Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 862: Destroy The Nine Jue Remains

Zhou Yan looked at Jiu Jue and joked: "I didn't act like a gangster to you. You are so angry. You shouldn't think that I have blasphemed your soul."

"If you really think so, there's nothing I can do about it. You won't let me go anyway, otherwise I'll be more presumptuous."

After finishing speaking, Chu Luoyan hit Zhou Yan on the head with her fist and said, "If you continue to talk nonsense, if you dare to do anything outrageous to me, I will never let you go!"

"It's just talk, why do you have to take it so seriously? I'm helping you now, what are you going to do with that Jiujiang to pay me!"

Zhou Yan was helpless, but he didn't suffer. After all, he could clearly see what should and should not be seen on Chu Luoyan.

But Zhou Yan looked at Chu Luoyan and asked, "Are you not a lord?"

"So what if it's not." Chu Luoyan replied.

"I have a way to get you out of the control of Jiu Jue, but I don't know if you are willing." Zhou Yan asked.

When Chu Luoyan heard this, she frowned and asked, "What do you want to do to me?"

"Am I that kind of person? I am an upright man. How could I do anything to you!" Zhou Yan replied.

Looking at Chu Luoyan's distrustful expression, Zhou Yan explained: "By joining my territory, I can completely free you from this woman's control."

When Chu Luoyan heard this, she was very surprised, and then said: "You still said you didn't want to do anything to me, but you actually want me to join your territory. Then I will have to obey your orders!"

"You are free, and I won't let you do anything you don't want to do." Zhou Yan replied.

'Don't even think about it! 'Chu Luoyan refused directly.

Zhou Yan shrugged and looked at Jiu Jue. Just as he was about to speak, Chu Luoyan asked, "Are you sure you can solve it?"

Zhou Yan was stunned, didn't they all reject it?

Why did you agree again?

This turn of events happened so quickly.

Woman is such a strange creature, you never know what her thoughts will be at the next moment.

"Of course it's confirmed." Zhou Yan replied.

Jiu Jue scoffed. It was a big joke to join the territory just to get rid of her.

So, Zhou Yan invited Chu Luoyan to join his territory. Chu Luoyan thought for a while, looked at Jiu Jue's devouring look on her face, and agreed unceremoniously.

The next second, Chu Luoyan successfully joined Zhou Yan's territory, and her loyalty was full. Well, it was compulsive. This was not negotiable. Who made Zhou Yan's territory so awesome?

A colorful light enveloped Chu Luoyan's body, and then began to strengthen Chu Luoyan's strength and soul.

Chu Luoyan's entire soul world was filled with this colorful light. Under this powerful energy, Chu Luoyan's whole body was filled with colorful glow.

Chu Luoyan's soul was growing at an astonishing speed, and it was growing very fast.

Jiu Jue was shocked when he saw this colorful light, and asked in surprise: "What on earth is going on?"

'What the hell is this, boy, what have you done, how could this happen, what kind of energy is this? '

Jiu Jue felt a very terrifying energy. Under this mysterious colorful light, Jiu Jue, who had been silent and confident, felt danger for the first time.

This colorful energy was very repulsive to her, and Jiu Jue could feel that Chu Luoyan's soul power had doubled immediately, and was still improving.

This is a very strange feeling, like being forcibly lifted up by some mysterious energy, and this energy is very repulsive to her. If this continues, the remnants of Jiu Jue will definitely be eliminated.

Chu Luoyan felt a very powerful energy. Under this energy, Chu Luoyan felt that her body became stronger.

The soul has also been greatly sublimated, and various mysterious feelings are coming, as if a prison in the body has been opened.

Chu Luoyan's own realm has reached its peak. Under the blessing of this colorful light, his combat power increased rapidly, and he soon reached the peak of the demigod realm.

Although Chu Luoyan didn't know the specific reason, he knew that this was the change Zhou Yan had brought to her, and it was all because of Zhou Yan.

Chu Luoyan opened her eyes, and her entire soul was filled with fairy light, holy and powerful.

"Impossible, how can you separate from my soul? You can't do this. You are a part of my soul and cannot be separated..."

At this moment, Jiu Jue seemed to feel something. She could no longer sense anything about Chu Luoyan. It was like a complete soul, part of which was missing forever.

Chu Luoyan has been completely separated from Jiu Jue's soul, making Jiu Jue no longer able to feel it.

Jiu Jue never expected that Zhou Yan would have such a method to forcefully separate Chu Luoyan from her nine souls.

"Damn boy!" Jiu Jue looked at Zhou Yan with an expression full of resentment, wanting to eat Zhou Yan alive.

"Don't look at me like this. From the moment I took action, you had no intention of letting me go, so why should I show mercy to you."

Zhou Yan's idea was indeed good. Chu Luoyan successfully escaped from Jiu Jue's control and became a completely independent soul body, no longer needing to be oppressed by Jiu Jue.

His colorful territory is so awesome.

As for Jiu Jue's resentment, Zhou Yan didn't care at all. Even if Chu Luoyan's soul body was not separated from Jiu Jue, would Jiu Jue let him go?

Since you have offended him, let the other person never forget him for the rest of his life.

At least let him know that there is another woman in this world who cares about him.

"Boy, I won't let you go!" Jiu Jue could only say this angrily.

"It sounds like you will never let me go." Zhou Yan replied very nonchalantly.

"I am no longer you. You can no longer threaten me. Get out of my soul!"

At this moment, Chu Luoyan was no longer under Jiu Jue's control. She gathered a powerful soul power and charged towards Jiu Jue.

Zhou Yan also controlled the Taichi Formation Diagram and [Suppressing God Cauldron], bursting out a powerful attack towards Jiu Jue.

Jiu Jue suffered a huge attack, and his entire soul became illusory.

"Just wait for me. Sooner or later you will come to the God Realm. When the time comes, I will make you pay a heavy price and let you know the consequences of offending me."

"Chu Luoyan, you have wanted to separate from my soul all your life. Just wait for me. Sooner or later, I will merge you with my soul!"

"go to hell!"

The two of them once again exploded with powerful soul power, completely destroying Jiu Jue.


The remnants of Jiu Jue finally disappeared.

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