Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 836, The Unruly And Willful Little Princess

Uncle He also immediately discovered the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King and Zhou Yan on top. He was very shocked. He never expected that their goal this time would be conquered in advance.

"It's actually a human race!" Uncle He saw the other party coming towards here and immediately blocked the front.

The Monster Race experts around the pink chariot also blocked the front and looked at Zhou Yan warily.

Princess Fire Spirit walked out of the pink chariot and stared at Zhou Yan curiously, as if she was still thinking about how this nine-headed golden lion king could become someone else's mount so quickly.

"Princess, it is safer for you to return to the chariot." The Monster Race guard said.

"With you here, I'm afraid I can't protect this princess." Princess Huo Ling was not afraid at all.

"That's not true, it's just that we don't know the other party's intention yet, so it's better to be careful." The Monster Race guard replied.

"Princess, stay in the chariot and don't leave. If the situation goes wrong, you guys will escort the princess away first."

Uncle He explained that the person who could conquer the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King was not a weakling, and he had to be careful.

"This guy is just a human being. He must have used some means to make the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King surrender. I'm not afraid of him."

Princess Huo Ling is not afraid of anything, and her father will take care of everything anyway.

"It's better to be careful." After Uncle He finished explaining, he took the initiative to stop in front of Zhou Yan and asked, "Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here?"

Although Zhou Yan knew that Princess Huo Ling wanted to conquer the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King, he did not expect to meet here and replied: "I'm looking for you, Princess Huo Ling."

"Our princess doesn't seem to know you. What do you want from Princess Huo Ling?"

Uncle He looked at Zhou Yan, wondering what Zhou Yan's purpose was.

"I was asked to return something." After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he took out the Fire Spirit Saint Cloth.

"It's my Fire Spirit Holy Clothes!" Princess Fire Spirit shouted quickly from the chariot.

"Holy Clothes of Fire Spirit!" Uncle He was also very surprised. His expression quickly turned bad and he asked, "Boy, you and that bastard Qian Shun are in the same group!"

"Uncle He, get my Fire Spirit Holy Clothes back, and you guys, arrest this guy in front of me!"

When Princess Fire Spirit sees this Fire Spirit Holy Clothes, she will immediately think of that hateful old bastard Qian Shun, who not only deceived her with the fake Divine Weapon, but also called her stupid!

Thinking of this, Princess Huo Ling became so angry that she wanted to twitch and skin Qian Shun.

"I'm not here to fight. I can return the things to you, but can you sit down and talk properly?" Zhou Yan threw the Fire Spirit Saint Cloth towards Princess Fire Spirit.

Princess Fire Spirit put away her fake Divine Weapon, and then said angrily: "Do it!"

"Sure enough, she has the unruly and willful temper of a princess!" Zhou Yan said.

"How dare you scold me! I want you to look good, so do it!" Princess Huo Ling burst out with her unruly temper.

A Monster Race strongman directly takes action and releases a powerful Monstrous Power. The realm is in the Ninety-Sixth Layer world, which is already quite powerful.

After taking action, Monster Qi soared into the sky, turning into a powerful Monster and swallowing Zhou Yan in one gulp.

"I said I'm not here to fight. If you don't listen, I'll beat you until you obey." Zhou Yan covered the sky with one hand and turned into a terrifying yin-yang handprint.


Monster was scratched to pieces by Zhou Yan, and he grabbed the Monster Race strongman and grabbed him directly in his hands.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The opponent kept attacking, trying to escape from this palm, but Zhou Yan's methods were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

A yin-yang formation rushed into the Monster Race strongman, and all the Monstrous Power in the opponent's body was sealed by Zhou Yan, making him unable to use any power.

Zhou Yan let go of his hand, and the Monster Race lost all Monstrous Power, and his whole body fell from the air.

With a "Bang!", the Monster Race fell to the ground, but it was not dead. Monster Race's physical body was still very strong. Even if it lost its Monstrous Power, it could not be killed at this distance.

"So strong!"

"How could this happen? Sirius was defeated by the opponent with one move. The opponent is obviously not a demigod, how could this happen?"

It happened so fast, Zhou Yan sealed one of their strong men with one move, leaving the other Monster Race strong men unable to react.

"Can we have a good chat?" Zhou Yan looked at them.

"The person who beat me still wants to have a good chat, don't even think about it!" Princess Fire Spirit said aggressively.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he also felt disgusted with this kind of person who has a complete princess disease, and said: "She is indeed an unreasonable woman!"

"Uncle He, suppress him for me. I will use the ten tortures of Monster Race to deal with him, and I will also let him experience pain in the sea of ​​​​fire of Beast Realm!" Princess Fire Spirit continued.

After hearing what Princess Huo Ling said, Zhou Yan became even more angry and said angrily: "Believe it or not, I will hang you up and beat you!"

When Princess Huoling heard this, she became very angry. Who dared to hang her up and beat her in this world?

"Come if you have the ability, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!" Princess Huo Ling looked at Zhou Yan provocatively, as if there was nothing you could do to me.

"Although you returned the Holy Cloth of the Fire Spirit, you are with that Qian Shun. I must capture you and hand you over to the Fire Saint Monster King. Don't worry, I will save your life."

Uncle He didn't want to take action at first, but Zhou Yan had already taken action against his people, and since Zhou Yan and Qian Shun were in the same group, the matter definitely couldn't be left alone.

"If you want to catch me, you have to see if you have the ability." Zhou Yan was very cold towards Princess Huo Ling, and even felt that he should not return the Holy Cloth of Huo Ling to her.

"What an arrogant human being. This is Monster Race, not your place. Do you think you can leave Beast World?" Princess Fire Spirit said with great disdain.

"I decided to snatch the Holy Cloth of Fire Spirit. If you have the ability, you will come to trouble me in the future."

Zhou Yan has changed his mind. With such a woman, there is no need to be reasonable. He only needs to be unreasonable to deal with unreasonableness.

As for her father, what's so scary about Zhou Yan? He can handle it by himself, let alone there are so many strong men at half Divine Level in the territory.

"Uncle He, look at this guy, he is so bold, he even dares to steal my things! Princess Fire Spirit said angrily.

"Human, you have gone too far. You dare to be so presumptuous towards Princess Fire Spirit!"

"You are really looking for death. How dare you be so rude to the princess!"

Zhou Yan said disdainfully: "She's just the princess of a certain Monster King in your Beast World. Looking at the entire Myriad Worlds, there are countless princesses like this. What's so arrogant about it."

"Believe it or not, I dare not only rob such an unreasonable, willful, and uneducated woman, but I also dare to take off all her clothes!"

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, even Uncle He, who was so good-tempered, was very angry and said angrily: "You are too presumptuous!"

"Slandering the princess like this is seeking death!"

"He deserves death!"

Princess Huo Ling was so angry that she gritted her teeth, her little tiger teeth were exposed, her pretty little face turned red, and she said, "Fuck me!"

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