The conflict between Ziwei College and Shengyang College soon spread throughout Longqing College, and countless students were talking about it.

This time, Sacred Sun College was in a state of disgrace.

On the other hand, people from Ziwei Academy, no matter where they go, they seem to have the halo of the protagonists, attracting attention, being discussed by countless people, and watched with admiring eyes by countless people.

Especially Chu Luoyan, her reputation as Huanye Rakshasa has been widely spread in Longqing College. Many people admire her for her majestic appearance but are also afraid of her strength, which is extremely contradictory.

The key point is that Chu Luoyan is not a good-tempered person. If anyone provokes her, just the thought of being chased by Chu Luoyan carrying a ten-meter-long Divine Weapon will give him a lot of pain.

They were arranged into the lounge. The competition between the four major colleges would not officially begin until tomorrow.

The students participating in the four major colleges live in four different corners. In the middle of their residence is the venue where the competition will be held tomorrow. It is a bird's nest-type venue.

It is very spacious and can accommodate millions of people watching, because a space formation is arranged there. If there are too many people watching the battle, it can even be expanded several times, so there is no need to worry about insufficient space.

During the competition period, the students were not allowed to go out and could only stay in their rooms. Every passage was guarded by strong men from Longqing Academy, and the guarding work was done very well.

Chu Luoyan and others asked them not to run around, rest well, and wait for the official competition tomorrow. If they are hungry, just inform the teachers directly.

Soon, Chu Luoyan was invited by the people from Longqing College and left here, but only a few people left. The remaining elders stayed here to protect them.

Although the security work of Longqing College is very good, they will still be very careful. These students are the best students of Ziwei College, so no accidents can happen.

In the reception hall of Longqing College, the teachers leading the team from the four major colleges gathered together. The leader was Zuo Jianyuan, the principal of Longqing College. He looked very young, only in his thirties, but his real age had long been More than a thousand years old.

The people from the other three major colleges were all people I had met before, including Chu Luoyan from Ziwei College, Jin Hongyun from Beidi College, and Macdonald Baker from Shengyang College.

However, the leading teachers of Shengyang Academy all looked quite strange with bruises and swollen faces, especially on such occasions.

Moreover, the faces of Macdonald Baker and others were very ugly, and the looks they looked at Chu Luoyan were full of hatred and fear, which could be described as extremely contradictory.

As the principal, it is impossible for Zuo Jianyuan not to know about the affairs between Ziwei College and Shengyang College. However, old antiques who have lived for such a long time are all human beings. It is impossible to mention this matter and just pretend that they know nothing. , anyway, Shengyang Academy only received a lesson, and it didn’t matter if no one died.

"This time you have come all the way. On behalf of Longqing College, I would like to warmly welcome you. The reason why I invite you here this time is to tell you some of the rules of this competition." Zuo Jianyuan began to explain the purpose of this time.

This is also the purpose of bringing teachers from other colleges here. They naturally need to know the rules of this competition and how the specific competition events are conducted.

Everyone was listening carefully. Zuo Jianyuan first talked about the competition between freshmen, and then about the competition between sophomores, juniors and seniors.

In this competition, the events for each year group are different, and there is only one type of competition event for each year group. Whoever can persist to the end will be the final first place.

After listening, the teachers from the three major colleges began to ask their own questions. The meeting lasted for several hours before it ended. In the end, Zuo Jianyuan naturally entertained the teachers from the three major colleges for dinner.

After eating, the teachers from the three major colleges took the competition materials and returned to their respective residences.

After returning, Chu Luoyan told many elders about the competition, and then handed the information in his hands to the teachers in charge of each age group.

After Han Li got to know Leng Yue, he took the information, summoned Zhou Yan and the others, and said, "We have already obtained the information for this competition."

"What is it?" Everyone was very curious.

Leng Yue sent the information to them and said: "There is detailed information here. You should read it first. After reading it, tell me your questions and I will answer them one by one."

Everyone took the information and began to check it.

Zhou Yan looked at the competition rules above.

Big Rank One segment competition information:

In this competition, freshmen will enter the world specially created by Longqing College to participate in the competition.

The time ratio between this world and the outside world is 10:1.

Students have been in this world for 10 days, and only one day has passed outside.

People on the outside will watch them play inside ten times faster.

In this world, there are a total of forty countries. After each student enters, he will be randomly transported to one of the countries.

Moreover, the students summoned in cannot communicate, cannot get in touch with anyone, cannot use any props or the like, and will not know who the countries around them are.

Each country has the same national strength, but its geographical location is different. Students need to investigate the specific situation by themselves.

Each country has ten cities, and no soldiers guard the cities.

After students can enter, they can summon 20,000 people in the initial stage. As for which 20,000 people are summoned, it all depends on the students themselves.

What they need to do is to eliminate other countries until the last country left is the final winner.

It should be noted that every time an enemy city is captured, an additional two thousand people in the territory can be summoned.

In this world, mining and forging will be given a hundred times speed and efficiency.

The soldiers who were summoned from the territory did not have any weapons or equipment, and everything had to be restarted by relying on them.

People who are not summoned from their own territory cannot be summoned. Longqing Academy naturally has a way to detect this.


After reading these materials, all the students were stunned.

It turns out that the game will be played in this way.

This is a bit like playing a game of founding a country.

There are four colleges, each with ten participating students, a total of forty people, and there are only forty countries in them. Moreover, after they enter, they have no idea who the countries around them are and cannot tell them apart.

This resulted in them being unable to make any contact or see who the other person was.

If you want to win this battle, you have to attack others. Only by attacking other people's cities can you win this game.

However, they soon thought that this game was not simple. It seemed to be just an offensive and defensive game, but it also involved many things.

For example, it does not introduce the population and resources of each country.

Only 20,000 people could be summoned in the initial stage. The soldiers did not have a single piece of equipment, which forced them to summon some people from all professions.

This is definitely not a simple game, there are too many things involved.

They all have to think carefully about how to use the advantages of their own territories to develop rapidly. Only by developing faster than others can they gain the upper hand.

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