They teleported to a place called Jianyun Capital City, which was several times larger than Anyang City. According to Ning Shuiqing, this city was the city where their ancestors lived.

It was only because of the decline that they moved to Anyang City.

Following Ning Shuiqing's guidance, they left the huge Jianyun Capital City.

But Zhou Yan said that no matter how old he is, he is not as big as him. (* ̄︶ ̄)

Don't get me wrong, he was talking about his broad-mindedness.

"Didn't you say there is a strong person in the demigod realm? Where is he?" Ning Shuiqing looked left and right, looking up and down, but found no one else.

"Why are you so anxious? Let me do a magic trick for you!" Zhou Yan contacted Li Chungang and said: "The heavens and the earth are spirited, the Supreme Lord, please do as you wish!"

Everyone: "(˘•灬•˘)"

Li Chungang, dressed in Tsing Yi, with an air of immortality, put his hands behind his back, and suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"Wow!" Ning Shuiqing was very surprised when he saw it and said, "Can you teach me this move? It looks very powerful."

"Hahaha!!!" Everyone laughed. Li Chungang just used a teleportation scroll, so it was only the little girl who made such a fuss.

"Tell me, do you need my help with anything this time?" Li Chungang looked at Zhou Yan.

"I don't know." Zhou Yan stepped forward and replied.

"Don't know?" When Li Chungang heard this, he said angrily: "You kid is playing with me!"

"My orientation is very normal, okay? I don't have that interest." Zhou Yan replied.

Li Chungang: “(•ิ_•ิ)???”

"It's like this. This time we took a fake Divine Weapon. The fake Divine Weapon also suppressed a ferocious beast. Its strength is estimated to be around the demigod level. I think you are too boring. I want to find some fun for you. ." Zhou Yan stated his purpose.

When Li Chungang heard this, he raised his eyebrows and replied: "Then old man, do I still have to thank you?"

"You're welcome. Respecting the elderly and caring for the young is my excellent character, Zhou Yan. I believe you can see it too." Zhou Yan said matter-of-factly.

"Pfft!" Ning Shuiqing couldn't help laughing.

But seeing everyone looking at her, she quickly straightened her expression and replied, "Sorry, I don't usually smile."

"Then you smile so happily." Dian Wei wondered.

Ning Shuiqing: "Unless I can't help it."

According to the map, the place they went to was quite far, and I heard it was not a good place and quite dangerous.

"Lord, I heard that the place we are going to is called Fierce Valley. I heard that it is very dangerous. No one who goes in has ever come out successfully."

"I heard that there are many powerful ferocious beasts roaming there, and it is also a cursed place. No one has dared to approach it for many years. I heard that many powerful men above the Ninetieth Layer level have become walking zombies after entering it."

"I heard that it is an ominous place with many evil corpses. Some people even say that it is the entrance to hell."

Zhang Wuji told Zhou Yan the news he had learned and felt that it was not a good place.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he nodded and said to Li Chungang: "Look, I am the only one who will take you to such a fun place. You should take more care of me then."

"You kid is so afraid of death, why are you still worrying about what that fake Divine Weapon is doing? Isn't it nice to be at ease in the territory." Li Chungang said angrily.

"I took that fake Divine Weapon just to honor you." Zhou Yan said quickly.

When Li Chungang heard this, he immediately became happy and said, "Then you are really powerful out of filial piety!"

"You haven't watched any short movies recently." When Zhou Yan heard this, he learned this cliffhanger from movies.

"I watched it when I was bored." Li Chungang replied, and then felt that there was something in Zhou Yan's words, and said, "The movie screen is huge, why is it a small movie?"

"Guess!" Zhou Yan smiled mysteriously.

A group of people walked into the forest and met some Monsters, but these Monsters not only contributed a bunch of treasure boxes, but also sent themselves into the territory and became delicacies in the mouths of many Yalongs.

Their spirit of sacrificing the small self and becoming the big self is very worthy of promotion.

For this reason, piles of Monsters queued up to join the inventory of the territory.

The Fierce Valley was far away from them, and it would take several days to walk there. Zhou Yan asked, "Don't take me the wrong way."

"You don't want to live anymore, but I still want to live. I won't make fun of my own life. My parents have made me remember these things since I was a child. If my family hadn't been destroyed, how could I have dealt with this matter? Let me tell you." Ning Shuiqing replied.

"So, I have to thank that guy Xiao Yan." Zhou Yan said.

"Then you go back and lift up his coffin board, then resurrect him and thank him again." Ning Shuiqing replied.

"Little girl, you're not big, but you have a sharp tongue." Zhou Yan looked at the other party.

"I'm not young anymore. I can get married at the age of twelve." In order to prove herself, Ning Shuiqing even puffed out her chest.

"Who cares about a Wangzi steamed bun?" Zhou Yan shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Ning Shuiqing was confused.

"Speaking of your airport." Zhou Yan replied again.

"Still don't understand." Ning Shuiqing looked confused.

"Say you don't even have a pair of Aces." Zhou Yan spoke again.

"Can you please speak clearly!" Ning Shuiqing was confused.

"Damn, I said you don't even have breasts, why are you trying to pretend to be an adult?" Zhou Yan explained.


When Dian Wei and others heard this, they burst out laughing.

After hearing this, Diao Chan and others looked very shy. She quickly pulled Zhou Yan over and said, "She is still a child. How can you say such things to a child."

"She herself said that she can get married at the age of twelve. She is already an adult. Am I not educating her?" Zhou Yan replied.

"You are so vulgar, you, you, you, you are shameless." Ning Shuiqing was also extremely shy, but three years of wandering made her much more mature than the average person.

"You haven't even graduated from elementary school, so hurry up and lead the way." Zhou Yan said.

Ning Shuiqing was fuming and couldn't figure out how such a guy could have so many beautiful sisters following him.

There are many Monsters here. The deeper you go, the stronger the number and strength of Monsters will be.

We could still see quite a few teams hunting Monster before, but there were far fewer people behind them.

At night, they spent the night in the forest. However, at night, they were attacked and surrounded by hordes of Monsters.

"There are many Monsters!" Ning Shuiqing looked around nervously.

But Zhou Yan was not worried and ignored him. He did not even move and continued chatting with Diao Chan and others.

"There's Monster, why don't you feel worried?" Ning Shuiqing was speechless.

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