Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 481, Meeting The Old Dragon

Zhou Yan had indeed heard of Dragon Island, but only from the Internet. He only knew that Dragon Island was a mysterious place where countless powerful Dragon Races lived, each with the power to destroy the world. able.

Zhou Yan never thought that he was just randomly teleported here due to good luck. After seeing these Yalongs, he would definitely find a way to capture them and use them as mounts.

I never expected that the Yalong here would actually have a group of real Dragon Race backers.

Moreover, there are actually five Dragon Races in the land fairy realm of the opponent. Fortunately, Zhou Yan wanted to kill the opponent before, so it would be nice if he didn't get killed by the opponent.

Li Chungang also said: "This Dragon Island is not simple. It seems to have been restricted. It is very powerful. It seems to be suppressing Dragon Race. We have discovered it from the moment we entered."

"I guess the reason why Old Long wants to meet you is related to this restriction." Zhao Xuansu also said.

"Restriction?" Zhou Yan didn't expect there to be a restriction and asked, "Could this be set by them themselves?" ’

"It doesn't seem like this ban only applies to Dragon Race. It is very powerful and has no impact on us at all." Zhao Xuansu said.

"You can see this, so is this formation very Low Level?" Zhou Yan asked.

Zhao Xuansu shook his head and replied: "No, on the contrary, it is very strong, so strong that there is no solution."

Zhou Yan: "( ̄ー ̄)"

"Why that old dragon chose me to come here, I don't know." Zhou Yan thought for a while, he should have the aura of the protagonist, or his luck attribute is too strong, or for other reasons.

No matter what the reason is, it's useless to think about it so much. Just ask Lao Long directly.

Looking at the huge dragons around him, Zhou Yan actually had the idea of ​​catching them all. He quickly shook off the idea. Maybe he had become addicted to catching mounts recently.

In front of a huge palace.

The reason why I say "huge" is because when they stand in front of the gate of this palace, they are really like ants looking at the gate of us humans.

Zhou Yan made a slight estimate and found that the gate alone was over a thousand meters high. If it was wide, it would be even less clear.

Li Chungang took Zhou Yan in, and then flew in for a long time. Only then did he see a huge golden palace. On top of the palace, sat an old dragon with a dragon head and body, exuding a very majestic aura.

On both sides of the Dragon King, there are two old dragons with extraordinary auras sitting on each side. Their auras are equally powerful. It seems that the three old dragons are the Dragon Kings in the realm of land gods.

Although they are both in the realm of land gods, their real combat prowess is still very different.

Take Li Chungang and Zhao Xuansu as an example. Li Chungang can deal with two Zhao Xuansu alone. This is the difference in combat effectiveness.

Zhou Yan quickly stepped forward and asked the old dragon: "My name is Zhou Yan. I wonder what the Dragon King is called?"

This is the real Dragon King, and I don’t know what Li Bufan’s expression would be if he knew he had seen the real Dragon King.

"I have forgotten your name. Just call me Dragon King. You are the most special human being I have seen in millions of years." Dragon King said without hesitation.

"Millions of years?" When Zhou Yan heard this, he was speechless. How many years did the Dragon King in front of him live?

Zhou Yan asked quickly: "Dragon King has given me the award. I'm just an ordinary human being. I don't count."

When you should be low-key, you should be low-key. Zhou Yan felt a bit unreal communicating with the Dragon King who had lived for more than millions of years.

Thinking of how ridiculous he wanted Li Chungang to kill Lao Long before, it was no wonder that Li Chungang was speechless for a long time. He was probably telling him that if he could do it, he should try it himself.

The old dragon has lived for so long. Although it has never ascended to become an immortal, it is no different from a real immortal. Want to kill it?

This is pure courting of death.

Although Li Chungang's combat effectiveness is indeed strong.

But Zhou Yan didn't think that Li Chungang could beat Lao Long with his current fighting power.

The old dragon has a strong background, and he can't see any information at all. In addition, he has lived for so long, and he still doesn't know how many trump cards he has.

It is estimated that ten Li Chungang may not be able to defeat one old dragon.

This is not to say that Li Chungang is weak, but as far as the current Li Chungang is concerned, he is indeed no match for Lao Long. Perhaps he will not be qualified to fight Lao Long until Li Chungang's Sword Intent reaches several levels.

"Okay, you kid, don't be humble to me. Considering the situation in your territory and your own situation, although I don't know it very well, I think your origin is not too simple."

"I don't think even you know what it is specifically. Do you really think that you are able to own such a unique territory because of good luck?"

"I can't explain anything to you. You still need to experience many things yourself."

The Dragon King seemed to have noticed something, but he didn't tell Zhou Yan too much in detail. He just vaguely told Zhou Yan some vague things.

And this matter was still related to him. Although Zhou Yan was very helpless, he had no choice.

Besides, of course he got all this because he is a transmigrator, a transmigrator who comes with Goldfinger.

Is there anything strange about this? As a transmigrator, it makes sense to have a Goldfinger!

I just didn't expect that Lao Long was so awesome, and he even discovered a clue about this.

There are so many powerful buildings in his territory, and several of them have the ability to hide information. Unexpectedly, they were discovered by the old dragon.

At this point, we can see that Lao Long is different.

"You said before that you wanted me to take care of your child? But your child shouldn't be very young anymore, right? Do you still need me to take care of it?"

Zhou Yan really didn't understand. After all, the Dragon King was over a million years old, and his child was probably a million years old at least.

Is this asking him to take care of a living ancestor?

"You probably don't know the real Dragon Island." Old Long looked at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan asked respectfully: "Please tell me directly, I really don't know much."

Zhou Yan is just an ordinary person, not a child of any aristocratic family. All he hears is information on the Internet. That kind of information cannot be trusted at all. After all, for network keyboard warriors, black can turn you into colorful.

"Although Dragon Island has a strong aura, because the leader of our Dragon Race at that time offended a supreme Venerable in the Immortal World in the ancient times, that Venerable set a seal and sealed our entire Dragon Island." Old Dragon Said a little sadly.

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