Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 751, Detonating The Power Of Divine Weapon

The defense towers in Zhou Yan's territory rushed out with terrifying energy, destroying the crystals in the enemy's territory one by one.

None of these people want the crystals in their territory to be destroyed, and they cannot escape.

One of the lords gathered the surrounding lords and said: "Everyone, let's fight with him, otherwise our crystal will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"But we will die if we go out!"

"His defense tower is so strong, how could we rush over? Didn't you see that even a strong demigod couldn't block a blow?"

"It's a dead end if you don't go out. Do you just want to wait to die like this?"


"Why don't we surrender!" One lord suggested.

"Do you think Zhou Yan will let us go? Don't be stupid. If it were me, I would kill without mercy. Do you think Zhou Yan is a kind person?"

The other lords looked at this lord with contempt. He dared to say such a suggestion. He was really out of his mind.

Hundreds of lords began to contact other lords and asked them to send all their soldiers to fight for Zhou Yan's territory.

Although they knew that it was an egg hitting a stone, they could not leave the Lord's continent, and they could not leave the territory. All the props and formations were useless.

If you don't fight, you can only wait for death. If you fight, you will die.

But they can't wait to die like this.

More and more lords began to gather all the soldiers in the territory and began to attack Zhou Yan's territory.

"Fight to the death, this is just a moth flying into the flame." Zhou Yan glanced at them casually and ignored them.

These people had no choice but to do this. If it were Zhou Yan, he would also choose to do this.

A fire dragon drowned the soldiers in a territory, and the enemy's hundreds of thousands of troops were completely destroyed in the sea of ​​fire.

An ice phoenix rushed into the enemy group, freezing Baili into a world of ice.

A huge mountain smashed into the enemy army, and countless enemy soldiers were crushed by the giant mountain.

Hundreds more territory crystals were shattered, and thousands more enemies were eliminated.

There are tens of thousands of lords, but the number has dropped sharply, and now it is less than half.

Zhou Yan centered on the huge formation he set up and began to attack the enemies further away.

The secret language and the others had less and less time, and when Zhou Yan actually came to them, they didn't even have the slightest chance to escape.

Zhou Yan asked Shang Yang: "Have you not found any traces of the secret language and the others?"

"They are probably hiding, they are afraid that we will find their traces, and we cannot determine their specific location yet." Shang Yang replied quickly.

"Send more reconnaissance planes and make sure to find their traces. I'm always unhappy if these guys don't die," Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements right now." Shang Yang quickly ordered and sent thousands more reconnaissance planes to look for traces of Ciyu and others, and also dispatched the [Flying Cavalry Army] to comprehensively search their hiding places.

However, it still takes time to find their traces over a range of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Zhou Yan can only eliminate all these territories. As long as these territories are eliminated, the remaining things will be much easier to handle.

The longer time dragged on, the more frightened Huayu and others became. They were almost racing against death.

They no longer care about their subordinates' territory, not even their own territory. If they can escape from here, they are already doing well.

But the methods arranged by Zhou Yan were not so easy to break. Even though they used countless methods and took out everything they could, the effect was still not very effective.

The code word looked at Zhou Yan's territory getting closer and closer, and then said: "Everyone, please take out all the fake Divine Weapons."

"Fake Divine Weapon!" Everyone looked at the code word and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Destroy the power of the pseudo-Divine Weapon and forcefully break this formation!" Code said, taking out the Divine Weapon in his hand.

They knew it was no longer the time to argue, so they all took out their own fake Divine Weapons.

There are a dozen fake Divine Weapons, plus the Divine Weapon in the hands of Code Whisper.

Although they were very reluctant to give up, they couldn't care less about it now.

Pseudo-Divine Weapon and life, they choose life as the most important thing.

"Set up the formation!" Code Whisper said to his men.

As the detonation array began to be deployed, with the Divine Weapon in the hands of Code Whisper as the core, and the power of a dozen pseudo-Divine Weapons, they were absolutely sure that they would be able to rush out this time.

Everyone returned to the territory and prepared to leave here as soon as possible.

A very terrifying energy appeared in the sky, and a terrifying light burst out as if the heaven and earth were extinguished. A few seconds later, an earth-shattering sound spread into the distance.


The terrifying energy completely tore a hole in the sky. No matter how powerful Zhou Yan's formation was, he could not stop the energy after one Divine Weapon plus a dozen fake Divine Weapons detonated.

A wave of energy spread out to the surroundings, destroying everything around it.

The mountains were crumbling, cracks opened in the earth, all the trees were shattered into pieces, and more than a dozen relatively close territories were completely destroyed and turned into ashes.

A huge hole opened in the sky, and the entire formation was torn apart by this energy.

This energy affected things within a range of several hundred kilometers, and everything within this range was destroyed.

After Ciwu and others saw that the formation in the sky was finally destroyed and a hole was created, they immediately communicated with Heart of the Lord and teleported their territory.

The territories of Dark Whisper and others turned into a ray of light and flew out towards the opening.

"What a terrifying energy, what on earth is this!" Zhou Yan was shocked as he looked at the terrifying fluctuations in the sky.

"What on earth did these people do? This kind of attack is simply more terrifying than the attack from the defense tower!" Diao Chan also looked at the energy in the sky in shock.

"What a terrible attack. If they had used this kind of energy to attack our territory before, they might have caused some damage to our territory," Zhen Mi said.

"This is the energy of Divine Weapon, not just Divine Weapon, but also pseudo-Divine Weapon. These guys really went all out and actually detonated the power of pseudo-Divine Weapon and Divine Weapon."

Zhou Yan was very helpless, watching the rays of light flying towards the opening in the sky, and he could not stop it.

"You are lucky, but after this time, it will not be easy to kill these people again."

"It's pretty good that we were able to leave so many enemies behind this time. However, it will probably take us a while to digest so much territory."

Diao Chan watched a steady stream of things being taken into the territory. There were too many of them.

Various defense towers, city walls, houses, barracks...

There are tens of thousands of territories here, and it will take a lot of time just to collect them, let alone build them.

Zhou Yan waited until the energy disappeared, then used the scroll again to repair the formation.

Although some enemies escaped, Zhou Yan would not let the remaining enemies escape.

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