Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 623, Wei Qing, Sun Wu, Bai Qi

Ding Ding also expressed his own opinion, saying: "It's surprising. In fact, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have imagined that this mysterious lord could be so powerful."

"These are soldiers from the twelve territories of the Long family. I think everyone has no doubt about the status and strength of the Long family. There is no need to question this. Dingding can guarantee this."

"Of course, the soldiers in the twelve territories of the Long family this time do not represent the real strength of the Long family. They are just members of the Long family. The Long family's heritage is more than that."

"As for the basic situation of this battle, Dingding has also obtained the corresponding intelligence and sources. I will basically report it to everyone."

"Moreover, this battle is definitely one that countless lords can learn from. Even Ding Ding admires the opponent's commander and lord for being so resourceful."

Then, Ding Ding began to briefly introduce the process of Sun Wu sending Wei Qing to attack the Long family army, and was sent 30,000 cavalry to pursue and was finally ambushed and killed. Although there was no specific picture, it captured the picture of these 30,000 soldiers being eliminated.

After that, the Long family's army of one million people was wiped out by fire. This time, Dingding had all the pictures of the fire, although he didn't know how the other party did it.

But Ding Ding said that this time the mysterious lord's army wiped out millions of enemy infantry without wasting a single soldier.

Dingding said that this battle was definitely a textbook-level battle. Even in the history of Lord Continent, such a huge achievement has rarely happened.

"According to Ding Ding's inquiries, I know that the person who led the army to eliminate this million-strong army this time was a commander named Wei Qing, and the deputy general was probably named Qin Qiong. It was these two people who, with only tens of thousands of soldiers, wiped out the army. The Long family's millions of infantry..."

When Dingding finished explaining the basic situation of this battle, everyone was shocked again.

"Nah! We wiped out a million infantry without even using a single soldier. Although it was a sneak attack, it was still too strong."

"Are all the Long family's millions of infantry fools? Why didn't anyone escape?"

"You can't understand war at first glance. Who among you knows what these millions of troops have gone through? Otherwise, why do you think no one escaped? They must have been unable to escape, or they must have been restricted in some way."

"Nah! Thirty thousand can kill a million. Damn it, who is this Wei Qing!"

"Wei Qing, I remember this person."

"This person can become a god in one battle!"

"The most powerful one should be the commander-in-chief of this lord. If this commander-in-chief was not strong, how could he have such an outstanding general as Wei Qing."

"It's scary to think about it carefully. Even Wei Qing is so powerful. How powerful is that guy who is the commander in chief!"

"I want to know more about how they burned all the millions of soldiers to death. I really want to learn about this process."


Everyone remembered one person - Wei Qing.

As for Qin Qiong...

Sorry, the deputy general is not qualified to be remembered.

Qin Qiong: I have a sad heart, I am blue and thin, and I am not a lieutenant. (〒︿〒)

After that, Dingding introduced the most important reason for the mysterious lord's victory this time.

The mysterious lord divided his troops into two groups, attracting the attention of the Long family army and letting them chase and kill them. He completely attracted the Long family army and set up traps along the way, and then eliminated many enemy soldiers.

According to Ding Ding's calculations, this time the commander of the mysterious lord will destroy no less than half a million enemies along the way.

And Dingding also obtained the commander of the mysterious lord this time, named Sun Wu.

Everyone also remembered the name Sun Wu. This man was so powerful that even Wei Qing was just the general of one of his legions.

And it was this Sun Wu who led the entire army and captured 700,000 enemy troops in one fell swoop.

As for Guo Jia, no one knows, because other lords, except for the general, do not have the position of military advisor at all.

In addition, Ding Ding also introduced another army of the mysterious lord this time, and Ding Ding also learned that this army was also another legion of the mysterious lord, and the leader was named Bai Qi.

Dingding also said that the reason why this battle was a textbook battle was mainly because of the way the mysterious lord divided his forces to fight this time.

An army deliberately draws enemy troops away.

The other army directly raided the enemy's territory.

Generally, when a lord sees his army being surrounded by the enemy, he will first provide support instead of raiding the enemy's territory and giving the enemy a fatal blow.

Moreover, siege warfare is very difficult, not to mention that the Long family owns twelve territories. How difficult it is to eliminate all twelve territories.

But this Bai Qi just did it.

Ding Ding also expressed his shock and said: "Even if the Long family dispatched most of their troops, according to what I know, the number of troops led by Bai Qi is only about 400,000."

"And the total strength of the Long family's twelve territories is definitely not less than one million, and it is also a defensive battle. Once one of the territories is attacked, the other territories will inevitably come to rescue quickly."

"An army of 400,000, and it's a siege. Facing an enemy with a million troops, no matter how you look at it, the defending side will win."

"However, it is such an unquestionable battle. This Bai Qi has taught us another lesson about what it means to make the impossible possible, and what it means to take the unexpected."

Then, Ding Ding began to analyze Bai Qi's process of dividing his troops to fight, then raiding the enemy's territory, and then defeating them one by one to win the all-out battle.

After hearing Ding Ding's words, the entire world of lords was in an uproar.

This battle was indeed a textbook battle of epic proportions.

There has never been such a battle in the world of lords. It was a battle of wits and courage, which made everyone remember this mysterious lord.

I also remember three characters: Wei Qing, Sun Wu, and Bai Qi.

"It's terrible! What kind of wisdom does it take to make such a decision?"

"This is not something that ordinary people can accomplish. If we were to do this kind of thing, I'm afraid our entire army would be wiped out."

"Victory with less, and even captured more soldiers than they had in total. It's so admirable."

"This lord is so powerful. I just don't know whether this strategy was thought up by the lord or their coach."

"Who knows, Dingding doesn't even know what this lord's name is."

"And they haven't learned the reason why the Long family took action against this mysterious lord."

"Divide the troops to attract firepower, and then take advantage of the situation. What kind of wisdom does he have? He can still fight like this. It's really a lot of experience."


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