Zhou Yan also accepted everyone who came and said, "Since you want to be a business partner with me, then I will tell you my conditions."

"Before that, I will send you a document, which is a list of materials I need. There are all kinds of materials, buildings, props, and scrolls. You can take a look first."

Zhou Yan sent the file to their mobile phones. After they received the file, they started to check it.

As they checked, their expressions became more and more shocked and surprised, and in the end they couldn't believe their eyes.

Naturally, there is not much time to show them how much these materials are now. I only know that the materials Zhou Yan needs are really an astronomical number.

"So many!" Everyone looked at Zhou Yan in shock.

There are so many things, even if so many of their groups try their best to collect them, it is impossible to collect them in a short time, or even in decades, it will not be possible to collect all the above materials.

Some materials are so precious that they simply can't get enough of them.

The amount Zhou Yan needs alone is already equivalent to the amount of many of their lord clients combined.

"I would like to ask, how do you plan to trade with us?" someone asked.

This list is so big that even they can never eat it alone without fear of competition from others.

Precisely because this order is so big, this is also an opportunity for them to make money. As long as Zhou Yan can give them a satisfactory answer, they will definitely do their best to collect materials and trade with Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan said very directly: "Based on the materials you provided, we will settle the matter on the spot. Whatever you provide me, I will settle the matter immediately and I will not owe you a dime."

"At the same time, I do not accept scheduled payments. How capable you are depends entirely on you. As long as you can come up with enough things, I will have enough funds to trade with you."

Zhou Yan's answer made them very satisfied and even surprised. How could they refuse this kind of transaction?

"Then can I trade with you right away?" Huang Zheng asked.

"Of course, you can directly add my territory as a friend, then send it directly to me, and the spirit coins will be transferred directly to you." Zhou Yan replied.

"This is not a small amount of money..." Ma Yun's meaning was obvious, but he just didn't believe in Zhou Yan's liquidity.

"Then you can call me and trade on the spot first." Zhou Yan suggested.

"Because time is tight, our Qingtian Group is preparing a material worth 50 trillion yuan, which can be traded with you immediately. Is it convenient for you to add a friend of a lord of our group to trade directly?" Qingxue asked.

"No problem." Zhou Yan nodded, asked the other party's territory name, and then took the initiative to add the other party as a friend.

Then under the witness of everyone, Qingtian Company directly conducted a transaction with Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan checked the types and prices of the items on it, and after confirming that there were no problems, he transferred the spiritual coins to Qingtian Company.

After the transaction was completed, Qingxue replied: "Our company and Mr. Zhou Yan took the lead in completing a transaction. The head office informed me that we hope to conduct a second transaction tomorrow. The value of our materials tomorrow will not be less than one million. Billions of spirit coins.”

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "No problem, as long as you have the goods, I will always have the money here."

Seeing that Qingtian Company had completed a huge order, others could not sit still and immediately said to Zhou Yan: "Can you give us an hour, and we will send someone to prepare a temporary copy. "

"No problem, let's all sit in Low Grade. It's too tiring for everyone to stand." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, our prices are the same as Qingtian Company, and we will trade with you at a price lower than 5% of the market price."

They immediately started calling their company, sent them the list of materials in hand, and then asked someone to prepare a material worth no less than 50 trillion yuan.

As time passed, half an hour later, Mahua Teng from the Penguin Group took the lead and said: "Our company has prepared a one-hundred-billion-dollar material. Can you add my territory as a friend? I will communicate with you directly in the future." trade."

"No problem." Zhou Yan replied.

"The name of my territory is Penguin Empire." Mahuateng replied.

After adding it, the two began to trade. A few minutes later, Zhou Yan counted the other party's materials and then sent more than one hundred trillion spiritual coins to the other party.

Mahua Teng stood up directly and shook hands with Zhou Yan: "I would like to treat you to a meal. Tomorrow I will prepare a material worth no less than 200 billion to trade with you. Are you free?"

Even the other party's name has changed, which shows that he values ​​and respects Zhou Yan. Who makes Zhou Yan's wealth so strong?

"Why don't you all come together tomorrow?" Zhou Yan said.

"Okay, okay!"

"Of course it's no problem."

"Mr. Zhou Yan is too polite, we will definitely go."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They were really shocked to see that Zhou Yan could really come up with so much wealth without blinking an eye.

After that, other people more or less started trading with Zhou Yan on the spot, some with more than one hundred trillion, some with tens of trillions.

After these people completed their transactions with Zhou Yan, they discovered that Zhou Yan had completed more than 10 trillion orders, and his appetite was still huge.

They were shocked and admired.

This cake is so big that they don't need to compete at all. They only need to provide enough things to get corresponding rewards.

Everyone took out their company's VIP card, which is the highest Apex Level. With this VIP card, no matter where they go, as long as it is a place under their name, they can enjoy the highest level treatment.

Zhou Yan is now their God of Wealth. How could they not be friends with such a person?

They were very happy to attend this business meeting because they had completed a large order and were preparing for an even bigger order.

After a long time, a character appeared. He was Li Cheng, the famous richest man in Xiangcheng.

"Mr. Li." Others looked more respectful after seeing Li Cheng. He was a very wealthy guy. Although his character was not very good, they would not offend such a person.

After Zhou Yan saw this guy, his eyes narrowed slightly. This guy was a traitor.

Among the forces that had taken action against him before, there were his troops.

Because this guy is very close to the Empire on which the sun never sets, and is even the ATM of the Empire on which the sun never sets.

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