Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 899, Destroy The Wang Family

Long Qie listened to the compliments from the people around him and felt the pleasure of doing the best thing for the first time.

"Listen, do you hear me? Evil people like you should have been punished long ago."

Long Qie threw him to the ground, and then said to Zhang Hua: "Send someone to take him away. I said I would let him watch me destroy the Wang family, and I must keep my word."

"Brother Longqe, don't worry, just leave this little thing to me." Zhang Hua had already secretly sent someone to call the imperial guards, and they would be there soon.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Spare us, we are all forced by Wang Dongfei."

When Wang Dongfei's men saw Long Qie, who was like a god of war, they casually killed Wang Dongfei, and they all knelt down and begged for mercy.

"We can't let them go. They have done all the bad things and deserve to die!"

"They have also done a lot of burning, killing and looting. They cannot be released."

"You bastard, you killed my whole family and insulted my sister. She was only twelve years old. You deserve to die!"

After saying that, the man raised a knife, stepped forward and stabbed the strong man.

The man wanted to take action, but a powerful force suppressed him.

"Huh! I'm here, and you have room to resist. What a joke!" Long Qie looked at the man with disdain.

Then, Long Qie said to the people around him: "Except for Wang Dongfei, you can do whatever you want with the others. Don't worry, they won't pay you back."


The strong man was stabbed by this ordinary man, and blood spurted out immediately, but the man still couldn't relieve his anger and stabbed him again and again.

After seeing this scene, someone plucked up the courage, took out a brick, and threw it at another person.


"You bastard, you took away my family's property and killed my parents. I want you to pay with your life!"

After seeing this scene, the people around him no longer hesitated. They wanted to take revenge if they had a grudge, but if they didn't have any grudge, they didn't care so much.

Poor Wang Dongfei's powerful subordinates, they usually do all kinds of bad things, but now they are finally facing crazy revenge. They are attacked by countless people in turn, and they have more wounds on their bodies. Unfortunately, they can't even speak, it is really terrible.

But the people around him still didn't stop and kept taking action.

After seeing this scene, Long Qie said, "Do you think it's too cheap to let them die like this?"

"I recently learned some formation patterns that allow them to maintain this kneeling posture and also automatically heal their wounds. What do you think?"

After hearing Long Qie's words, Zhao Yun suddenly spoke.

After hearing this, Long Qie and Pei Yuanqing were suddenly stunned.

No one expected that Zhao Yun would torture people even more cruelly than them.

"This method is good." Pei Yuanqing said.

"How long can this formation last?" Long Qie asked curiously.

"There should be no problem in ten or eight years." Zhao Yun replied.

Zhang Hua: "(`゚Д゚´)ゞ"

Therefore, Zhao Yun used his divine power to move these people to a certain place and kneel side by side, and then used a series of mysterious formations to completely imprison them there.

He took out some more spiritual liquid, which could sustain their lives and wounds, and then said: "This way they can stay alive for one year. Ten years is too long."

Wang Dongfei's men were surprised to feel that the injuries on their bodies were healing rapidly.

But when they saw a group of people holding kitchen knives, bricks, and wooden sticks, rushing towards them, they suddenly had the desire to die.

The key point is that they can't die yet, and they can't even speak. They can only endure the pain and feel the pain of the wounds on their bodies constantly opening and healing.

Zhang Hua said: "Don't worry, everyone, after the Wang family is destroyed, I will deal with all the sins related to the Wang family impartially and return everything you have lost."

Zhang Hua spoke to everyone at this time.

"Thank you, eldest prince, for your grace!" Countless people knelt down and said.

The eldest prince's imperial army came here and handed the eldest prince a secret decree, which was given to him by his father. There was only one sentence written on it: "The prince will do his best."

Zhang Hua nodded and said: "The entire army is dispatched. No one from the Wang family should be spared. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

"As you command!"

Zhang Hua led thousands of guards toward the Wang family. One of the soldiers dragged Wang Dongfei, whose limbs were crippled.

Countless people also headed there, but none of them hindered the imperial army's actions. They all wanted to see with their own eyes the end of the Wang family's destruction.

Long Qie, Pei Yuanqing, and Zhao Yun followed Zhang Hua and tried their best to help Zhang Hua remove all obstacles.

But those people who Wang Dongfei left behind were still being tortured, and more and more people came up to stab him after hearing the news.

There was so much noise along the way that the people who didn't know about it were curious.

"What on earth is going on? It looks so lively!"

"Oh my God, isn't that the patriarch of the Wang family, Wang Dongfei, who was deposed!"

"Being deposed is just the beginning. The Wang family is going to be exterminated."

"No way, the Wang family is one of the three major families in Luoyun Kingdom, how could they be exterminated."

"It's a long story. I heard that it was because the Immortal Master invited back by the eldest prince supported the eldest prince, and sent three strong men to help the eldest prince conquer everyone who dared to oppose him. I even heard that Immortal Master will destroy the entire Xuanyin Palace."

"I'll go, no way, that's Xuanyin Palace. However, if this is true, it would be really satisfying. The Wang family and Xuanyin Palace have done too many bad things."

"I guess the other evil-doing families will also be unable to sit still."

More and more people gathered on the road, and even people from other families turned pale after hearing the news, feeling that something was wrong.

At the gate of the Wang family, a group of forbidden troops surrounded the Wang family.

The guards guarding the Wang family saw a group of people coming towards them, and they were also an army. They all said arrogantly: "Who are you? How dare you surround the Wang family!"

"Wang family, hum! It ceases to exist from today on!" Zhang Hua said disdainfully.

"That's it, patriarch!"

"How could the patriarch do this?"


Pei Yuanqing released a punch that turned the guards in front of the Wang family and the Wang family's gate into powder.

"Why are there so many nonsense? Just destroy them." Pei Yuanqing said.

"You can't let one go, just kill him." Long Qie laughed, turned into a ray of light, and killed towards the Wang family.

Wherever Long Qie passed, there were only piles of corpses on the ground. No one could resist Long Qie's footsteps, and they were all killed by Long Qie.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Hua was shocked and rushed in with the imperial army.

The entire Wang family did not hold out for long, not even half an hour before they were completely wiped out by three people.

They didn't kill them all. They only killed those who had some strength. As for the ordinary people with low strength, they all left it to Zhang Hua to deal with himself.

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