Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 803, Terrifying Combat Power

Catherine Simon's move is definitely a very powerful skill, but Zhou Yan's counterattack is also very simple and straightforward, just make a fist and punch.


Simple, direct, and overbearing, one punch breaks through all means, and strikes out with one punch, crushing the opponent's powerful attack, and the whole person disappears. When he looked again, he found that Catherine Simon was hit hard and flew out. It hit the barrier.

The next second, Catherine Simon's figure disappeared from the ring and appeared below the stage.

People around were dumbfounded.

Catherine Simon was killed instantly!

Everyone looked at Zhou Yan on the stage and couldn't believe their eyes. Catherine Simon, who had won fifteen games in a row, was killed with a simple punch.

Catherine Simon also stared blankly at Zhou Yan on the stage, a little unbelievable that he had lost like this.

The opponent's speed is too fast!

The opponent's strength is too strong!

The opponent's attack is too terrifying!

Catherine Simon could only describe Zhou Yan who defeated him like this, and then left here.

Zhou Yan took away his own trophies, ignored the people around him, and said to Ye Bufan, "Aren't you ready to challenge?"

"I haven't seen the right one yet." Ye Bufan was also shocked. He was mentally prepared for Zhou Yan's strength, but he was still shocked after seeing Zhou Yan's true fighting power.

Zhou Yan continued to look for his prey. A few minutes later, Zhou Yan found a good arena. The opponent took out a Spirit Weapon.

The opponent is very strong. He is a Ninety-Eighth Layer strong man who has defeated thirty-seven challengers.

Each challenge requires a payment of one million spiritual coins. The opponent's requirement is a strong person below the Ninety-Eighth Layer level, whether it is a lord or a dispatched general.

Zhou Yan saw that this opponent was pretty good, and the rewards were also very good.

"This is Ninety-Eighth Layer. Oh my god, you can't really defeat the strength of a demigod." Ye Bufan asked.

"That was all in the past." Zhou Yan replied.

Ye Bufan was stunned. It happened in the past. In other words, Zhou Yan was able to defeat the demigods in the past. Now Zhou Yan will only be stronger than before.

Ye Bufan understood that there was such a big gap between them.

Ye Bufan can still be called a genius in front of others, but compared with Zhou Yan, Ye Bufan feels that the word genius is ironic.

Zhou Yan stepped onto the ring and tested his strength. After passing the test, Zhou Yan paid a challenge fee of one million spirit coins.

After Gao Ping Xiongda saw Zhou Yan's level, he was slightly stunned and said sarcastically: "You dare to challenge me with this little strength. I have to say, you are very courageous."

Zhou Yan looked at the opponent, and after seeing the contemptuous expression on the opponent's face, he also imitated the opponent and said: "You, with this little strength, you dare to stand on the stage. I have to say, you have great courage."

"Pfft." Ye Bufan couldn't help laughing in the audience.

He usually doesn't smile unless he can't help it.

"Bagayalu! I will definitely let you know the consequences of provoking me!" Gao Pingxiong said angrily.

Zhou Yan also said: "Eight duck eggs, I will definitely let you provoke me!"

Takahira Yudai: "(╬ ̄Van ̄)"

Zhou Yan: "Protruding(艹盘艹)"

Everyone in the audience laughed at Zhou Yan's expression, and almost thought they were in a cross talk hall instead of a challenge hall.

Standing under the stage, you can feel the strong smell of gunpowder, and the two momentums collide with each other.

The defensive shield appeared, and the battle between the two began. Gao Pingxiong looked at Zhou Yan coldly, exuding powerful dark energy, and countless shadows appeared on the entire ring, like countless clones.

"I'll let you know what real ninjutsu is!"

Gao Pingxiong released his supreme energy, and the terrifying dark power turned into a dark space. As Gao Pingxiong drew his sword and slashed, the entire dark world enveloped Zhou Yan.

The dark world turned into a person. This person was holding a black weapon and wanted to split Zhou Yan in half. But if you look closely, you will find that this is not a person at all, but a person formed by countless black energy.

Every black person is holding a black sword and attacks Zhou Yan. This is the supreme ninjutsu and cannot be defeated, because at the moment of defeat, he turns into a completely tiny shadow clone and attacks.

This blow could split Zhou Yan into thousands of pieces. Everyone felt the power of Gaoping Xiongda's move, which was definitely a terrifying move.

Ninety-Eighth Layer's realm strength has all been condensed into this move. It seems that there is only one move, but there are thousands of changes. Everyone is very curious how Zhou Yan will resist it?

Zhou Yan's response was simple and direct, turning into a ray of light, exuding a strange yin and yang color, like a god coming out of chaos.

Zhou Yan rushed towards the black man quickly. The speed was so fast that Primordial Origin Tai Chi power was swirling around him. The place where he rushed towards seemed to form a galaxy, bright and mysterious, like a world of stars.

The energy giant formed by billions of dark energy turned into ashes in an instant, as if it had encountered some terrifying energy and was completely defeated and disappeared.

It was as if it had never appeared before, everything turned into a piece of Milky Way light, becoming a landscape in the sky of stars.


Zhou Yan's speed was too fast. When he reappeared, he was already behind Gaoping Xiongda, and Gaoping Xiongda's entire body had disappeared, leaving only his head and feet on the ring.

This was a very strange thing, as if he had been dismembered, as if Gaoping Xiongda had been forcibly cut into three pieces.

Takahira Yudai's body became a part of the galaxy universe. When Takahira Yudai's screams rang out, it was discovered that Takahira Yudai had appeared outside the ring.

Things were too sudden and too strange, and Zhou Yan's method of killing Gao Ping Xiongda was too powerful.

Before a person dies, he has already become a part of the galaxy.

Gao Pingxiong looked at Zhou Yan in horror, his eyes filled with fear and fear, and the previous disdain was no longer there.

He is a strong man from Ninety-Eighth Layer Heaven, but he actually showed such a look to a Ninety-Eighth Layer Heavenly young man. This is such an unbelievable thing.

But thinking about the previous attacks, even they had to admit that if this wasn't a ring battle, Gaoping Xiongda would have been instantly killed by Zhou Yan.

It’s an instant kill!

Gao Pingxiong and Dalian Zhou Yan couldn't resist even one move. A strong man who had defeated dozens of people in a row was so small and vulnerable in front of Zhou Yan.

This is such a shocking thing. Zhou Yan's fighting power is so scary.

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