Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 520, Eat The Elixir As Food

Li Bufan, Li Qingjin, Luo Yushuang, Dong Qingyi, Gu Nianyun, Zhao Qingwu, Lin Lanyan, Zhuge Kaiming and others all gathered with Zhou Yan, and they chatted for a while.

"We don't need to compete this time, and I don't know if there is a communication blocking function inside. If we can get together, we can get together."

"It's useless. We don't know where we are going to be teleported. It's hard to say we can be very close."

"Since there are good things inside, just hold on and go out to look for them. I always feel that it won't be that simple after entering."

"If it were easy it wouldn't be a trial."


They agreed that if they could meet up inside, they would act together. If not, forget it. Anyway, they didn't know anything about the situation in the trial.

After chatting, a group of people walked into the teleportation formation.

As his eyes changed, Zhou Yan looked around, and sure enough, there was no one there. He came to a plain and looked at it as far as the eye could see, but he didn't see any monsters.

Zhou Yan communicated his territory and then summoned it.

Zhou Yan was in the territory and turned on the communication function. As expected, the communication function was completely blocked and no one could contact anyone.

Then he sent a message to Zhang Liang, Bai Qi and others in the territory: "Gather the army and prepare for battle. This time we will not gather so many people, only about 50,000 people."

"Yes." Zhang Liangbai immediately started discussing to see who would be more suitable to call.

However, Zhou Yan still asked the people in the command room to release dozens of reconnaissance planes to see what the situation was like outside the territory.

Because it was just an academy trial and nothing else major, it had nothing to do with Xiao He, Fang Xuanling and others, so Zhou Yan just told them about the situation and let them perform their respective duties.

Jin Ye felt that Zhou Yan had returned to the territory, turned into a golden light, and came out of the [Retreat Room]. He had been practicing there in seclusion these days, and with the large amount of resources in the territory, his own strength had been greatly improved.

"The realm has reached the Twentieth Layer level. It's very good and the speed is quite fast."

Zhou Yan looked at Jin Ye, Dragon Race has a long lifespan and requires a huge amount of energy. Each time it advances to a higher level, the energy required is terrifying. With a large amount of resources, it is already very good to be able to reach Twentieth Layer.

"Are there any actions today? I heard you said there would be some academy trials a few days ago. It should be these days." Jin Ye was still curious about what the so-called academy trials were like.

"It has started now, and I don't know what changes will occur. If I have a chance, I will take you out to see it."

Zhou Yan put Jin Ye on his shoulder, and then took out another spiritual material and gave it to Jin Ye.

Jin Ye looked at these spiritual materials and said, "I have lost my appetite after eating these spiritual materials every day."

"How about I have someone cook a delicious meal for you?" Zhou Yan asked.

"However, this thing still adds a lot of spiritual energy, so you still have to eat it." Jin Ye stretched out his two little paws, and then began to eat slowly, quite gracefully.

"I have an idea. I will arrange for someone to use these spiritual materials to refine elixirs for you to take." Zhou Yan thought of a good idea.

"Elixir, what is that?" Jin Ye looked curious.

"It's something like this." Zhou Yan took out a bottle of elixir from the territory, then poured it out for Jin Ye: "Have a taste."

Jin Ye sniffed it, then swallowed it in one gulp, and then said, "It's pretty good. It adds a lot of spiritual energy."

Zhou Yan looked at the time and saw that it was still some time before the trial started. Zhou Yan first took Jin Yefei to [Strange Fire Alchemy Villa], found Yao Yun, and asked: "The alchemy thing has been going well recently. Bar."

"Reporting to the lord, there are a lot of medicinal materials to support us in refining the elixir. If we don't go smoothly, wouldn't we be very sorry to the lord." Yao Yun replied quickly.

Zhou Yan nodded, and then asked about their needs. They didn't have much demand, they just wanted some better medicine refining cauldrons. If there were good medicine refining cauldrons, they could speed up their success rate a lot. .

This matter has been arranged for people to do it a long time ago. It's just that the alchemy cauldron is not easy to buy. They don't need the Low Level ones, and they can't buy the High Level ones if they want to.

Zhou Yan could only try his best. After all, this kind of thing can only depend on luck.

"Is there any pill that can increase a large amount of spiritual energy?" Zhou Yan asked.

"There are quite a few pills that increase a large amount of spiritual energy. What level of people are the lords taking? They have different effects on people of different strengths." Yao Yun asked.

"Give it to him." Zhou Yan pointed at Jin Ye and said, "Although his current state is only Twentieth Layer Heaven, Dragon Race's digestion ability is relatively strong. Do you have food for people around Fortieth Layer Heaven?"

Yao Yun looked at the little golden dragon, and then started to search. He quickly took out a pill and said: "This is a kind of pill that can greatly increase spiritual power. It is usually taken by people of Fortieth Layer days." One pill can help you practice for a whole day."

Zhou Yan took it, took one out to Jin Ye and said, "Try it."

"The taste is quite fragrant." Jin Ye sniffed it, then swallowed it, feeling the spiritual energy coming from his body, and then said with satisfaction: "Yes, this elixir is just right."

"Refining more of this elixir will require him to take a large amount of it," Zhou Yan said.

"Yes." Yao Yun replied, and handed all the refined Yuan-increasing pills to Xiao Jinlong.

"Can I come here directly to get it after eating?" Jin Ye asked.

"Of course you can enter and leave the entire territory freely, but forget it if you leave the territory. You are not suitable to go out now." Zhou Yan reminded.

"Okay." Jin Ye won't go out if nothing happens. He just wants to improve his strength now.

Jin Ye is a well-behaved little golden dragon, not naughty at all, which makes people feel reassured. As for Antian and Liuli, they practice every day because they don't need to guard their territory at all times.

Zhou Yan was the only one who dared to keep pets like this, and actually gave the elixir as food to the little golden dragon.

At this moment, a strange light flew directly into the sky from the territory, which surprised Zhou Yan and didn't know what happened.

"Look at the light emitted there, it seems to be the light emitted from a certain [Forging Villa]." Zhou Yan was very curious, so he spread out his Yin and Yang wings and flew towards there.

Although Zhou Yan can fly without the Yin and Yang wings, he is already accustomed to using the Yin and Yang wings, and this can increase his flying speed.

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