Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 737, Angry Lord Of Dark Martial City

"Damn it, how come the other party has so many armor-piercing arrows? The materials for these arrows are hard to find!"

The lord of [Dark Martial City] also saw this scene through the video, and was very angry. Tens of thousands of cavalry were wiped out by the enemy in this way, which made him feel heartbroken.

The commander of [Dark Martial City] immediately ordered a retreat and no longer sent cavalry. Facing such armor-piercing arrows, they really had a headache, and they couldn't even block them with shields.

Then, the army in front of [Dark Martial City] began to move, and a huge passage appeared.

There was a dense sound, and Bai Qi soon saw the enemy releasing three-meter-tall Yin beasts. These Yin beasts were all wearing various protective armors, with sharp teeth and bloodthirsty eyes.

They were very numerous and densely packed, and were attacking Bai Qi's army.

The enemy wants to rely on this group of Yin beasts to consume Bai Qi's armor-piercing arrows.

"To deal with these Yin beasts, you don't need to use armor-piercing arrows." Bai Qi smiled, they had many types of arrows.

"The marshal is right. Facing these evil beasts, I think it would be more appropriate to give them a barbecue feast." Zhang Liang also said.

"Just follow the military advisor's wishes." Bai Qi also nodded.

[Da Qin Black Armored Army] After hearing the red flag raised by the ordering soldiers, all the soldiers replaced themselves with red arrows. Once these arrows are fired, they are extremely powerful.

The soldiers were quickly prepared. As the Yin Beast entered their attack range again, another dense rain of arrows attacked the Yin Beast.


The red arrows covered the entire sky, as if the entire sky had been printed into a red ocean.

As the arrow falls, it hits the Yin Beast, or falls directly on the ground.

In an instant.


These arrows erupted into a terrifying flame, and the covered area turned into a sea of ​​fire. All these Yin beasts were enveloped in the flames, and then they were all burned by the terrifying flames.

"Damn it, flaming arrows! Where did these bastards come from, and why did they change the arrows again!"

The lord of [Dark Martial City] became even more angry after seeing this scene. Neither the armor-piercing arrows nor these burning arrows could be made from ordinary materials.

But the other party not only owns them, but also has a lot of them, which gives them a headache.

Although their number is twice that of Bai Qi, if they continue to be consumed like this, they may have ten times more troops that will be wiped out.

"Order the entire army to charge. We cannot be wasted little by little. Even if we lose some, as long as we can fight with the enemy in close combat, we can defeat the enemy."

The lord of [Dark Martial City] does not want to waste any more, nor does he want to wait any longer. The longer it is delayed, the more dangerous his brother's territory will be.

The commander of [Anwu City] quickly received the order for the entire army to charge. Although the other party knew that now was not the time for the entire army to charge, they still ordered a full-scale attack.

In order to reduce casualties, he spread out his troops so that more soldiers could rush through the death zone ahead.

With one million troops, [Anwu City] also dispatched 50,000 flying troops, and these 50,000 flying troops attacked from the sky above Baiqi.

After Bai Qi saw it, he ordered: "Meng Tian, ​​I'll leave the guy in the sky to you."

"Don't worry, Marshal, I will never let an enemy come over our soldiers." Meng Tian replied immediately.

Meng Tian is now the commander-in-chief of the [Flying Cavalry Army], while the [Flying Dragon Army] is directly commanded by Bai Qi himself, but the deputy general is Meng Wu.

Meng Tian's deputy general was Meng Yi. After receiving the order, Meng Tian said to Meng Yi: "We each led half of the [Flying Cavalry Army] to destroy the enemy's flying army."

"No problem!" Meng Yi replied confidently.

Meng Yi and Meng Tian each led fifty thousand [Flying Cavalry Army] to rush towards the enemy in the air.

Even the [Flying Cavalry Army] is equipped with flying cavalry equipment and armor, and every flying cavalry soldier also carries sleeve arrows.

Before approaching the enemy, they will take the first shot at the enemy.


These sleeve arrows are easy to carry, fast, and very lethal. Once they hit the enemy, they can cause great damage to the enemy.

As soon as the sleeve arrow hit the enemy's flying cavalry, the opponent's flying cavalry screamed and then fell.

Subsequently, the flying dragons of the flying cavalry army also opened their mouths and launched various attacks on the enemy flying cavalry. Energy such as storms, sound waves, ice, etc. were continuously released from the mouths of various flying dragons.

How could the enemy's 50,000 flying cavalry have such a method as the flying dragon? Before they even got close, they began to lose money, were attacked, and fell from the sky.

They had no way to escape. A hundred thousand flying dragons surrounded them and then started a massacre.

This is a one-sided battle, they are too weak.

[Flying Cavalry Army] Not only does the mount have an absolute advantage, but even the various equipment cannot be compared to the opponent.

The lord of [Dark Martial City] saw that the flying cavalry army he had finally formed was about to be destroyed, and his eyes were so distressed that his eyes almost popped out.

He never thought that the opponent's flying army was not only twice as large as his own, but also that the flying cavalry were all flying dragons. They had hundreds of thousands of flying dragons. Where did they come from?

As the King of the Sky, there are not many flying mounts that can compete with these flying dragons. It is only a matter of time before fifty thousand flying mounts are wiped out.

On the ground, after the [Dark Martial City] army was fully mobilized, the arrows of the [Great Qin Black Armored Army] could not cover the entire battlefield.

However, it's not just the [Great Qin Black Armored Army] that can use bows and arrows to attack, it's just that other armies are not as powerful as the [Great Qin Black Armored Army] when they use bows and arrows.

Therefore, the [White-robed Ghost Army] and [Trapped Camp] also took out their bows and arrows and attacked the enemy.

The arrows fired by the 300,000 troops were really dense and terrifying.

Although the enemies were scattered widely, they still suffered terrible damage. Countless enemies fell under the rain of arrows.

Each attack consumes 300,000 arrows, but every soldier in Zhou Yan's territory has at least 100 arrows.

There is no way, who makes Zhou Yan not short of money.

Being rich means being willful.

The lord of [Dark Martial City] turned dark when he saw that his army suffered heavy casualties.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed or wounded before they even got close to the enemy. No one would feel comfortable with this outcome.

When they finally got close to Bai Qi's soldiers, their number was less than half.

There were one million troops, but after getting close to the enemy, there were less than half a million.

The lord of [Dark Martial City], whose whole face turned black to charcoal, was extremely angry, and immediately ordered: "Send another one million troops to me, and we must destroy all these enemies and kill them all. !”

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