"Della, don't worry, my father will explain it clearly to the entire dynasty." Rusk Lowry said quickly.

The palace maid quickly said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid you can't explain it clearly. It has been spread outside that you were so angry that you vomited blood because of the defilement of the princess, and you are still unconscious."

Rusk Lowry: "(˘•ω•˘)"

Is this palace maid a devil?

This is not an attempt to assassinate me.

Rusk Lowry looked at Della, wanting to explain something, but Della looked at her father angrily and said, "You even think so, and you blame others. Your daughter's innocence has been ruined by you. Got it!"

After saying that, Della left Rusk Laurie's room directly and headed outside.

"Della, Della, Della..." Rusk Laurie shouted many times in succession, but Della did not look back.

Rusk Laurie quickly looked at the palace maid and said, "Hurry up and chase her, don't let her do something stupid!"

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor!" The palace maid hurriedly chased him out.

Della wanted to check what the rumors were like. She wouldn't know if she didn't check. After checking, she discovered that the rumors outside were even more outrageous.

She actually said that she was pregnant with Zhou Yan's children.

This was so outrageous that even she thought it was ridiculous.

The key is that some people outside believe it.

The entire Dark Dynasty scolded Zhou Yan and sympathized with Princess Della.

Della really jumped into the water purifier and couldn't clean it.

Huang He: Come to me.

"Princess, this matter has become darker and darker. I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly." The palace maid said.

Della was stabbed in the heart and said, "Can you say something else?"

"Oh." The palace maid nodded quickly and said, "I'm afraid the matter of your being tainted cannot be clarified."

Della: "(〝▼plate▼)"

One day later, Rusk Laurie reconvened the meeting and began to discuss the issue of Zhou Yan's compensation. After Rusk Laurie showed the list to many ministers, curses rang out throughout the Dark Palace.

"This Zhou Yan is so black-hearted, he is really talking like a lion."

"This Zhou Yan not only tortured Princess Della like that, but also asked for so many things. It's really abominable!"

"Princess Della has sacrificed herself, but this Zhou Yan still makes such a big request!"

The more Rusk Laurie listened, the darker his face became. He really wanted to chop these ministers down.

This matter must have been spread by these ministers!

His princess is obviously fine, but you bastards have completely destroyed my daughter's innocence!


Rusk Lowry angrily threw everything on his desk and said angrily: "You bastards, there is nothing wrong with my Della, Zhou Yan didn't do anything to her at all, don't talk nonsense! "

When the ministers heard this, His Majesty the Emperor was angry, and they understood very well.

After all, His Majesty the Emperor is a good emperor who loves his daughter very deeply, so he naturally does not want them to continue discussing this matter.

All the ministers understood this, so they began to insult Zhou Yan without mentioning Princess Della.

Rusk Lowry looked at the expressions of these ministers, and always felt that these bastards still looked at him with sympathetic expressions.

His princess has not been treated well by Zhou Yan at all, why don't these bastards believe it!

But Rusk Lowry soon became troubled by the materials on Zhou Yan's list.

Zhou Yan indeed wanted too many things, which would consume the entire Dark Dynasty's wealth.

And it may not be possible to get it all together.

But Della has tried her best, and she has paid the minimum price. No matter how high the price is, it is still much better than destroying the country.

In addition to these material requirements, the Dark Dynasty must also hand over those who attacked him and publicly apologize to the entire Lord Continent.

Every condition was embarrassing to the Dark Empire, but Rusk Lowry still agreed.

Because they can't defeat others, and if they don't agree, they will be waiting to destroy the country. They must agree.

Rusk Lowry discussed with the ministers for a long time, and then Della also participated in the meeting. After the final discussion, Della went to Zhou Yan's territory again.

Zhou Yan met Della again. Although Della didn't want to see Zhou Yan, she still had to be as elegant as before, and then told Zhou Yan what her country had negotiated.

"The things you need are too many and too precious. It is really impossible for our country to come up with so many things in a short period of time." Della said.

"It's okay. Then I'll settle it once a month. I won't ask you for interest. Anyway, everything must be settled within ten years."

Zhou Yan didn't expect the other party to be able to get it together in a short time. He knew very well that even if the entire Dark Dynasty wanted to get these things together, it would definitely not be an easy task.

Compared with destroying the country, the Dark Dynasty has to agree even if it doesn't agree.

"Can't you ask for less? There are so many things you want, and everything is so precious." Della said.

"No, I have done my best. This is what happens if you offend me." Zhou Yan did not relent at all. He would not be merciful at all when he wanted what he wanted.

Della lived in Zhou Yan's territory for several more days, and finally returned to the Dark Dynasty with her exhausted body and mind.

In the Dark Dynasty, there was another incident between Della and the cruel and cruel Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was very unjustly accused. He never even touched Della. He only quarreled every day, making Della so angry that she was shaking all over.

But the next day, Della will be resurrected with full blood and regain her graceful posture to experience everything yesterday again.

But others didn't believe it at all. This had nothing to do with Zhou Yan. Anyway, he was innocent and had no thoughts about Della.

The next time was the result of Della constantly walking back and forth between the Dark Dynasty and Zhou Yan's territory.

Every time Della returned to the Dark Dynasty from Zhou Yan's territory, she would feel exhausted, as if she had been tortured to death by Zhou Yan.

But as time went by, Della's resistance became stronger and stronger.

This is the power of experience.

Della is becoming more and more qualified to become a negotiation expert, and her ability to resist Zhou Yan is also stronger.

The two of them basically meet every once in a while, and when they meet there are all kinds of requests, conditions, rejections, and reasons and excuses.

Although Zhou Yan won in the end, after the conditions negotiated by both parties were reached, the Dark Dynasty finally fulfilled its promise.

The Dark Dynasty issued its own apology to the entire Lord Continent, apologized to Zhou Yan, and was willing to accept the conditions proposed by the other party.

As soon as this incident came out, the entire Lord Continent was immediately in an uproar.

An ancient dynasty actually bowed its head to a territory.

How strong is this to force the other party to do such a thing?

But after seeing Zhou Yan's performance, they all fell silent. This territory was too strong.

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