Sun Wu has seven arms under his command: [Beifu Army], [Myriad Monsters Soldiers], [Tiger and Leopard Cavalry], [Tiance Black Armor Army], [Underworld Ghost Soldiers], [Guanning Iron Army], and [Elf Archers].

The current number of these seven arms has reached 700,000, but more than half of them have not come out because they have just been summoned and many of them are changing jobs.

Even soldiers who have completed their job transfer have entered the territory's dungeon, and other higher-level soldiers will take them into the dungeon.

The generals of the seven arms groups began to organize the tribes into units of ten thousand people.

Xie Xuan also led a group of ten thousand soldiers to attack one of the tribes. From the reconnaissance plane, Xie Xuan had already seen that the tribe was very simple to build.

The lowest level thatched house, a dozen watchtowers, a stone wall, several Blacksmith Shops, several wells, and dozens of farmland.

Among them, there are many slaves of other races plowing the fields and growing some food. The reason why they are known to be slaves is because these races are put in shackles and driven to work.

In the distance, there is a very good mine, and many miners are mining.

This tribe is built next to a very nice mine.

Many tribes here will choose to do this because they also know that the mines can refine weapons and make them stronger.

The people of this tribe all look very strange. Their skin is blue, and their arms, thighs, and backs are covered with scales like fish scales. They sparkle under the scorching sun and have good defense.

Through the data, we found that this is a race called Blue Spirit, which is born with very good magic power and is a very powerful magic swordsman and magician.

The ore mined by the Blue Spirit Tribe is quite good, much better than iron ore, but the level of blacksmiths of this race is obviously not very good. The equipment they forge is very crude, and the best is only of gold quality.

Xie Xuan had a general understanding of the entire tribe. The number of people was about 20,000, which could be considered a slightly larger tribe.

But all kinds of buildings are very backward. The only thing that Xie Xuan is more interested in is probably a barracks and an altar in this tribe.

To deal with such tribes with low defenses, Xie Xuan always chooses to use the simplest and most violent means to deal with them.


Following the order, Xie Xuan led a group of soldiers riding Yalong mounts and rushed into the Lanling tribe.

Xie Xuan was an outstanding commander. He did not want to kill these Blue Spirit people, so when he attacked, he asked the soldiers to use special fishing nets to capture these Blue Spirit people.

These fishing nets are not as powerful as the special fishing nets used to catch phoenix birds. To deal with these Blue Spirit tribesmen, there is no need for special fire nets of that level.

An earthquake-like sound rang out. The blue spirits who were alert outside the stone wall looked outside after hearing the sound and saw the sky full of smoke and roaring sounds.

After getting closer, they opened their eyes wide and looked at the enemies riding terrifying beasts and wearing neat armor.


Translation: "Brothers, the enemy is coming, get ready!"

The Blue Spirit soldiers shouted, activated the defense of the arrow tower, and asked the Blue Spirit magician to come to the low stone wall to prepare magic.

After Xie Xuan and others approached, the arrow tower began to attack, and the Blue Spirit magician also launched an attack.

All kinds of magic and arrows rained down on Xie Xuan and the others.


Something happened that stunned the Blue Spirit soldiers.

They found that after their attacks landed on the opponent, they would not break through the defense at all.

Xie Xuan and the others didn't even defend themselves, they just faced the opponent's attack and attacked them.

Blue Spirit soldier: "✘♡▷♬§¤®♫♪♩♭"

Translation: "Holy shit! What kind of race are they? They're so perverted!"

Giant nets flew towards them, and these Blue Spirit soldiers were like a group of captured birds, trapped tightly in this way.

You can also use matryoshka dolls to describe them at this time.

Xie Xuan's Yalong mount directly crossed the stone wall built by the Blue Spirit tribe, once again making the Blue Spirit tribe stunned.

Blue Spirit soldier: "(꒪Д꒪)ノщ(゚Д゚щ) 0ДQщ(゜ロ゜щ)w(°o°)w"

They had never seen such a powerful tribe, nor such a terrifying monster.

Are these tribes Heavenly Soldiers?

After Xie Xuan's soldiers rushed into the Lanling tribe, they began to disperse in an orderly manner, sweeping and capturing the entire tribe. The soldiers behind came to the tribe, began to get off their mounts, gathered these Lanling tribesmen together, and then tied them up. stand up.

Half an hour later, the entire Lanling tribe fell into Xie Xuan's hands.

Xie Xuan had people demolish the territorial buildings here and started talking to the leader of the Lanling Tribe.

The leader of the Blue Spirit Clan looked at Xie Xuan dejectedly and asked, "Which tribe are you from? How can you be so powerful?"

"Tribe?" Hearing this, all the soldiers laughed.

"You have become our prisoners. Do you choose to surrender or resist?" Xie Xuan asked.

"You are too strong. We are no match at all. Why should we resist? The weak should submit to the strong. This is the tradition between our tribes."

The leader of the Blue Spirit Clan looked at Xie Xuan in confusion.

This surprised Xie Xuan for a while. He didn't expect that there was such a rule among the tribes here. It really surprised Xie Xuan.

Xie Xuan began to ask the leader of the Lanling Tribe many questions, such as the war between tribes.

The leader of the Blue Spirit Tribe replied that wars between tribes are normal. As long as whoever captures the tribe, they will completely surrender to the tribe and become slaves of the other side, allowing them to be driven by the other side.

Because they worship the strong, if they capture their tribe, they should get everything from the other tribe.

This surprised Xie Xuan. He thought it would be difficult to subdue them. Who knew, they didn't need to subdue them at all. As long as their tribe was captured, they would cooperate and become slaves.

Although it makes Xie Xuan and others find it incredible, the entire Lord Continent is a place like this.

Xie Xuan gathered them together and then used a large teleportation scroll to teleport them all back to the territory.

How precious is the teleportation scroll, and it is the teleportation of so many people?

In the entire Lord Continent, only Zhou Yan's territory dared to use it like this.

It is true that Zhou Yan is not short of money and has many such teleportation scrolls.

Later, a group of miners came here and began to collect the mines here. After Xie Xuan sent some people to protect these miners, he continued towards the next tribe.

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