Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 854, Divine Weapon Spirit Communication

Divine Weapon Spirit Communication formed a telepathic connection with Zhou Yan. It seemed to be responding to Zhou Yan, and it had recognized Zhou Yan.

There are rumors that the more powerful the Spirit Treasure, the more magical it is. Some even automatically choose their master.

This Divine Weapon was obviously like this. When Zhou Yan got closer, he began to feel it. Zhou Yan touched the Divine Weapon and then put it away.

Divine Weapon is not an ordinary Law Treasure. It needs to be refined to explode into powerful power. Zhou Yan has not left here for more than half a year and does not want to refine it here.

Zhou Yan looked at something else, a picture with mountains, rivers, and vegetation. It was a picture of mountains and rivers, and it was also a pseudo-Divine Weapon-level Law Treasure. It was also damaged and had been damaged by some powerful force. Something was damaged.

A large part of the entire picture was missing, as if it had been burned.

"The damaged ones all have pseudo-Divine Weapon level fluctuations. If it were complete, wouldn't it also be a Divine Weapon!" Zhou Yan was very surprised. He looked at the mountain and river map and thought about repairing it.

Ou Yezi is the artifact refining Grandmaster, but refining treasures such as books is obviously not what he is good at.

But Zhou Yan remembered a person, the Painting Saint!

Although Zhou Yan did not summon such a character, Zhou Yan could summon such talents. He believed that such a character should be able to repair it.

But Zhou Yan also knew that even if there was a figure like the Painting Saint, other materials would be needed to repair it first.

Zhou Yan can spend time looking for repair materials. As long as he wants, there is nothing he can't find in the [Heaven and Earth Library].

In addition to this ancient painting, there are also more than a dozen treasures, all of which are rare and good things.

Among them, what surprised Zhou Yan the most was the outline of the formation left by a strong man in the divine realm, which contained the master's understanding of the Dao pattern.

After Zhou Yan used it, he gained a deeper knowledge in his mind. This is an understanding of the Dao pattern, which is very precious, even no worse than the harvest of a Divine Weapon.

In addition to these things, there are many other things that are very good, especially the central temple and the specific layout methods of Heavenly Dipper's thirty-six divine formations, which were all obtained by Zhou Yan.

Of the thirty-six palaces, Zhou Yan occupied thirty-two, and the remaining four were taken away by Qian Shun, Xu Long, Laofengtou, and the old woman respectively.

Of the thirty-six palaces, only the central hall is at the temple level, and the others are at the pseudo-Divine Weapon level. This is why Zhou Yan's test is so difficult.

Zhou Yan teleported away from the Divine Treasure space. As he left, the world in the Divine Treasure space began to collapse and destroy, turning into nothingness.

Zhou Yan moved his hands, and he displayed mysterious and complex patterns.

From formations to formation patterns to Dao patterns, Zhou Yan's methods have obviously reached a new level.

Zhou Yan carved the Dao pattern and disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he had returned to Ziwei Academy.

After leaving the villa room, Zhou Yan returned to the classroom. All the students looked at Zhou Yan in shock. Zhou Yan had disappeared for more than half a year.

When they appeared again, they felt that Zhou Yan was completely different, as if Zhou Yan was clearly here, but they could not feel his presence.

"Damn it, you kid is finally willing to show up. I thought I was going to prepare paper money for you."

The only person who dares to say this about Zhou Yan is Ye Bufan. He is Zhou Yan's good friend and brother. It doesn't matter what he says. Others don't dare to offend Zhou Yan.

"How long has it been? I feel like it has changed a lot." Zhou Yan asked.

"For six and a half months, you didn't take me with you wherever you went." Ye Bufan asked.

"You are too weak, it will be useless if you go." Zhou Yan replied.

Ye Bufan suffered a critical injury in his heart. In the eyes of others, he was an unparalleled genius, but to Zhou Yan, he did not even dare to mention the word genius.

After talking with Ye Bufan for a long time, Zhou Yan learned a lot, especially the thing that shocked Zhou Yan the most, which was the matter of the Fire Saint Monster King Ascension God Realm.

"The Fire Saint Monster King Ascension has entered the divine realm!" Zhou Yan was indeed surprised and said: "His daughter is still imprisoned in my territory."

"Pfft!!!" Ye Bufan spat out the water in his mouth and almost choked to death on Zhou Yan's news.

After listening to this, the surrounding students all looked at Zhou Yan in stunned disbelief.

"Oh my god, the Fire Saint Monster King's daughter was imprisoned in your territory. Why didn't he go to you for revenge?"

Ye Bufan was very puzzled. The Fire Saint Monster King was so strong, but he didn't go to Zhou Yan to fight for his life. This was a bit abnormal.

"He asked the principal to let me go, but I ignored him," Zhou Yan replied.

Ye Bufan was speechless again. The only person in the school who didn't take the principal seriously was probably Zhou Yan.

Ye Bufan said nothing more and chatted with Zhou Yan about some recent events.

Not long after, the chief instructor Wei Tianning came to the classroom in person and said to Zhou Yan: "Zhou Yan, please be free."

"Yes." Zhou Yan replied.

"Come out." Wei Tianning said.

Zhou Yan walked out, and Wei Tianning said: "The principal is waiting for you in the office, please go there."


Zhou Yan flew towards the principal's office. The stronger the strength, the more Zhou Yan could feel how strong the entire Ziwei Academy was. Even the gods could not do anything to Ziwei Academy.

Ziwei Academy has a very terrifying Taoist guardian, and this Taoist pattern far exceeds his current level of knowledge. This is a very terrifying background.

There are many powerful people in the entire Ziwei Academy. After Zhou Yan unfolded his spiritual consciousness, he also received the perceptions of many powerful people, at least more than a thousand perceptions.

After these people found out it was him, they ignored him. They were obviously very familiar with Zhou Yan.

They didn't communicate because they had already paid attention to Zhou Yan, but Zhou Yan was far from his current achievements at that time.

Zhou Yan also respected these powerful elders very much. He bowed his hands to them to show respect and said that he only meant to offend them.

These are the hidden powers of Ziwei Academy, and they are also the Transcendent Level heritage of Ziwei Academy.

There is nothing too big that they cannot and will not appear.

Now Zhou Yan's growth rate has already exceeded the imagination of these old antiques.

After Zhou Yan left, these powerful men sighed one after another:

"The best student in the history of Ziwei Academy is none other than him!"

"It's only been two years, but he's already stronger than us old men."

"No matter how high Zhou Yan's achievements are, he is still a student of Ziwei Academy. There is no doubt about this."

"Haha, you're right, Zhou Yan has always been a student of our college."

"The future life is terrible."

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