But they couldn't decide anything, so they approached the teachers of Longqing College, hoping to put forward their opinions.

"Let them come in!" Zuo Jianyuan, the principal of Longqing College, hurriedly summoned the teachers after hearing that teachers from the two colleges were coming.

"Since we want to give opinions, how can we leave out our Ziwei Academy?" Chu Luoyan also came with people.

As a result, teachers from the four major colleges expressed their opinions on Zhou Yan's behavior.

Zuo Jianyuan listened very carefully. After listening to both sides' opinions, Zuo Jianyuan smiled slightly and said, "Actually, we know what you mean."

"Actually, none of us expected this result, and we didn't expect Zhou Yan to be so good."

"A person as good as Zhou Yan can still win even if he doesn't use this method. In fact, his advantage is very obvious from the beginning. I believe everyone can't deny this."

The teachers around him nodded. Zhou Yan's advantage was indeed too great, but it was hard to say who would stand at the end.

They all understood the meaning of Zuo Jianyuan's words, which was that they were not going to change the rules and let this game end as soon as possible.

Although some people are still dissatisfied, as Longqing College is the organizer this time, there is nothing they can do.

The teachers of Ziwei Academy left with satisfaction. They were very satisfied with the result of this handling.

After they came out, one more student from the outside world was eliminated by Zhou Yan. This person was a student from Longqing College.

Although there were still sophomores, juniors, and seniors competing, everyone was basically attracted by what Zhou Yan had caused, and they continued to discuss it.

Time passed slowly, and the countries that were destroyed by Zhou Yan were destroyed one after another, including even Ziwei Academy's own students. At this time, Zhou Yan had become the biggest winner.

It was also Xiao He's ability that allowed him to deal with Zhou Yan's rapid capture of these countries in a timely manner. Otherwise, these countries would also have a certain impact on the soldiers.

Within the competition space, several days have passed. Zhou Yan has wiped out a quarter of the countries at the rate of two or three countries a day.

This speed was unexpected by others, but Longqing Academy still did not intend to change the rules.

However, as time went by, Zhou Yan also discovered that this method was not very feasible. The main reason was that the soldiers did not have weapons and were really at a disadvantage.

At this time, Zhou Yan had occupied a quarter of the entire world and had become a well-deserved overlord.

Zhou Yan did not continue to attack other countries, but developed with peace of mind. Internally, he appeased the common people of various countries, and externally, he strictly defended himself and transported forged equipment to border cities in various places.

Zhou Yan arranged at least 10,000 people in each border city. Although the territory was large, he faced many neighboring countries.

But Zhou Yan has all the resources of eleven countries and has the strongest military strength. Moreover, the students in these countries do not know that Zhou Yan has become the overlord.

Within three days, some students began to try to attack other cities, and the fighting basically started from this moment on.

The outside world has also focused its attention on other people, no longer on Zhou Yan alone.

Some people also launched an attack on Zhou Yan's country. Unfortunately, these enemies never imagined that Zhou Yan would have so many soldiers in the border city. As a result, these soldiers were defeated and returned, but they were also attacked into the city. .

Zhou Yan did not let his soldiers pursue the victory, because attacking other countries too quickly caused internal turmoil in many countries, and some people actually organized small-scale rebellions. This was something Zhou Yan did not expect.

This competition is indeed not that simple. It not only tests the strength of a lord's soldiers, but also tests the lord's ability to deal with these emergencies.

Zhou Yan must have suppressed these things, but after suppressing them, he would take these people into custody and turn them into his own army.

At the same time, Xiao He also talked to Zhou Yan about many things, such as the corruption of some officials, doing evil in various places, and even the collusion between officials and businessmen. If not dealt with properly, civil unrest would occur.

It was precisely because of these many emergencies that Zhou Yan stopped his attacks and began to comprehensively deal with these matters in various places.

It is indeed easy to attack a country, but it is not so easy to govern a country. It requires a lot of time and energy.

Zhou Yan now focuses on defense and has no time to care about the external battles. He has begun to comprehensively eliminate the problems of the countries he captured.

They even sent troops to eliminate many emergencies in the name of revolt and restoration of the country. This was not targeted at Zhou Yan alone. Students who conquered other countries would face such things.

It's just because Zhou Yan conquered too many countries and had too many things to deal with.

Everyone thought it was too easy for Zhou Yan to conquer these countries before, but seeing so many things happening within Zhou Yan's country, they all wanted to see how Zhou Yan handled it.

The results surprised them. Zhou Yan, Xiao He and others handled these matters very quickly and effectively.

Suppress what should be suppressed, kill those who deserve to be killed, and redress the injustices of the people who deserve justice.

After Zhou Yan solved the emergencies in various places one by one, the entire country finally returned to peace.

But at this time, within the competition space, a month has passed.

That's three days in the outside world.

During this month, Zhou Yan's overall strength has also become much stronger, mainly in terms of equipment. Not only are all soldiers equipped with weapons, but also armor.

Even Ou Yezi and the others' forging experience has skyrocketed a lot due to the hundredfold forging effect bonus.

Not only them, but also those with secondary professions, their professional experience has increased a lot.

After Zhou Yan saw this, he started to attack other cities again. The internal problems had been completely resolved, and it was time to deal with the outside countries.

At this time, the fighting was in full swing outside, and the competition between various countries was very fierce. Some cities had changed hands several times, and both sides had suffered heavy losses in fighting for a city.

Zhou Yan rested for a month, and his troops were strong. Coupled with the raids on these countries, and the advantages of weapons and equipment, naturally no one in these countries could resist Zhou Yan.

As a result, wherever the soldiers under Zhou Yan's command passed, there was no enemy, and they were all defeated and eliminated.

People outside already know that Zhou Yan is now ready to sweep away other students.

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