After completing his training, Zhou Yan returned to the [Heavenly Emperor's Palace] and saw four people, Nangong Pushe, Wang Chudong, Yu Youwei, and Xuanyuan Qingfeng, walking in the garden and talking about their martial arts experiences.

Zhou Yan walked over and asked, "Are you still used to it here?"

"The scenery is pleasant, the environment is elegant and quiet, and even the air is so beautiful. It's like a fairyland on earth. I don't know how much better it can be than the world we live in." Wang Chudong replied.

"How is the fairyland in this world?" Nangong Pushe asked.

"I haven't been there either, but it is definitely beautiful. It can make people live forever and pursue a higher realm of Martial Dao. I am also heading in this direction."

Zhou Yan also fantasized about the Immortal World in this world, but no one knew exactly what the Immortal World was like. That was the direction in which all the lords worked hard.

Zhou Yan chatted with the four of them for a long time before leaving [Heavenly Emperor's Palace]. After returning to the villa of Ziwei Academy, Zhou Yan started another day of classes.

However, the chief instructor told everyone that he will lead everyone to participate in a lord trial of Ziwei Academy early next month. This time, only adventure lords will participate, and farming lords will not participate.

The chief instructor asked all students to summon their territories back before the end of the month.

After hearing the news, everyone was very curious and asked: "Teacher, where will we go for the trial this time?"

"What is the purpose of this trial?"

"Are there any rewards for this trial?"

Facing the curiosity of the students, the chief instructor smiled as always, and then replied: "You will know by then."

The students are very helpless. Ziwei Academy is still as mysterious as ever. They can only wait until the beginning of next month.

Zhou Yan looked at the time and saw that there was still a lot of time before next month. He planned to go to Lord Continent again today and then come back before the end of the month.

Zhou Yan had to do this. There were 500,000 more mounts in the territory, and a large amount of meat was needed for them to eat every day. In order to feed these mounts, Zhou Yan also specially built many [Transcendent Level Storage] specially used to store food. room].

This building is only an S-quality building and is an evolution of the Lowest Level [Storage Room]. After all, Zhou Yan has obtained so many buildings. If he listed all the various buildings, he would be unable to finish them on several pages.

After the morning class ended, there were no classes in the afternoon. Zhou Yan returned to the villa, ate the food cooked by Wang Quan and Liu Huan, and then returned to the territory. After all the soldiers had eaten and drank, he summoned all the soldiers. Liang, let him arrange for the soldiers to go out on the expedition.

Everything in the territory was on track. He only needed to issue the order, and he did not need to convey it personally.

After Zhang Liang's notification was completed, Zhou Yan communicated with his Heart of the Lord and began to teleport to the Lord Continent again.

As the entire territory once again traveled through time and space, Zhou Yan's territory once again entered a new environment.

This is a place like a fairyland, surrounded by lush forests, mountains and flowing water. Zhou Yan was very surprised. It didn't look dangerous here.

There is no need for Zhou Yan to issue instructions for the next thing.

Zhang Liang has already prepared a combat headquarters, which is full of Zhou Yan's women. They usually have nothing to do anyway. If they want to do something, let them do it. If they don't want to do it, leave it to others.

A dedicated group of people will be trained for future investigation work.

Thousands of reconnaissance planes were dispatched towards the outside of the territory, as well as various prospecting machines.

A few minutes later, various images were displayed on various computers in the combat headquarters.

However, the first one to get the good news was one of the prospecting machines, which discovered a large area of ​​High Level timber.

They quickly reported what happened here to Yin Lihua and others who were in charge here.

"We have been in the Lord World for a long time, and this is the first time we have discovered large-scale High Level wood." Si Teng looked at this piece of High Level wood and was very happy.

"Have you found out what kind of wood these are, and the approximate range of the wood?" Yin Lihua asked.

"Still expanding the scope to check, it looks quite big. As for the information on these woods... Yes, I have confirmed it with the information database. It is an eight-star wood, called iron-clad wood. It is very hard and requires High Level Only a dedicated woodcutter can collect it.”

"Eight-star iron armor wood. If I remember this wood well, it should be able to make various arrows. It is also very useful in the market. I am lucky this time. Have you found any traces of monsters?"

After Yin Lihua heard this, she was also very happy. The wood she encountered before was at most six-star, and the quantity was very small, so she didn't cut it down. This time she encountered a very good High Level wood production place, which is definitely Can't let it go.

"There are no traces of too powerful monsters yet, and we are starting to explore in the distance."

"Yes, there is a scene of monsters found here."

"Let me see."

After a long time, Zhang Liang obtained the information and reported what happened here to Zhou Yan.

"Oh, Eight-Star Iron-clad Wood, we are lucky this time. We are very short of High Level wood. We can get High Level wood this time. It seems that we are quite lucky."

Zhou Yan was also very happy. High Level timber was very rare in the market. If he hadn't been able to acquire a lot from Myriad Worlds, how could Zhou Yan have developed so fast.

"High Level wood requires High Level lumberjacks to cut it quickly. There seem to be too few lumberjacks in the territory. Can the lord summon some lumberjacks to come out, or directly let some soldiers do the felling?"

Zhang Liang put forward his own suggestions.

"There are now more than half a million mounts in the territory that need to be fed. Although there are some places for raising livestock in the territory, it is still difficult for these huge groups of mounts to be satisfied. The main job of the soldiers is to hunt monsters outside the territory. Lord, as for the woodcutter, just leave it to me."

Zhou Yan naturally couldn't let the soldiers cut down the trees, as that would be a complete waste.

Zhang Liang also agreed with this point, but he did not suggest this because he did not have enough soul coins in the territory to summon a High Level woodcutter.

"You can arrange the next thing. Just leave the lumberjack matters to me. Arrange a few people to come over and let them bring these lumberjacks to you."

Zhou Yan stood up and walked towards the [Hall of Heroes].


Zhang Liang quickly arranged for several people to follow Zhou Yan to the [Hall of Heroes].

Currently, he is only at Level 60, and there is no talent to summon the Woodcutter yet, but he already has enough materials to upgrade him.

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