The formations arranged by the powerful gods are so powerful that they cannot break them.

They don't need to break it, they just need to tear off a corner and get in.

Xu Long stirred up a series of formation patterns on his body to increase his strength rapidly. This is a very strange strength, with a lot of bonuses, and it is also a secret method and a means.

Zhou Yan had seen people setting up formations, but when he deployed the formations on himself and became the one who unleashed his strength through the formations, Zhou Yan only saw Xu Long alone.

The power of formation patterns burst out from Xu Long's body and began to break the formations on the divine formation. Although it was slow, the entire divine formation did not swallow up terrible energy. Xu Long had successfully broken the formation.


Ten minutes later, a crack appeared in the divine formation. Xu Long quickly said: "Go in quickly. This entrance will be healed soon."


All four people quickly stepped into the formation.


When they came inside, they found that the entire sky was filled with floating islands, and each island had a jeweled palace on it.

And each one is different. There are a total of thirty-six palaces in the sky, which seem to correspond to the thirty-six palaces of Heavenly Dipper.

These palaces are extremely exquisite and extraordinary. They were not built randomly, and the materials used in each palace are amazing.

Some are all green, like an emerald palace built from a huge piece of emerald. This is a kind of emerald spar, and this is the first time they have seen an emerald spar as big as a palace.

This was carved from a single piece of jadeite crystal, with no trace of connection throughout the entire body. This surprised them. Such a large jadeite crystal was simply a priceless treasure.

But for a powerful person in the divine realm, it is just a material used to build a palace, which is really shocking.

There is a palace that is gleaming with golden light. The entire palace is actually made of a material called golden holy stone. This is an extremely rare material that can even be refined into Saint Weapon.

But this kind of material was actually used to build a palace. They were stunned to see such generosity.

There was also a palace made entirely of water, which was the scene that shocked them.

The entire palace was completely filled with a very strange kind of water, because the water was still flowing and shining like pearls. This made them very curious, because none of them had seen anything like this before and didn't know what it was called.

Like a water palace, they don't even know how this palace was formed.

There is no trace of the formation on it, and there is no imprint of the formation pattern at all. It is just like a naturally formed scene.

But they feel that this is absolutely impossible. There must be a mysterious force that they have not yet understood.

"This is the method of a powerful person in the divine realm. It's true. Where should we enter?"

"It's amazing. Thirty-six palaces. Each palace is made of precious materials. I don't know what treasures are inside."

"We should not act rashly. As long as we touch one, we will be in danger of being shattered into pieces."

As the Apex Level Formation Great Grandmaster, Xu Long can naturally feel the terrifying energy contained in these thirty-six palaces. Once they are touched, he will suffer a very terrifying and devastating attack.

This is a terrifying divine formation with natural power. Each palace is an eye of the formation. If you want to find out the flaws, you have to study the formation carefully and thoroughly. This is not an easy task.

This formation is very complicated. Even Zhou Yan couldn't find a way to crack it in a short time.

"Can you two get in?" Qin Shun looked at Xu Long and Zhou Yan.

"It's really exciting. The materials of these palaces alone are so amazing. If you go inside, it will be even more exciting."

Although the old woman wanted to go in, she had no impulse and could only wait for Zhou Yan and Xu Long to find a way to break the formation.

"It's a pity that I can't dig a hole, otherwise I would do it." The old grave man walked back and forth with the shovel filled with gloomy air.

"Wait, we need time to study." Xu Long said to Zhou Yan: "Let's study half of it each. This can reduce the time."

"Okay." This formation has surpassed Zhou Yan's cognition. Zhou Yan has gained a lot from this trip. It turns out that there are many things worth exploring in the entire world of lords.

He is not in a hurry to enter the God Realm now, nor can he be in a hurry. It is not easy to truly upgrade the territory to the full level.

Especially reaching the full level has troubled countless lords. Most of the lords who cannot Ascension are stuck at the last level.

The reasons why everyone is stuck are different, and they cannot be explained. They can only rely on themselves. Relying on outsiders is of no use.

Xu Long took out a bodhi seed, a futon, a jade pendant, and a purple-gold headdress. These are not simple things, they all have powerful functions.

This can increase Xu Long's understanding and allow him to devote himself to a certain point. Xu Long's ability to possess such profound formations has a lot to do with these things.

Xu Long took out these things, which was enough to prove how powerful the formation in front of him was.

The formation in front of him is not a formation that should exist in the human world at all. Xu Long needs to study it carefully and devote himself wholeheartedly to gain something.

As for Zhou Yan, it was too simple. The Innate Taichi Diagram in his body was released, and the entire Taichi Formation Diagram continued to expand, so big that it encompassed all thirty-six palaces.

Zhou Yan was very careful, he was afraid of touching the formation, but the Tai Chi Diagram was not simple. After covering the formation, he began to analyze it.

But the speed was very slow, and it actually took several hours for a formation pattern to be successfully manifested in the Tai Chi Diagram.

"So strong, it is worthy of the methods of a strong person in the divine realm." Zhou Yan was helpless. This kind of thing cannot be rushed, so he can only rely on Tai Chi diagram to slowly evolve.

Zhou Yan can't do anything at all, and there is no need to be like Xu Long, because this Innate Taichi Formation Diagram itself is the most powerful means of understanding between heaven and earth. Even the formation, development, and destruction of the world can evolve one by one. come out.

Time passed little by little, and Qian Shun, the old woman, and Lao Fengtou were also extremely patient. It is said that good things come in hard times, and a Divine Treasure land of this level is definitely not so easy to obtain.

One day, two month...

Xu Long and Zhou Yan were like two wooden figures. More than a month had passed in the blink of an eye, but they still had no sign of waking up.

Qian Shun looked at the time and said: "The methods of the powerful in the divine realm are powerful. It has been more than a month, and the two of them still haven't woken up. I don't know when they will be able to truly enter it."

"We have been waiting for ten years, so there is no harm in waiting one more year." The old man had been trapped in the graveyard for ten years, so this time was nothing.

"Safety comes first, we can wait." The old woman also said.

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