At this time, the corpse puppet had opened its eyes, and scarlet light shot out three feet away, filled with endless cruelty.

It raised its arm and grabbed Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan slashed out with his sword and cut off the corpse puppet's right arm with a pop, causing blood to spurt out.

But the strange thing is that the blood did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air, and then turned into a strong and extremely strong evil spirit, which instantly poured into Zhou Yan's body.


In an instant, Zhou Yan felt that the pores all over his body were stretched, greedily absorbing the demonic energy. His whole body was warm and indescribably comfortable, and his cultivation speed was more than ten times faster than usual.

"It's indeed a good thing."

Zhou Yan was secretly stunned. If he hadn't been concerned about the guards outside, he would have killed all the zombies long ago.

But now, it's almost done.


Zhou Yan leaped out and kicked several zombies away.


These corpse puppets roared angrily, their roars deafening, and they rushed towards Zhou Yan crazily with overwhelming anger.

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and swept his long sword across the sky. The sword light was sharp and cut through the void like a sword.

Several corpses shattered into pieces and turned into balls of gray-white powder, floating in the air.

At the same time, the black jade also broke away from the corpse puppet and fell directly into Zhou Yan's hands.

As soon as I took possession of this black jade, I felt a biting coldness, as if I was holding a thousand-year-old piece of cold iron.

"This black jade...seems to be destined for me."

Zhou Yan murmured: "Perhaps this is the legendary opportunity."

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but smile, put away the black jade, turned and walked towards another bronze coffin.

This coffin also contains a corpse puppet, but compared to the previous corpse puppets, this corpse puppet is slightly weaker.

Zhou Yan got rid of the corpse puppet without any effort, and then put away the black jade.

This time when I entered the ancient tomb, in addition to finding some Spirit Pills, I also successfully obtained a piece of black jade. It was considered a worthwhile trip.

Zhou Yan looked around and continued to explore deeper.


Zhou Yan suddenly discovered that there were more than just six bronze coffins in this hall.

On the left side of the hall, there is another corridor extending into the depths, which looks particularly gloomy.

Zhou Yan hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and stepped in.


He stepped on the corridor, and there was a slight crisp sound immediately.

This voice, in a quiet environment, seemed extremely clear, making people feel chills running down their spines.

The corridor was very long, and after Zhou Yan walked several hundred meters, his vision suddenly became clearer.

This is a huge stone chamber.

Various sacrificial supplies are placed in the stone chamber.

"Husband, what kind of place is this? It looks a bit scary." Diao Chan looked at this place and felt that it was very extraordinary.

"This is a place of sacrifice. This should be the tomb of a certain god's royal family." Zhou Yan replied after pondering for a moment.

"Ah? Didn't we break into the mausoleum? Isn't that bad?" Upon hearing this, Diao Chan looked around carefully and seemed to feel an uneasy atmosphere.

Zhou Yan laughed dumbly, patted Diao Chan on the shoulder, and said softly: "What are you afraid of? I'm here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw chains hanging in the corner of the stone room.

The ends of these chains are connected to stone tables, stone chairs, and stone tripods.

Zhou Yan took a closer look and saw dense patterns engraved on the stone table.

Those lines are extremely complex, intertwined vertically and horizontally, like spider webs, spread throughout the stone chamber, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

" the Great Dao inscription technique?"

Zhou Yan was surprised.

The inscription technique is a powerful secret technique recorded in martial arts secret books, and it has many incredible magical effects.

For example, if an ordinary silver coin is embedded in the inscription array, it can explode with attack power comparable to Innate True Qi.

The stronger the inscription, the stronger the attack power that bursts out.

Inscription pattern is an extremely rare cultivation technique. Among 10,000 monks, not even one may practice inscription pattern.

Zhou Yan had read many classics about inscriptions and knew that inscriptions were extremely powerful, much more powerful than some Low Level martial arts. Moreover, inscriptions were extremely difficult to learn.

Even if you are an inscription master, if you want to master the inscription technique, you need to spend a long time of hard training before you can first get a glimpse of the method and achieve success.

"It seems that the owner of this Cave Mansion should be the inscription master."

Zhou Yan secretly guessed and then walked towards the stone table.

On the stone table, there is a golden book.

Zhou Yan opened it and found that it was actually an inscription technique, and it was also the Apex Level inscription technique "Nine Heavens Inscription".

The inscriptions are divided into Rank Nine.

The lowest inscription is just a simple inscription array that improves the offensive and defensive capabilities of martial arts;

The inscription of the Middle Level is to strengthen the talisman seal, making it as hard as metal;

High Level inscriptions are amplification charms, armor charms, and even summoning charms...

The inscriptions of each Rank One have extremely mysterious effects, which are infinitely magnificent and breathtaking.

It's a pity that the production methods of these inscriptions have all been lost. Most of the ones circulating on the market today are the lowest level inscriptions and have little value.

However, Zhou Yan was still happy.

Collect them all and give them to the inscription master of the territory when the time comes.

With the inscription, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, this is a Rank Five inscription technique, which is enough for the territorial inscription master to study and learn for a period of time.

"Husband, how do you know this is an inscription technique?"

Diao Chan asked with confusion on her face.

"Hehe, have you forgotten? I am the Great Grandmaster of Inscriptions. I can carve mere inscriptions with my eyes closed."

Zhou Yan smiled faintly: "I only need one glance to tell that this is an Apex Level inscription technique "Nine Heavens Inscription"."

"I see."

Diao Chan suddenly realized it, and then couldn't help but complain: "As expected of my husband, he even knows the Apex Level inscription technique!"

Zhou Yan laughed and was noncommittal.

Then, he walked to the stone wall and examined it carefully.

"What is carved on this stone wall?"

Zhou Yan was curious and began to examine the stone wall. After looking at it for a moment, he frowned: "No! This is an illusion!"

The pattern on the stone wall is a strange picture, a humanoid monster is frantically chasing a silhouette.

The figure was being chased and tried to escape.

Although this figure was running, he was not panicking at all, and he was running extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared on the stone wall.

"That is……"

Zhou Yan looked intently and saw that the figure's body was shining with a faint blue light. Indistinctly, there seemed to be wisps of water vapor escaping from the figure's body, condensing behind him, and turning into A half-foot-long blue wing.

"Could this be a treasured garment?"

Zhou Yan looked at this treasure and his heart skipped a beat.

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