Guan Zhong later learned the truth.

He also didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These races were really inexperienced in the world, but Guan Zhong was also very happy. The territory needed such people now. Only such people could be easy to command.

So Guan Zhong began to let them change jobs.

Guan Zhong began to assign them to change jobs based on their Talent. Races with Talent as a sub-profession would naturally switch to sub-professions.

If they are of the Talented race in combat, Guan Zhong still arranges for them to switch to combat professions.

After these people joined the territory and raised their loyalty to 100, they all found that they had undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only did their qualities become stronger, but their various abilities also improved.

"This is the divine power given by the leader of the Celestial Tribe."

Everyone regarded Zhou Yan as a god. Although they had never seen him before, they were full of energy at this moment.

You must work hard to eat!

Sub-professions in the territory have always been very scarce. This time Guan Zhong has discovered that there are many races that are born with sub-professions.

Guan Zhong was very satisfied with this.

The problem of captives in the territory was quickly and satisfactorily resolved, and progress on the Phoenix Bird side was also going very well.

After Zhou Yan captured him for a while, he returned to his territory and heard the report about Guan Zhong.

Zhou Yan didn't expect things to go so smoothly, but he didn't care about it and asked him to do his job well. If there was not enough manpower, he would transfer manpower from other places.

Guan Zhong has asked Shang Yang to send people to help him, otherwise if there are too many prisoners, Shang Yang and several civil servants will not be able to manage them.

The Phoenix Bird is treated in the same way as the previous Yalong. After being captured, it will be placed in the [Qingqingling Grassland] to be raised for a period of time, and then sent to the [Guanghan Fairy].

Zhou Yan definitely wants to capture a pet for everyone in the territory. Whether the pet is a mount or a combat pet, he will do it.

Such days have been going on for half a month, and the number of people in the entire territory has skyrocketed to five million.

The main reason is that there are not enough teleportation scrolls at the back, so we can only arrange for people to send them back.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Although Zhou Yan is not short of money, there still needs to be so much money in the market.

There are some things that cannot be bought with money.

The number of sub-professionals in the territory has also increased a lot, but most of these people are still in the process of changing jobs. Some of those who have successfully changed jobs have already started working.

Moreover, these people performed very well, which made Guan Zhong very satisfied.

These people are indeed very hard-working and only have four hours of rest every day. In their words, this job is hard-earned and cannot be wasted.

The population has skyrocketed a lot, and Zhou Yan has built a lot of buildings in the past few days, especially housing.

There are several very good buildings among them, which makes Zhou Yan very good.

The first building is called [Dungeon].

Yes, this is a prison cell, and its properties are quite good.

[Building: Dungeon]

[Level: Level 70 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: R (required for upgrade)]

[Special Attribute 1: Putting captives in a dungeon can greatly reduce the enemy's loyalty to the person they belong to. ]

[Special attribute two: Increase the loyalty of residents in the entire territory. ]

[Special attribute three: Improve the unity of the entire territory. ]

[Special attribute four: Putting prisoners in a dungeon can make them repent. ]

[Special Attribute 5: Putting captives in a dungeon can increase the sense of belonging. ]

[Special attribute six: Reduce the crime rate of the entire territory. ]

[Special attribute seven: Improve the security of the entire territory. ]

This building is very good and has great benefits for the territory. Zhou Yan was very satisfied after building this territory.

This building can not only increase the loyalty of captives, but also reduce the crime rate in the territory.

Although the people in the territory are loyal to the territory, as long as they are human beings, there will be disputes and frictions, especially between different races. This is inevitable.

There were no such buildings in the territory before. They were all used for education, and even the cells were built by themselves.

Now that you have this dungeon, you don't need to build it yourself at all.

The second building is a barracks, and it is not an ordinary barracks. This barracks is called [Flying Cavalry Army].

Yes, this is the first barracks to have a flight bonus.

After obtaining this barracks, Zhou Yan was very happy. The territory finally had an army with a flight bonus, which was very good.

After Zhou Yan obtained this barracks, he had already improved the quality of this barracks to the highest level.

[Building: Flying Cavalry]

[Level: Level 50 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: RRR]

[Special Attribute 1: Greatly increases the flying speed of the flying cavalry. ]

[Special Attribute 2: Greatly increases the combat effectiveness of the Flying Cavalry Army in the air. ]

[Special Attribute 3: Greatly increases the air attack power of the flying cavalry. ]

[Special Attribute Four: Greatly increases the air defense of the flying cavalry army. ]

[Special Attribute Five: Greatly increases the impact speed of the flying cavalry army in the air. ]

The materials needed for this barracks are very special. Zhou Yan has already replaced the [Free Material Copy] materials with the materials needed for this barracks. As long as a period of time passes, the level of this barracks can be raised to level 60 or above.

This kind of barracks comes at the right time. There are still many flying mounts in the territory, so the next flying dragons will be reserved for this barracks.

Zhou Yan will naturally not plan to expand the Flying Dragon Legion that was formed before. The current Flying Dragon Legion already has 100,000 people, and training in all aspects is also going on. There will definitely be more air combat in the future, so Zhou Yan Will not dissolve.

The last building is very good. This building is also an evolution of the altar. It is called [Mysterious Drawing], and only one kind of drawing will appear every day.

[Architecture: Mysterious Drawings]

[Level: Level 50 (required for upgrade)]

[Quality: R (required for upgrade)]

[Special Attribute 1: Refresh a drawing every day]

[Special Attribute 2: Increase the probability of High Level drawings appearing]

[Special Attribute 3: You can choose the type of drawings to appear]

[Special Attribute Four: Discounts can appear during holidays]

[Special attribute five: One Apex Level quality drawing must appear every year]

The function of this building is single, but don't underestimate this blueprint. It allows him to freely choose the type of blueprint. Unfortunately, the current level is too low. The highest quality blueprint can only appear in dark gold.

If you want this building to appear in higher drawings, you still have to upgrade it or improve the quality of the building.

As long as it is a building in the mysterious series, it can improve any mysterious type of building.

Although many altars have been acquired recently, they have only just upgraded the quality of this building to R quality.

Zhou Yan is not in a hurry, and has now begun to attack the big tribes. There are indeed many kinds of tribal races in this map, but there are also human tribes.

As long as large tribes have a large number of people and are still civilized according to the primitive social model, such tribes are easier to control. After defeating them, giving them enough food, and treating them a little better, they will give up.

For tribes in primitive societies, food is what they need most. If you give them this, they will all fight for you.

Zhou Yan can still satisfy this point. If he doesn't have enough food, he can just build more Spirit Fields.

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