"That bastard, what happened?"

In the hands of the Marines, the barrel of the high-powered machine gun turned red due to overheating.

Looking at Katrina, who was still approaching, big beads of sweat were already falling on the rough face under the helmet.

After eating so many rounds of bullets, even the elite units of the Zerg will be burned to ashes, right?

Why does the other party act like a perfectly fine person?

"Give me."

The calm voice brought the Marine back to his senses.

Only then did he realize that Katrina had walked up to him and gently patted his shoulder with one hand.

That beautiful face was clearly close at hand, but the Marine couldn't feel any desire.

"Strange, monster..."

The high-powered machine gun clattered to the rocky ground.

The Marine's legs also weakened and he collapsed to the ground.

"That's okay."

Katrina stepped over the Marine without a care.

"By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice."

“Everyone is an individual, and you don’t have to be loyal to anyone but yourself.”

"Am I right?"

"Yes, yes..."

The Marine who fell to the ground did not dare to speak against Katrina.

But after coming back to his senses, an inexplicable thought came to his mind.

Why on earth should these territorial citizens who were recruited for war games remain loyal to their lords?

Why, why!

At this moment, he felt as if his mind was light.

He has awakened!

Snap, snap—

One by one, the Marines threw their firearms on the ground and slowly raised their hands in a gesture of surrender.

Since each of them is an independent individual, they must naturally be responsible for their own safety.

Facing an enemy that is difficult to defeat, surrender is the best option to protect oneself.

Under the gaze of countless eyes around her, Katrina walked up to Lian Wencheng.

"You don't look scared?"

Katrina looked at Lian Wencheng curiously, which was different from other marines.

After seeing Katrina taking on the firepower net of hundreds of machine guns, Lian Wencheng did not move back.

"Because my death is not a pity."

As he spoke, a device suddenly fell out of Lian Wencheng's sleeve, and then high-energy beams were excited from both ends of the device, forming a double-edged sword composed of light blades.

"Can you stop this thing?"

Lian Wencheng leaned forward and turned the lightsaber in his hand in an arc, wiping it towards Katrina's neck.

Almost no one knows that his path to becoming a lord is actually that of a warrior, a warrior who has reached the sixth level.

Warrior is supposed to be one of the easiest ways to enter.

Except for lords like Gao Qiang who almost never come into contact with combat, the other lords have more or less triggered this path unintentionally.

But it is precisely because it is too ordinary.

A cheap name, and a bonus that only works on itself.

In war games, which usually involve group battles, lords who become warriors are rarer than giant pandas in the zoo.

Almost no one would choose this path.

Of course, he is the exception.


The lightsaber slashed along Katrina's neck.

Katrina took a step back slightly, dodging Lian Wencheng's attack.

Due to the effect of no longer obscuring, the total damage a high-powered machine gun can cause with one magazine is about the same as a punch from an ordinary person.

Even the lightsaber in Lian Wencheng's hand can only function as a wooden stick at most.

But Katrina felt a hint of threat from the lightsaber that could hardly pose a threat to her.

"Did you escape?"

Even after Lian Wencheng finished speaking, his movements did not stop. He continued to stand up and move forward, approaching Katrina.

Of course he could see that Katrina had the ability to reduce weapon damage.

But as a warrior, even with the weakest weapons, he can explode with power far beyond that of ordinary people.

After all, the lord path is the only fair thing in war games.

Innately destined personal talents, as well as acquired random territory types, will become an insurmountable gap between various lords.

But the lord path is always equal.

The actual bonuses received by sixth-level warriors are no different from those of sixth-level angels, kings, and even miracles.

But he doesn't have any special abilities.

There are only increasing speed, strength, and physique, which are meaningless values ​​​​in the eyes of other lords.

Lian Wencheng's movements became faster and faster, and the eyes of the surrounding Marines who were gradually surrendering couldn't keep up with his pace.

They were convinced that even the mechanical guards equipped for the Marines before the flagship crashed could not match Lian Wencheng's current extreme speed in overclocking mode.

"Indeed, in the interstellar battlefield, my existence has little meaning."

"But my original purpose was just to be entrusted by Director Feng to take good care of his children."

As he spoke, Lian Wencheng raised the light blade in his hand, and the stronger ion beam directly formed the image of a huge long knife in mid-air.

"I have a mission to protect someone."

"So, do you want to try it?"

Lian Wencheng pointed to Katrina, "If you die here, who else can protect the person you want to protect?"

"I surrender!!!"

A sudden sound came between Lian Wencheng and Katrina.

Lian Wencheng's expression froze and he quickly turned his head to look.

But Feng Zhuo raised his hands and smiled bitterly.

Gao Qiang was standing behind Feng Zhuo at this moment, and there were a group of Marines with weak willpower standing beside Gao Qiang, pointing their guns at Feng Zhuo's back.

As for those Marines with strong willpower...

Lian Wencheng's eyes turned.

When he just chased Katrina, the Marines had already fallen to the ground.

Bai Hexiu clapped his hands and stood up from the ground.

"You are too slow, I've finished and you're just starting?"

"Or do you want me to do it for you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Hexiu approached Lian Wencheng.

This guy, how could he be faster than him?

Lian Wencheng's brain was spinning rapidly, but his body nerves could not keep up with the instructions of the brain.

He is a sixth-level warrior, the purest attribute bonus, but now he is not as fast as a child?

In a brief moment of unconsciousness, the light blade in Lian Wencheng's hand had been taken away by Bai Hexiu and placed across his neck.

"Slow down."

If Katrina's voice hadn't arrived in time, Lian Wencheng would have been beheaded.

Katrina pointed to the ground.

"Kill him from a distance, don't pollute my art."

In Katrina's eyes, the falling of the starship had already destroyed the original beauty of the "starry sky". If Lian Wencheng died here, it would be no less than adding another stain to the "starry sky".

"I have suffered enough from the blood shed by someone."

While speaking, Katrina rolled her eyes at Wei An who was resting in the distance.

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