If an ordinary person obtains buildings from other territories, they will only build those buildings selectively, but Zhou Yan is different from others. The more the better, and he hopes that the quality of each building is the most Apex Level. .

Mo Ji didn't understand the characteristics of Zhou Yan's territory, so she naturally didn't know why Zhou Yan wanted so many buildings. She also didn't know how big Zhou Yan's territory was and how many powerful buildings were built in it.

So far, no one knows how strong Zhou Yan's territory is. Only the people in the territory know, but it is absolutely impossible for them to tell what happened in the territory.

After Mo Ji took out an Apex Level Demon World barracks, there were no other Apex Level barracks buildings. This kind of building is also very rare in Demon World.

However, Mo Ji also had three lower buildings and said, "I also have one R-quality and two SS-quality barracks. Do you want them too?"

After speaking, Mo Ji handed the three barracks in her hand to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan took a quick look and found that the R-quality barracks was called [Phantom Demon Soldiers], and the other two were called [Blood Demon Soldiers] and [Heavenly Demon Warriors].

Zhou Yan was naturally very satisfied. He nodded repeatedly and said, "I like these three barracks very much. If there are similar buildings, I believe I will be very happy."

"Apex Level ones are definitely hard to find, but you can still find a few buildings with S quality and above. If I find them then, I will trade them with you." Mo Ji said.

"No problem. Next, let's discuss the prices of these buildings in detail and see how much materials are needed to be able to trade." Zhou Yan replied.

Mo Ji didn't like nonsense and discussed the specific prices of these buildings with Zhou Yan.

The process made Mo Ji very satisfied. Zhou Yan did not care about things like a businessman, and gave Mo Ji a very reasonable price. Both parties were very satisfied with the transaction.

"This is the information channel for the lord world of Myriad Worlds. You can investigate the information you want by spending Saint Quartz. It is very convenient. As for whether the information inside is true or false, it is basically 80% accurate."

Mo Ji gave Zhou Yan something similar to a mobile phone, but this thing was not a mobile phone, and it was not easy to make. Most people really couldn't get this kind of thing.

"Thank you, see you next time." Mo Ji and Zhou Yan added each other as friends, but this function can only be used to communicate, and cannot be used to transfer items between two different world lords.

Zhou Yan also disabled his friend's communication ability. Since the news that he was still alive had been spread, there was no need to hide it.

"I hope you can still be alive next time we meet. Those guys will definitely not let you go." Mo Ji said.

"Listening to what you said, I really can't wait to see them appear soon. How about you help me spread the specific location of where I am." Zhou Yan suddenly said.

Mo Ji: "...(,,•₃•,,)...???"

Zhou Yan asked someone to kill him. Who can understand this operation?

Mo Ji was really confused. She really didn't understand what Zhou Yan meant.

Not only did he not hide, but he made a big show of asking others to find him. This operation completely confused Mo Ji.

Is Zhou Yan afraid that others will come to trouble him now?

An Apex Level defense tower can kill a demigod with one move. There are now more than 10,000 defense towers above level 60 in his territory. Even Zhou Yan himself doesn’t know what will happen after all these defense towers explode. power.

How many enemies come are just bringing food, will Zhou Yan be afraid?

It's the enemies I'm afraid of.

"Don't worry, I just feel a little poor and want to get something."

Zhou Yan's idea is very simple. Since they want to deal with him, let them do it. Then, of course, they will destroy their territory and then rob their territory.

This is called taking the enemy's things to become stronger and continue to grow and develop, which makes sense.

"Are you poor?" Mo Ji disagreed with Zhou Yan's words.

"Do you really want me to spread the news? You are not afraid that they will destroy your territory. Do you really have such confidence?" Mo Ji still felt a bit unreliable.

"Do I look like the kind of person who wants to commit suicide?" Zhou Yan asked.

"How sure are you?" Mo Ji asked.

"Not much, just 100% sure." Zhou Yan replied.

"Only 100%..." Seeing Zhou Yan's confidence, Mo Ji said curiously, "Do you mind if I watch the battle from the side?"

"Of course I don't mind, but when the war starts, it's best not to get too close to your territory, otherwise it will be easy to be accidentally injured." Zhou Yan replied.

"Okay, I also want to see how strong your territory is." Mo Ji replied.

"Spread it tomorrow. I'll make good preparations today. You can also use this news to earn something, which can be regarded as your reward." Zhou Yan suggested.

"You...well, I don't understand what you mean anyway. Anyway, you are so confident. As a friend, I will definitely help you." This is the first time Mo Ji has encountered such a ridiculous thing. matter.

Anyone else would find this unbelievable. He actually took the initiative to have someone kill him.

Either he is out of his mind or he is too confident in his own strength.

And Zhou Yan is obviously not the first kind of person.

Seeing Zhou Yan being so confident, Mo Ji was also very curious and wanted to see how Zhou Yan eliminated those people.

People from the Ancient Dynasty and the Dark Dynasty went to such great lengths to send people into Canglan Continent to kill Zhou Yan. After hearing the news that he was not dead, they had already searched for Zhou Yan's whereabouts all over the world.

They really wouldn't give Zhou Yan any chance this time. Not only was Zhou Yan not afraid, he also felt that the other party was too slow to find him, so he took the initiative to expose himself and let them come and kill him.

Anyone who encounters such a thing would find it incredible.

"Goodbye." Zhou Yan left.

Mo Ji also left. Mo Ji also followed the agreement and did not distribute Zhou Yan's coordinates today. Instead, she contacted people from the Ancient Dynasty and the Dark Dynasty, saying that she had discovered Zhou Yan's whereabouts.

The other party really replied to Mo Ji and promised that as long as the source of the information is correct, he will definitely give generous rewards.

Mo Ji told them that she was looking for her, and once she found Zhou Yan's whereabouts, she would tell them as soon as possible, and also told them what she wanted.

Both dynasties agreed to Mo Ji's request, which surprised Mo Ji. The price she offered was not simple. She didn't expect the two powers to agree so easily.

It seems that the two dynasties really wanted Zhou Yan to die.

"Then let me see what you are capable of doing to eliminate these people." Mo Ji also laughed. Wait until tomorrow, and she will sell the news to people from the two dynasties in accordance with the agreement with Zhou Yan.

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