before leaving here. He said he would catch 500,000, so he would only leave here if he caught this many.

After so many days, Nangong Pushe, Wang Chudong, Yu Youwei, and Xuanyuan Qingfeng had already transferred jobs. They were practicing in the territory every day and getting familiar with everything in the territory.

Zhou Yan is also very busy. These days, he has been tossing back and forth between the territory and the outside world every day. After practicing in the [retreat room] of the territory every day, he will go to help capture flying mounts. Otherwise, there are more than 200,000 extraordinary mounts, which are impossible. It can be done so quickly.

About seven days later, the troops outside the territory began to return to the territory one after another.

Finally, on December 15th, all the troops rushed back to their territories.

But at this time, the reconnaissance plane in the territory detected some scenes. Yin Lihua immediately found Zhou Yan, and then said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, there are more than a dozen King Level dragons coming towards the territory, and they are leading several Millions of dragons are coming towards our territory."

Zhou Yan was very surprised when he heard this and asked: "More than a dozen King Level dragons!"

"Maybe we have made too much noise recently. We have captured half a million dragon mounts of various types, which has angered these King Level monsters." Yin Lihua guessed.

The King Level dragon is very powerful. Although he believes in his territory, he always feels that there is a crisis surrounding him, which makes him feel very uneasy.

Zhou Yan was very curious. He didn't know why this crisis occurred. Generally speaking, his territory was so powerful that even if those King Level dragons came here, they would not be able to invade.

"Just leave." Zhou Yan was convinced of his crisis and planned to leave the territory directly, but found that the territory was in the middle of a battle and could not leave.

"During the battle?" Zhou Yan was surprised. The territory was not participating in the battle at all. Where was the battle?

Zhou Yan felt that he must have been targeted by something powerful this time.

Could it be those dozen powerful King Level dragons?

Zhou Yan could only guess that now he could only wait for those King Level dragons to come with millions of dragon races.

Even though they were far apart, Zhou Yan could still feel the ground shaking, and a series of earthquake sounds continued to come from far away.

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