There are more and more people in the entire venue, and the time for the start of the game is getting closer and closer.

"Hello everyone, welcome to [Tianya Club]. I am the host this time. My name is Guan Ning. I now announce that this hero competition will begin now!"

As host Guan Ning finished speaking, countless bright fireworks soared into the sky, forming a colorful flower shape, and finally burst into bright light.

In the center of the square, a huge ancient stone door appeared. After a flash of light, the entire ancient door formed a teleportation light curtain.

"The competition space this time is a bit strange. Various gain light pillars will be randomly refreshed in it, and various negative light pillars will also be refreshed. Specifically, what kind of light can gain and what kind of light is negative depends on each person. A hero’s ability to discern.”

"After entering the competition space, in order to save everyone's time, the time ratio in the competition space will be twice as slow as that in the outside world."

"One hour has passed in the outside world, and two hours have passed in the competition space. And within the competition space, some crisis will occur every two hours. We will know what the specific crisis is by then."

"Heroes, please get ready and enter the teleportation channel now. I believe everyone is looking forward to what this battle will be like."

After a brief introduction by Guan Ning, all the heroes turned into a ray of light and flew towards the teleportation stone gate.

The competition space is basically like this. In order to end the battle in the shortest time, some comparison spaces will even reach ten times the space flow rate.

But for many viewers, this speed is like watching a movie ten times the speed. Those who are strong will be fine, but those who are too weak will not see anything.

Any space ratio within several times is considered normal. Twice the time flow rate is the best effect. It can not only shorten the time of the battle, but also reduce the time they spend watching the battle.

There are so many heroes participating this time. In order to determine the winner as soon as possible, there will naturally be some crises to randomly eliminate some weaker heroes.

As for who will be eliminated, it all depends on luck.

After all the participating heroes were teleported into the portal, the screen in the middle of the square finally showed the scene in space.

This is a floating island terrain, with islands floating in the sky, and every hero is scattered among these floating islands.

"I didn't expect it to be such a combat environment. It's a bit interesting."

"There are many heroes on each floating island. It seems that there will be a big battle from the beginning."

"There are a lot of heroes competing this time. That's the Angel Race, this is the Demon Race, there's the Monster Race, the Elves, the Enchantress Race..."

"I'm looking forward to the battle between these heroes. I hope it will be an exciting and exciting battle."

There is a small screen in front of each audience with many numbers on it. As long as you click on it, you can watch the hero picture of this number.

Ten pictures appeared in the lens above the square. This picture was played based on the ten pictures with the most views by the audience.

Ye Bufan looked at Zhou Yan and asked, "What is your hero's number?"

"No. 33505." Zhou Yan replied.

Ye Bufan started to enter the number and clicked in. The live broadcast of An Tian immediately appeared on the screen in front of him.

"No. 33505, isn't it the last number? There are 33,505 lords participating this time, which is a lot."

Niu Ren also entered the number given by Zhou Yan and saw a hero in a black suit. He was brave and domineering, with an proud temperament and a powerful aura.

Zhou Yan also opened An Tian's live broadcast and started watching.

An Tian was also somewhere among thousands of floating islands at this time. There was a golden palace on it. An Tian was standing on the top of the golden palace and looked around.

There are four or five buildings around this floating island, and each building has a hero on it.

"Are you from the human race?" Ye Bufan asked.

"It's not the human race, it's the Dragon Race." Zhou Yan replied.

"Dragon Race, and it's Dragon Race after its transformation. It seems that this dark sky is not simple. It can't even see the form of Dragon Race."

Ye Bufan looked at An Tian carefully and saw no trace of a dragon-like shape in its appearance.

"Do the strong men of Dragon Race have pure blood? It seems that there are not many strong men of Dragon Race in the Lord Continent. You are really lucky to be able to recruit such a hero."

Upon hearing this, Niu Ren also looked at An Tian carefully, looking forward to what kind of surprise this Dragon Race strongman could bring him.

"The bloodline is not bad. With his current fighting power, he is more than enough to deal with demigods." Zhou Yan replied casually.

Ye Bufan and Niu Ren were very surprised when they heard this and looked at each other. They didn't think Zhou Yan was joking. There was no need for Zhou Yan to joke or lie.

An Tian's realm has only reached Ninety-Third Layer Heaven. With his realm, he can fight against other strong men at half Divine Level. This fighting power is too strong.

As expected, he is a hero among monsters, and he is also a monster.

Ye Bufan and Niu Ren became even more curious about An Tian's fighting power and began to wait for the battle to begin.

There are more than 30,000 heroes participating this time. Can An Tian stand out and become the final winner?

They are all looking forward to it.

"The battle begins!"

As a voice resounded throughout the battle space, the power of confinement on all heroes had completely disappeared, and they could take action at will.

After being able to take action, An Tian took the initiative. The equipment he wore was a dark attribute Spirit Weapon suit, which could increase his combat power several times.

An Tian took out a pair of gloves, which emitted a shocking wave of energy. Ye Bufan said at first sight: "This is the energy wave of Saint Weapon."

"Yes, it's Saint Weapon." Zhou Yan replied.

"Saint Weapon gloves, plus a complete set of Spirit Weapon suits, as well as Dragon Race's natural racial bonus, this combat power is really incredible." Niu Ren is also satisfied with An Tian's strength. With such strength, winning the championship is indeed more Big certainty.

"Your hero is very impatient and has begun to take the initiative to attack."

Ye Bufan saw An Tian take out the Saint Weapon and turn it into a black afterimage. He was also a Dragon Race with dark energy attributes. After using his movement skills, he was very fast and immediately came to the head of one of the strong men.


An Tian held the Saint Weapon, exuding a powerful dark energy. The entire Saint Weapon waved a dark fist, and the fist broke through the sky, forming a tens of meters of energy and attacking the strong man below.

"No, it's the Saint Weapon!" The other party noticed the fluctuation of the Saint Weapon worn by An Tian on both hands, and did not dare to be careless, so he quickly took out the treasure and started to defend.


But unfortunately, this treasure failed to defend against An Tian's attack and was directly shattered by his fist. The terrifying energy turned the opponent into nothingness. An Tian eliminated a hero with one move.

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