After absorbing the essence and blood of Dragon Race, the state of Zhou Yan's body is also constantly changing. This powerful energy is really powerful and has benefited his body a lot.

Under the continuous operation and absorption of the "Yin Yang Creation Art", Zhou Yan's realm continued to change, and then he began to break through, breaking all the shackles of the body and finally successfully condensing all the energy into the Dantian Qi Sea in the body.

This is a further improvement in strength and a sublimation of power.

No matter which occupation or technique you practice, the Seventieth Layer Queen will form a Qi Sea Dantian in her body, and this Dantian is the source of all power.

This source is the source of strength for all strong people.

All the energy they refine and absorb will enter this place, and then it will continue to evolve and sublimate, and finally Opening Heaven will open up the land and turn it into a world.

After the territory reaches the full level, you can directly integrate the territory into your own body and make it a part of your own world. Finally, you can become an Ascension and lead the people in the entire territory to the Immortal World.

Seventieth Layer Heaven can be said to be a change in strength. Similarly, this realm is also a new beginning.

The Seventieth Layer sky is the preliminary stage from land combat to air combat.

To reach this state, one needs to condense an endless amount of energy, induce it into the Qi Sea, and then completely detonate it. It is like the Big Bang, completely condensing a void world, and then detonating it. Completely forming a new world.

Next, it is necessary to absorb even greater energy, fill the detonated world with enormous energy, and transform the world into a world of stars.

Then when you need strength, this star world can provide you with the energy source you need.

It's easy to say, but not easy to do.

If you want to become a strong person in Seventieth Layer heaven, if there are no external factors, the minimum qualifications are B-quality people, plus a lot of training resources, and a book of A-quality or above skills, this is only 3%. There is a probability of ten to break through and become a strong player in the Martial Dao Seventieth Layer.

Even people with A quality still have a 40% chance of not being able to break through the Martial Dao Seventieth Layer.

Even if you are an S-quality person, if you are very unlucky, there is still a 10% chance that you will not be able to break through.

As for people with SS quality, if there is no big surprise, 99.9% of them can become powerful people above the Seventieth Layer.

A person with SSS quality will definitely become a strong person above the Seventh Layer, and the probability of breaking through the Eightieth Layer can reach 90%.

As for people with R quality and above, if there are no accidents, there will be no problem becoming Apex Level land gods.

If it weren't for the difficulty of breaking through the realm, wouldn't all the soldiers under the old lords be able to become powerful men above the Seventieth Layer?

With good qualifications, they also need to be equipped with High Level techniques and a large amount of training resources to ensure that they can advance smoothly.

Moreover, once the soldiers under other lords died, there was no building like Zhou Yan that could resurrect them.

Once a soldier under other lords dies, all the resources spent on this soldier will be in vain. This is why it is difficult to have a large number of High Level soldiers.

The lord needs to constantly explore the mysterious lord continent and encounter various dangers. Even at a critical moment, if the territory encounters too much crisis, the lord will be unable to summon the soldiers outside and will be forced to teleport away directly.

Such things are not uncommon in the Lord Continent. In many cases, the security of the territory is often greater than the life and death of the soldiers.

The soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory are now at least S quality. There will be many people who can break through the Seventieth Layer and above. In addition, the territory has a [retreat room] such as a building that increases the probability of breakthrough. There will definitely not be too few strong men in the future.

After completely absorbing Dragon Race's essence and blood, Zhou Yan's entire body underwent a shocking change. His blood turned golden-red, and his whole body contained the power of Dragon Elephant.

Zhou Yan's own strength attribute is very strong. After this bloodline transformation, not only did his strength increase several times again, but his elemental attacks also increased a lot.

Zhou Yan even felt that he could smash the strong man of Martial Dao Eightieth Layer with just a random punch.

This is not an exaggeration, but I really have such confidence.

With his current strength, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

Dragon Race is not only physically powerful, but he is also the darling of heaven and earth. He can control the power of the elements and levitate in the void since birth.

In addition, Zhou Yan can learn any skill and condense all spells, magic, and Taoism into the same skill. When he wants to use it, he can release it at will, and the power is several times higher than before.

Zhou Yan's current combat effectiveness, as Li Chungang said, is definitely several times stronger than before.

Zhou Yan opened his eyes, and a golden light burst out from his eyes. He finally completely absorbed the Dragon Race blood essence, and this power can explode even more as his strength increases. of explosive power.

Zhou Yan stood up and thanked the three old dragons: "Thank you three for giving me such a great blessing."

The blood essence condensed by Dragon Race for thousands of years is such a precious treasure. Such a treasure cannot be described as priceless, but Dragon Race gave it to him. Zhou Yan must be very grateful to him.

"We also saw that your qualifications are very good, so we decided to give it to you. I hope you can help Dragon Race lift the seal one day." The Dragon King saw that Zhou Yan had successfully absorbed Dragon Race's blood essence, and it was very smooth, and he also revealed Satisfied smile.


At this moment, the golden egg next to Zhou Yan made a crisp sound, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's coming out." Zhou Yan was very curious and stared at the golden dragon egg next to him.

Others also looked at the golden egg, wanting to see what quality it was.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out from the golden egg, and the color of the world changed. A mysterious divine light suddenly appeared above Dragon Island, shining directly through the Dragon Palace and shining into the golden egg.

This surprised everyone, and they didn't know what was happening and why such a change occurred.

Only the people from Dragon Island cheered and started shouting in the direction of Dragon Palace after seeing this scene.

For a moment, the entire Dragon Island was filled with dragon roars, as if they were celebrating and happy.

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