The [Alien Space] building is a copy type building.

It turns out that Zhou Yan thought that this building should be a copy that could kill monsters and increase soul coins, but this was not the case in reality.

[Alien Space] There are currently six dungeons. Take the first dungeon "Desert Battlefield" as an example. This dungeon world is a real alien world.

Moreover, these dungeons only limit the number of people who can enter each day, and do not limit the length of time they can stay there. That is, you can stay there as long as you don't die.

It is precisely because of this that after entering, killing monsters is just a matter of exploding treasure chests, and you can also explore the treasures hidden in this world.

According to Guo Jia's information, "Desert Battlefield" is a desert cemetery where many dark monsters will appear. Especially in the wild, it is full of gloom, and there will even be many skeleton soldiers and ghost monsters.

According to this copy, Guo Jia has dispatched [Ghost Soldiers of the Underworld] to go in and explore. They are ghosts themselves, so they are at home in it and are very suitable for exploring there.

Moreover, we also harvested many treasures with dark attributes, which is a very good thing for the territory.

As for other copies of [Alien Space], they all have the same nature, but the environment is different, and the other treasures that appear are naturally different.

Moreover, the number of people who can enter these places every day is limited, but as long as they are not dead, they can always explore the dungeon.

As long as the time is longer, the more people can explore, the greater the harvest will naturally be.

But Zhou Yan also needs to dispatch people based on the value of these copies. If they are not of great value, he will change to another copy when the refresh time of the copy is up.

There are six dungeons, each of which has its own unique features. This time, Zhou Yan plans to download one of the dungeons called "Prehistoric Tower".

Because this dungeon is relatively unique, once you enter, it is a tower-shaped dungeon, and you cannot go anywhere, you can only enter this tower.

And there are many monsters inside. As long as you kill the monsters on any level, you can go to the next level. The key is that the monsters inside change with the number of people, and after each level is cleared, you will get points.

These points will be redeemed for different rewards when you finally fail and leave "Primordial Tower", and the better the item, the more points you need.

Zhou Yan brought a few people to the [alien space], and then said to them: "We are going to enter the dungeon."

"There are six of them here. Which copy should we go to this time?" Xuanyuan Qingfeng asked.

"Go to the fifth dungeon [Prehistoric Tower]." Zhou Yan replied.

"Is that a tower?" Xuanyuan Qingfeng asked again.

"You were right this time. It's a tower-shaped building." Zhou Yan replied.

As a result, several people were teleported to another space, and then they saw a towering pagoda.

Zhou Yan has been to a similar tower before, and the monsters in the tower are quite strong. As long as you defeat the monsters inside, you can get rewards immediately.

But this "Prehistoric Tower" is different from that tower.

"This tower is so high. How many floors does it have?" Xuanyuan Qingfeng was very surprised after seeing the tower. He could not see the end of the tower at a glance and had no idea how many floors it had.

"I don't know how many floors there are specifically, because the highest number of floors my soldiers have broken through is only over fifty." Zhou Yan replied.

"Then let's see if we can get through more than a hundred floors." Xuanyuan Qingfeng replied.

"I don't know how strong the monsters inside are." Nangong Pushe thought about how strong the monsters inside were. If they were too weak, she would be unhappy.

"Work hard, there shouldn't be any problem if you reach level 100 or above." Zhou Yan smiled and then said, "Let's go."

Everyone walked into the "Primordial Tower", and then the entire door was tightly closed, and then disappeared completely.

"There are so many monsters here, why don't I see them?" Jin Ye looked around and found that there was nothing around.

"It will appear soon, and the number of monsters will be refreshed based on the number of people." As soon as Zhou Yan finished speaking, they felt the wave of monsters appearing in front of them.

"Monsters have appeared." Everyone took out their weapons, looked around, and roughly judged that there were not many monsters that just appeared, only thirty.

"Roar!" The monster rushed towards the three of them.

"I'm here to help, too." After Jin Ye finished speaking, he turned into a golden light and quickly rushed towards the monster.


Jin Ye was very fast and had a strong impact. He sank directly into the monster's body and then flew out from the other end of the monster. The monster was killed like this.

Jin Ye is Zhou Yan's pet, so after killing the monster, the points belong to Zhou Yan.

"These monsters are not strong." Jin Ye said after killing the monster, floating in the air.

"The higher you get to the top, the stronger the monsters become. Now these monsters are naturally not strong." Zhou Yan said.

"How strong will the monster be in the end?" Jin Ye asked.

"How do I know?" Zhou Yan replied.

Nangong Pushe and Xuanyuan Qingfeng, one wields a sword and the other wields a sword.

Nangong Pu's shooting skills were not only sharp and decisive, but also very quick and crisp. Every monster was killed by her with one move, and all the wounds were on the neck.

As for Xuanyuan Qingfeng, his strength is also very good. Whether it is martial arts or martial arts, they are the most Apex Level, and he quickly kills the monsters around him.

After the monster fell, they all turned into light and disappeared.

"This first level is really easy." Jin Ye seemed very bored when he saw that all the monsters were killed so quickly.

After the monster disappeared, they quickly felt a wave of energy surrounding them, and then they were teleported to the second level.

"Is this the second floor? It seems to be exactly the same as the first floor." Jin Ye looked around and said.

"The word 'two' is written on it." Xuanyuan Qingfeng pointed to one of the places.

"Just changed a number." Jin Ye said.

Soon, a group of monsters appeared again. The number of monsters was half that of the first time, but these monsters were still very weak and not their opponents.

By the time they reached the thirtieth layer, the number of monsters had increased to three hundred, and the strength of the monsters was about Thirtieth Layer days.

"The number of monsters is increasing, and they are stronger than before." Jin Ye was very happy, and he sprayed a mouthful of dragon fire at the monsters, killing more than a dozen monsters directly.

Even though it is small now, its combat power is not weak. Even if it faces enemies from the Fiftieth Layer, Jin Ye is definitely capable of dealing with it.

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