Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 816: Parting With Niu Ren

The final battle was detonated. A dozen strong men with demigod status attacked An Tian. An Tian did not flinch at all. He fought in all directions and blocked the attacks of more than a dozen strong men one by one. This combat power really made him Many people were shocked.

They are all wondering, is this really just a hero?

An Tian turned into a black shadow and attacked one of the strong men. His terrifying fist knocked the hero away. When he wanted to give a fatal blow, other heroes launched an attack on An Tian. Block the attack once.

These attacks continued towards An Tian, ​​and a pagoda imprisoned An Tian. This was a powerful Saint Weapon, and An Tian was temporarily restrained.

But An Tian broke out and attacked, and the entire pagoda began to shake.

The other heroes immediately took out their most powerful attacks and released terrifying and powerful skills. They took out their attack equipment one after another and released energy after energy, accelerating the power of the equipment. Send to the maximum.

An Tian also felt the danger and began to change his body. The overwhelming dark energy swept the entire world, and a huge black dragon broke through the shackles of Saint Weapon.

The black dragon Xiaotian exuded an angry dragon power, and Antian's huge body was filled with a terrifying power of oppression, which was pure bloodline oppression.

"Holy shit! This An Tian is actually Dragon Race!"

"The power of this bloodline is so strong. It must be a Dragon Race strongman. This Dragon Race strongman was actually summoned by the lord. How was this done?"

"Dragon Race's fighting power is very strong. It is said that this race is bound by the law of heaven. I don't know if it is true or not."

"This is a real dragon. No wonder it has such terrifying fighting power. This makes sense."

After countless lords saw An Tian's true form, they all burst into a series of exclamations of exclamation. None of them expected that An Tian's true form turned out to be Dragon Race, and it was also a True Dragon Race with such rich blood.

Even Ye Bufan and Niu Ren were shocked and said, "An Tian is actually a strong Dragon Race player?"

"Dragon Race is strong, isn't it strange?" Zhou Yan replied indifferently.

Damn, we also want to summon one, but the key is that we can't.

"Dragon Race itself has very terrifying combat power, especially its physical body. Not many races can compete with it. No wonder it was able to kill so many strong men with its physical body alone. I'm envious..."

Niu Ren really hopes to have a strong Dragon Race hero. Who wouldn't envy such a hero?

After An Tian manifested his true form, his combat power increased several levels again. Those attacks that landed on him couldn't even break through his defense, letting everyone know how abnormal True Dragon Race's defense was.

An Tian raised a claw and attacked these strong men. They fled quickly, but An Tian opened his mouth and spit out a wave of dark light.

The black energy turned into waves of destruction, hitting the five strong men. The five strong men burst out with powerful defenses, but the terrifying energy destroyed their defenses and finally swallowed their bodies.


Only three strong men blocked An Tian's attack, and two heroes were killed by An Tian's attack on the spot.

But what followed was Dark Sky's dragon claws. The terrifying dragon claws tore through the space and shot towards them.


Five heroes with demigod combat power were killed by An Tian. An Tian looked at the remaining heroes. Those heroes were full of shock and launched another attack on An Tian.

An Tian scratched those attacks into pieces with one claw after another. He even swallowed a burst of energy and released a ball of dark energy, hitting one of the strong men and knocking him away. Half of his body was destroyed by the energy.

But the opponent was an undead, and his body quickly gathered together again, and launched another attack on An Tian.

After An Tian became his true form, his defense and attack were increased several times. These heroes did not dare to resist An Tian and could only attack while running away, which was very embarrassing.

All the lords know that it is only a matter of time before these heroes are defeated. It depends on who is lucky enough to survive to the end.

Suddenly, the undead hero launched an attack on another hero, knocking him away to An Tian.


What else did the hero want to say, but An Tian's claws scratched him to pieces.

The remaining people also started to hurt each other, because they all wanted to kill each other first and survive to the end. The final reward was three people. An Tian couldn't kill them, but it was good for them to get second and third. ah.

An Tian didn't know how to watch a show. He released a burst of destructive energy again, killing three strong men who were fighting. Then the dragon claw took the picture and eliminated the other two strong men.

In the end, there was a strong undead man who had magical recovery energy and persisted until the end. However, as a dark devouring force appeared, he was also devoured and disappeared.

An Tian became the final winner, circling and roaring throughout the floating island space, and the dragon's roar was earth-shattering.

An Tian turned into a human form and was teleported out of the floating island space. Everyone in the arena gave countless applause. Fireworks of celebration burst into the sky.

Under the arrangement of the host, An Tian walked onto the awards stage for the first place and accepted everyone's cheers.

After the awards were over, Zhou Yan teleported An Tian back to his territory.

"It's finally over." Zhou Yan got what he wanted, saw that the time was getting late, and started to leave.

"I'll take you to the inn to rest. Do you want to continue tomorrow?" Niu Ren asked.

"No problem, there is still time tomorrow." Ye Bufan replied.

Zhou Yan also nodded and agreed that it would not take long for them to return to Ziwei Academy.

After a night's rest, the next day, several people once again participated in many ring battles.

Zhou Yan won many awards again and said goodbye to Niu Ren in the evening.

"Goodbye, come find me when you come here." Niu Ren said to the two of them.


Ye Bufan and Zhou Yan returned to Ziwei Academy. This trip to the arena country was quite good.

Next, Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan are preparing for next week's trade fair between black market merchants.

Zhou Yan is busy even if he says he is busy, and he is not busy even if he says he is not busy. There are many things that need to be done in the territory, but Zhou Yan can leave them to his subordinates and participate in them himself.

Zhou Yan would take time out to enter the [Cultivation Secret Realm] with Diao Chan and the others every day to hunt monsters and improve their strength. Diao Chan and the others practiced here every day, so their realms surpassed Zhou Yan's.

If it weren't for the two hundred years of cultivation in [Cinema], Zhou Yan's realm would probably be even lower at this time.

"After reaching the Ninetieth Layer, the higher you go, the harder it becomes." Diao Chan said.

"We are already very fast. If it weren't for this [Cultivation of Secret Realm], I don't know how long it would take to reach this level." Zhen Mi said.

"Sisters, keep working hard. If you cultivate to the demigod realm as soon as possible, you won't need to practice anymore." Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

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