They don't know how much time has passed in the outside world. They only know that they have been training, constant training, crazy training, and they have been accepting failures. As the failures increase, they have become accustomed to it.

Zhou Yan and others stayed at the training base for a few more months, and then they began to receive training for Rank Three.

In this training, all the students being trained participated together, because they were going to start attacking each other.

This time everyone is divided into two teams, and then they start attacking each other. The winner can get a reward, and the reward is rest. Because training is very hard, day and night, rest is the best reward for them.

Those who fail will be punished and sent to another dimension to be tortured by monsters. This is a very cruel torture for students.

The two sides quickly drew lots to assign teams, and then began to summon territories, dispatch soldiers, and attack the enemy.

But they all fought on their own, and there was chaos. In the end, they were all punished by Gu Long.

For a period of time after that, they all fought together, but as long as Zhou Yan was there, they would definitely win. The main reason was that Zhou Yan's territory was so terrible that no one of them could invade it.

Fighting in the team territory taught them how to unite and cooperate, and then began ambush battles, offensive and defensive battles, and melee battles between individuals. As long as they could train them in battles, Gu Long had let them experience them.

Time flies, and in the training base, their training is finally over.

Everyone is exhausted physically and mentally. This training is indeed very hard for them, but the effect is amazing. Everyone has grown a lot. This improvement is a real improvement.

Because of the special spatial factors here, Zhou Yan's soldiers practiced in the [Cultivation Secret Realm] in the territory, and everyone's realm was greatly improved.

Bai Qi and the others have reached more than seventy realms. There are finally a large number of masters in Zhou Yan's territory, but there are still too few top masters, and they need to continue to work hard.

They rested for a few days and finally began to leave this training base.

I thought I would only stay here for half a month, but unexpectedly I ended up staying here for nearly a year.

But only fifteen days have passed in the outside world.

Gu Long, Bei Junya, and Wenling are not only their instructors, but also the team leaders representing the Shenlong Kingdom this time.

"The training is over. Now, you will face opponents from abroad in the future. I have only one request, and that is to use all your strength to defeat your opponents."

"No matter what means you use, as long as you can defeat your opponent, you are the champion, because your opponent will also use any means to win this victory. You are representing the country and representing our Shenlong Kingdom in the competition. Don't let me down, don't let our country down. .”

After Gu Long finished speaking, he took everyone out and finally returned to the outside world, and then said: "Pack up your things and gather in an hour. We are going to the venue of this event - Kyoto!"

"Kyoto! Isn't this our country?"

"It turns out you don't want to go abroad this time. Our country is the organizer."

"Since our country is the organizer, there is no need to be ashamed."

"Bring glory to the country!"

Ye Bufan said to Zhou Yan: "Kyoto is my territory. When you get there, I will take you to have a good time and introduce you to my family. I believe my family will be very happy."

"My family also welcomes you very much." Feng Qingyang also said.

"Isn't your boy going to marry a girl from the Fengluan family after graduation? Speaking of which, your Phoenix family still likes to engage in marriages." Ye Bufan said directly.

"As a result, your Dragon King family is no longer the same. You, like me, have been arranged for the sake of the family." Feng Qingyang said.

"We are different. Our approach is just like a blind date. If it's suitable, we'll be together. If it's not suitable, we'll become friends. It doesn't have to be together."

"Our family is now more open and humane. We will arrange for many girls to get to know us, and the right people will naturally come together. How can it be compared to your Phoenix family? As long as we make arrangements, there is no other way. So sad for you.”

Ye Bufan was satisfied with his family's alternative marriage. Although it was still a marriage, at least the range of choices was much expanded.

In reality, there are cases where young men from aristocratic families fall in love with poor girls. Although it cannot be said that there is no such thing, the probability of what really happens is about the same as winning the lottery.

In order to safeguard the interests of the family, aristocratic families will naturally choose the right people for marriage, which is beneficial to both parties.

Although Dong Qingyi likes Ye Bufan, Ye Bufan doesn't like her. He likes Zhao Qingwu from Ziwei Academy.

Although Zhao Qingwu was not from Kyoto, Ye Bufan had already found out clearly that he was from a famous family in the Demon City, and there would be absolutely no problem in becoming a couple with him.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Bufan chose to be with Zhao Qingwu, and after so many days of getting along, the two have successfully gotten together.

If Zhao Qingwu was just a girl from an ordinary family, Ye Bufan would definitely let her go. For people like them, family is still very important.

Because this event was held in Kyoto, Feng Qingyang and Ye Bufan both told Zhou Yan a lot about Kyoto's historical attractions and said they would take Zhou Yan around Kyoto.

There were more than a dozen students from Shenlong Academy accompanying him. After spending so many days together, they were no longer strangers to each other.

Overall, they get along very well.

There are five participants in each year group, but there are two substitutes.

The total number of people in the four years is twenty-eight, accompanied by three instructors and former teachers from major colleges.

"You guys should be doing well in half a month. It looks a little different."

Han Feng looked at Zhou Yan and the others and could see that they had changed a lot.

For Han Feng and others, it was only half a month, but for Zhou Yan and others, this time was more than half a month. They had spent about a year in the training space.

"It's finally time to set off. This competition is about the country's face, as well as your own honor. Don't let us down!"

Leng Yue said to Zhou Yan and others.

"I understand, teacher, don't worry, we know who our opponent is this time and we will definitely work hard." Zhou Yan replied.

"Let's go, the airship is waiting for us."

Chu Luoyan looked at everyone and walked towards the airship first.

More than a hundred people walked towards the Shenlong Academy's airship. This airship was very beautiful, and the interior design was also very comfortable. It could be said to be truly high-end and high-end.

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