Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 824, Combating Counterfeiting

Everyone around was shocked!

Everyone looked at all this with their mouths agape.

It all happened so fast!

It was so fast that they didn't react at all.

By the time they reacted, several corpses were already lying on the ground, and each one of them was killed instantly by Zhou Yan. The death of each one was very miserable.

The black market businessman was also stunned. He had never expected such a situation. When he reacted, he saw Zhou Yan, who was filled with murderous intent, running towards the ring in a rolling and crawling manner. Only in the ring could he summon generals. protect yourself.

But the other party didn't expect that before he ran over for long, he was sucked in by a huge suction force. The black businessman's face turned green, and he quickly burst out with a powerful force to resist.


But then, Zhou Yan punched the black marketeer in the head, making him feel dizzy and the whole world became distorted.

Zhou Yan grabbed the opponent's shirt and hung it in the air like a chicken, and said: "The person who wants to trick me hasn't appeared yet. You are the first one. What kind of death do you want!"

The black market businessman wanted to resist, but found that his body was sealed, his spiritual power was completely imprisoned, and he could not use any ability. The black market businessman knew that he had provoked a very powerful man with terrifying strength, and he did not resist at all in front of him. Power.

"Brother, please forgive me. I was wrong. I was really wrong. I shouldn't have deceived you. I shouldn't have forced you to trade. It's all my fault. Please let me go."

"Those materials will be sold to you at half price, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'll give them to you, as long as you're generous and let me go."

The black market businessman kept begging for mercy. He never expected to meet such a ruthless character. He would take action as soon as he said it, and he would immediately kill him as soon as he made a move. The black market businessman was so scared that he kept begging for mercy.

People around him also understood what happened. It turned out that the black marketeer had sold fake goods and wanted to buy and sell them by force. After being discovered by the other party, he still wanted to keep the other party.

This kind of thing is not worthy of sympathy at all, but in the black market, such things are common, but if you dare to kill someone here, no matter what Zhou Yan does, you will be held accountable by the organizer.

They did not allow murder to occur in black market transactions, and they were so ruthless, killing so many people in one move.

The surrounding black market merchants did not expect to encounter such a ruthless person. Many black market merchants secretly collected the fake goods for fear of offending the next powerful and ruthless person like Zhou Yan.

"Why are you begging for mercy? Weren't you very arrogant before? Come on, I'm right here. Why don't you be arrogant and ruthless? Do you have to force me to do it? Don't you like to sell fakes? Let you sell them. !”

After saying that, Zhou Yan directly lifted the other person and threw it on the table, then used his spiritual power to stuff the fake materials on the table into the other person's mouth. The other person wanted to shout for help, but nothing could come out.

The people around didn't take any action, just watching the fun. As buyers, they also hated people who sold fake goods like this. Moreover, if they didn't buy it, they would even force them to buy it.

What is there to sympathize with these people? If you are weaker, imagine the consequences of letting others slaughter you. Maybe the other party will bully you even more unscrupulously.

"Well done!"

"This is how these guys should be dealt with!"

"I think it's a bit much. Killing someone is just a nod."

"Holy Mother, when you encounter something like this, you will feel that this treatment is too light!"

"I don't think it's necessary to do this. Just kill him."

Many black market merchants have begun to call the patrol team here. As black market merchants, there are a few that are not adulterated, but they rarely force others to buy.


A group of people from the black market patrol team came here quickly and immediately shouted to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan ignored the other party, which made the patrol captain lose face and said angrily: "I told you to stop!"

Zhou Yan turned his head and looked at the patrol leader. The other person suddenly felt cold, as if he had seen something terrible. But with so many people here, the patrol leader still pretended to be calm, and even his tone became gentler, and said : "If you have anything to say, please let him go."

"I didn't take action." Zhou Yan stretched out his hands, but there was nothing in them.

But black marketeers continue to eat the fake materials they made, which are all made of soil, and what is meant by eating soil.

"You..." The patrol leader was speechless. Isn't this an honest lie?

You didn’t do anything, but you released this spiritual power!

But the patrol leader felt Zhou Yan's state and couldn't feel anything. He must be a strong man. He signaled to his subordinates and asked them to call the master.

As for the patrol leader himself, he kept one sentence: steady the other party and don't anger the other party.

"Black market transactions prohibit fighting and killing. Were you the ones who killed these people?" the patrol team asked.

"Yes, I fought and killed people." Zhou Yan was very candid, as if he wanted to do whatever he wanted.

Patrol Captain: "( ̄ー ̄)"

The patrol leader's heart: To be honest, I'm panicked.

Can't you be more tactful or give some reasons directly?

With so many people watching, how do you ask me to step down?

The patrol opponents are really at a loss. If they don't take action, they will be derelict in their duties, and their superiors will blame them.

If he took action... he looked at the people who died tragically on the ground. The patrol captain knew all these people. None of them were lower than Ninetieth Layer, but they were still killed by the other party.

You couldn't beat him with your hands, and you might lose your life, so the patrol leader stepped forward and said, "Can you tell me what happened, and we will definitely seek justice for you."

"This guy was selling fake goods but this little brother found out. Then the little brother only bought genuine goods and picked out the fakes. This guy forced the little brother to buy them and also asked these people to keep the little brother."

"The little brother beat them down one by one with a backhand, and then let the black-hearted businessman eat his fake materials, letting him know how unjust and evil counterfeiting is. This is an act that is not recommended. Fight against counterfeiting. It’s everyone’s responsibility.”

Before Zhou Yan could stand up and speak, a short-haired man next to him explained clearly what had happened in one breath.

The people around him were stunned. This guy was so powerful. He even finished speaking.

Zhou Yan: “w(°°)w”

Patrol leader: "‼(•'╻'•)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ"

Everyone: "(๑°⌓°๑)(ノ゚0゚)ノ~щ(゜ロ゜щ)"

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