Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 94, Zhen Mi Enters The Temple Of Heritage

"Lord!" After Zhen Mi arranged for people to collect the loot outside the city, she took the initiative to find Zhou Yan.

"Zhen Mi, what's the matter?" Zhou Yan asked.

"I want to go into the [Heritage Temple]." Zhen Mi said.

"Of course. Chan'er has already come out anyway, so it doesn't matter if you go in."

The territory's defense tower is enough to deal with the monsters in the trial, so Zhen Mi has no problem entering the [Heritage Temple].

It seems that she took the initiative to speak after seeing Diao Chan's strength improved a lot after completing the job transfer and she didn't want to fall behind.

"Thank you Lord, I will go in then."

After Zhen Mi finished speaking, she went to the [Heritage Temple], hoping to complete the trial as quickly as possible.

Because the current monster attacks lasted for a long time, from morning to afternoon. Although he still wanted to send people out to explore the foggy area, it was too far away from the territory, and it would take a lot of time to go back and forth.

Because time did not permit, he did not let anyone go out too far. He only killed monsters within the developed range.

Because these places have been developed, the number of monsters is much less than in the foggy areas, and the rewards obtained are not as many as before.

The soldiers in the territory are all above Level 10. They can kill these monsters alone, and the extra soul coins they get every day are about hundreds of thousands, which is not bad.


Li Shuang found Zhou Yan and saluted, "Lord, Mistress, the dinner is ready."

"So fast." Zhou Yan looked at the sky, and it was already dusk before he knew it, and asked, "Have the people who went out to hunt monsters come back?"

"It is estimated that they will be back soon, they will not be too late every day." Li Shuang replied.

Having Li Shuang do the logistics in the territory really saved Zhou Yan a lot of trouble. She would have people collect the spiritual springs every day as soon as possible. He only had to sell some every day.

"When they come back, notify everyone to start the banquet." Zhou Yan ordered.

"Yes." Li Shuang took the order and left.

Soon after, everyone appeared in Drunken Immortal Tower.

Perhaps because of the newcomer's trial, the brewed drunken immortal wine had been placed here for several days, but it failed to attract anyone, so he regarded this place as a canteen.

The main reason is that there is no large-scale canteen yet. He will definitely build it in the future. Otherwise, so many soldiers in the territory will have to eat in the [White-robed Ghost Soldier] barracks. Each of these soldiers will be his powerful capital in the future. He cannot The soldiers who wronged themselves.

He only sells a small amount of spiritual fruits now, which are basically used for the people in the territory to eat themselves and improve their attributes.

Of course, as his friend, if the other party wants to buy it, he will definitely sell it, but the quantity will not be large.

Many people in the chat room were asking him to sell more spiritual fruits, but he was not very short of money right now, so he simply ignored those people.

In the world of lords, he was the only one who could be so generous and even supply unlimited amounts of spiritual fruits to the soldiers in his territory.

If it were any other lord, he would definitely maximize the benefits of the spiritual fruit.

Zhou Yan is not a pure businessman, he just wants to make his territory stronger.

The soldiers in the territory went through life and death for him every day, but what did it matter if they only paid some spiritual fruits and spiritual springs?

He even feels that it is not enough. When the territory develops more comprehensively in the future, he will definitely plan more policies.

One of them is the [cinema] benefit, where some people are arranged to go in and watch movies every day to experience the life of modern people watching movies.

He occasionally goes to take a look, and even yearns for many movie worlds.

He has raised the level of [Cinema] to level 20. Unfortunately, the cooling time to enter the movie world still needs 28 days, and level 10 only reduces one day, so he must look for a movie with a higher force value next time. Go in.

The banquet specially prepared for Jerry made Jerry very happy.

Even in the world of lords, a Black Gold Level other blacksmith is very popular. Once such a person appears, he will be recruited by the lords of major groups, and the conditions are very good.

He is indeed happy to be able to obtain another Black Gold Level blacksmith.

In addition, Jerry has not yet entered the [Heritage Temple]. If he goes in and obtains a powerful professional inheritance, his forging level will definitely be improved to a higher level.

During the newcomer trial, there were too few High Level ores, mostly one- and two-star ores, and most of them were bought up by him.

There are too few ores above three stars, and some people will keep them for themselves even if they get them. As a result, what he can acquire is very limited.

As for the ores with four stars and above, there are not even a few pieces to be seen.

A banquet made people in the entire territory become familiar with each other again. Everyone drank, chatted and toasted each other. Even many maids and palace maids chatted happily with many soldiers.

Because of the [Three Life Stones], he now feels that there are still too few women in the territory. In the future, he will have to summon more women, which will require a large amount of soul coins to be summoned.

The maids and palace maids he had summoned before were all pretty good-looking. If they could like other people in the territory, he would not interfere and would even be very happy.

In this way, the [Three Life Stones] can be upgraded, and they can get more soul coins by signing in every day, which is of great benefit to themselves and the territory.

After the dinner, Zhou Yan chatted with several friends for a while, traded some things, and then said to Diao Chan who drank some [Drunken Immortal Wine]: "Chan'er, it's getting late, let's go back and rest."

Seeing Zhou Yan's smile, Diao Chan's whole face turned red with embarrassment again, and Zhou Yan took her hand and walked into the [Aura Bamboo House].

Then, a blood boiling sound came from the whole room.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the [Aura Bamboo House] also quickly entered the room where they were, increasing their strength.

The yin and yang energy in Zhou Yan's body is slowly beginning to balance. A small part of it has begun to show extreme yin energy. When the yin and yang energy in the body is completely balanced, his strength will become stronger.

Therefore, we still have to work hard to be shy with Diao Chan.

The next few days were similar to the previous development. Although the number of monsters increased day by day, in front of the powerful defense towers and soldiers, no matter how many monsters there were, it was of no use.

Starting from the 18th day of the newcomer trial, the territory's soul coin income has exceeded one million.

The monster's attack became even more crazy. It basically started at six in the morning and lasted until five or six in the afternoon. Now he didn't need to arrange for people to go out to hunt monsters.

Because there is simply no time.

The level of the monsters has also been upgraded to Level 15 and has become stronger. After the increase in number, the number of monsters rushing through the defensive tower also increased, and the soldiers began to get busy.

By the twentieth day, many monsters were able to break through the defense tower, because there were too many of them. He is now buying three-star wood and stone, as well as various buildings in the world every day, hoping to improve [White Robe Ghost Soldier] level, so that more soldiers can be summoned.

Another person approached him.

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